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Testimony As Being A Former Member of the Church of God in Christ

Part 2 of my wife's video in sharing her testimony as being a "former" member of The Church of God in Christ for 16 years. Even though the video is 37:44 as lengthy but she gives a detail description of the belief and practice of this Bible-based sect that claim to be Christian, but are controversial and questionable in nature. The Church of God in Christ is the largest Black Pentecostal denomination worldwide and has as it membership 4.3 million whose distinctive doctrines: that of holiness and sanctification.  It is "literal" in its interpretation of the Bible but are strict as to its dress and moral code.  It is also legalistic at its core teaching by which "speaking" in tongues is subsequential to the believer's salvation experience (Acts 2:1, 2ff).  The leadership of this strict Holiness sect are ill-advised as to their reading and interpretation of the Bible by which my wife was not properly taught. By the grace of God she have experience t

The Danger of Authoritarianism

 The Danger of Authoritarianism Text: 1 Sam. 8:11-17 Preface Acknowledgement Introduction I. God's Mouthpiece   A. Samuel a messenger of God.    1. Sent by God. (1 Sam. 8:7)    2. The true message by which to give the people.      a) The "revelation" by which to give to God's servant.      b) The message by which to give to God's people.  B. The propositions of God's message. (1 Sam. 8:11-17)    1. Warning concerning the character of the king. (vv. 9, 11)      a) Mean-spirited and indifference.      b) The captivity of the people. (vv. 1, 13, 16, 17)      c) Crops and livestock. (vv. 14, 15, 17)    2. The taskmaster of the king. (v. 12)      a) Over worked and hard labor of the people. (vv. 12-17b)      b) Skill labor and wages. (vv. 13, 16) II. The Ruthless of a Dictator. (1 Sam. 8:12, 16-17)   A. Extreme work-"to plow his ground and reap his harvest." (v. 12)     1. Unusual extreme temperature and weather.     2. Long hours; less pay. (v. 16)   B.

What are the Essentials of the Christian Faith?

Introduction: There is a list of essential Christian doctrines that are non-negotiable by which it is the foundational to the faith and life of the church today. The church must never sacrifice biblical faith in place what will be acceptable in those who are professing believers. Many professing Christian leaders will contend that the church was not "divide" over doctrine, but to demonstrate "mere" love for the sake of unity. Whenever the church sacrifice the faith of the church for the sake of unity it "divides" people than to give them a robust understanding of the foundations of the Christian faith. Our understanding of essential Christian theology strengthen believers by which to share their faith with others. We are called to give people biblical answers to their Bible questions simply because of the fact that they wants to know with all that is going on in the world today: that of racial strife and social disparities. (1 Pet. 3:15) Foundations of the

What's Truly is the Gospel?

 There is a need to know what the gospel is! The gospel must be clearly defined according God's Word. The problem is that there is so much diversity and variations pertaining to the gospel by which it will be difficult for the average person to understand what it truly is the gospel message. Unfortunely, there are many professing churches and church leadership who have denied people of the opportunity of embracing Christ and the gospel: that of its understanding what the gospel entails and how it is to be applied to everyday life of those who are lost. (2 Cor. 4:3-4)    A basic understanding of the gospel is that of the "good news" of Jesus Christ by which He was crucified, buried, and resurrection by the glory of God. (Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 15) It is important to explain clearly point-by-point what is Christ's death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. There are those who will seek to "spiritualize" the essentials of the gospel message in terms of Christ for e

The "Coded" Language of the Health and Wealth Gospels

 There are "coded" languages that are communicated with those who are within the world of the health and wealth gospels known as the prosperity faith movement! First, we would think that by the prosperity faith movement being exposed by those who critical of this particular outside of the Word of Faith movement that it would have settled the case. Even though there are books that are critical of the "health and wealth" gospel for example the Health, Wealth & Happiness authors David W. Jones and Russell S. Woodbridge address the historical, biblical, and its theological analysis. But, yet, the "coded" language of this particular movement have not been addressed. (2 Cor. 11:3)  In order to reach those who are entrap within this particular movement known as the "health and wealth" that comes in the form as the Word of Faith is to break into its "coded" language. The only people who can understand such "coded" language is that

The Insurrection of the Heath and Wealth Gospels within the Church Today!

 Just on today I heard on a local radio station here in Atlanta that the Host interviewed a guest on its program. It was the particular guest promotion of her book promoting but utilize such memorable statement "It is your health the promotes wealth." I thought about it for a moment by which the guest distorted the biblical text of 3 John 2. She's going further to talk about spiritual laws, principles by which she encourages her listening audience to follow. In so many words in order for people to be prosperous or to be "healthy" is to follow such principles and spiritual laws. What immediately came to my memory in how many Faith televangelists will contend that God is subject to the laws of the spiritual by which to create the universe. In turn many Faith Christians must utilize the same spiritual laws by which to create the world of their own desires. Also, in so many words what you say is what you create. You must speak such faith-filled words in order to cre

What is the A, B, C's of the Gospel?

 There is a misunderstanding of the gospel message! There is in no way that the gospel message is equated with the law or that of the law and the gospel. The law reveals to who we are in light of our own self-righteousness: that we are not able to live up to the standards of the law. The purpose of the law is to reveal the sinfulness of the hearts of people. The law is our schoolmaster by which it leads the self-righteous person to Christ, but that the law cannot save. We are justified by trusting in Christ for our salvation. As if things doesn't get any worse is that many legalists within the professing church will convince believers that even though they are saved there are steps by which maintain that of our salvation by keeping man-made rules and regulations. (Gal. 3:1) It goes to say that we can live perfectly by the law by the Spirit's indwelling. Moral perfectionism, moral plank, sanctimoniousness, and sacreligious are apostate doctrines by which it is taught by demons.

Preface: Guarding the Truth of the Gospel

 The church's responsibility is to guard the truth! In turn God have also entrusted the elders who are undershepherds in preserving the message of the gospel. The reason for such is that there is an array of false teachings that are circulating throughout the church today by which contemporary evangelicals have in fact followed suit. Paul to Timothy says that there are going to be people who are not going to put up with sound doctrine but they will be selectice of false teachers who are going to tell them what their itching ears wants to hear. As a result of not desiring to hear solid biblical truth that they will turn away from it be giving heed to falsehood. (2 Tim. 4:3-4) It is unfortunate that many pastors who because of pressure cave into telling people what they want to hear; not what they need to hear. Whenever churches especially church leaders are committed to teaching the truth of God's Word will in fact anticipate persecution and sufferings.  When it comes to guardin