Testimony As Being A Former Member of the Church of God in Christ

Part 2 of my wife's video in sharing her testimony as being a "former" member of The Church of God in Christ for 16 years. Even though the video is 37:44 as lengthy but she gives a detail description of the belief and practice of this Bible-based sect that claim to be Christian, but are controversial and questionable in nature. The Church of God in Christ is the largest Black Pentecostal denomination worldwide and has as it membership 4.3 million whose distinctive doctrines: that of holiness and sanctification.  It is "literal" in its interpretation of the Bible but are strict as to its dress and moral code.  It is also legalistic at its core teaching by which "speaking" in tongues is subsequential to the believer's salvation experience (Acts 2:1, 2ff).  The leadership of this strict Holiness sect are ill-advised as to their reading and interpretation of the Bible by which my wife was not properly taught. By the grace of God she have experience true liberty in Christ from such bondage to freedom in Christ.  Glory be to the God.

Rev. Darryl L. Miller
Founder & Lead pastor, Contending for the Faith Church (International)
Atlanta, Georgia (USA) 



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