Hearing God's Voice: What Does It Mean?
Why is it so important that we address this particular subject matter, "Hearing God's Voice: What Does It Mean?" Well apparently there are books that are in the Christian marketplace who claim to be an authority on "How" to Hear God's Voice, "Seven Steps to Hearing God's Voice," "Listening Prayer," especially the most popular of evangelical authors, "Conversation with God" that sold in the millions. Whenever I critique the materials of these books that have captivated many of its readers is that I have discovered the main theme of its message is that it is possible for them to actually hear God speak to them in an audible voice. When it comes to the individual praying to God is that there is a two way conversation between the person and God Himself. I find this quite surprising that the communication between God and the individual believer praying cannot expect God to speak back to them. In my experience praying to God a...