The Insurrection of the Heath and Wealth Gospels within the Church Today!

 Just on today I heard on a local radio station here in Atlanta that the Host interviewed a guest on its program. It was the particular guest promotion of her book promoting but utilize such memorable statement "It is your health the promotes wealth." I thought about it for a moment by which the guest distorted the biblical text of 3 John 2. She's going further to talk about spiritual laws, principles by which she encourages her listening audience to follow. In so many words in order for people to be prosperous or to be "healthy" is to follow such principles and spiritual laws. What immediately came to my memory in how many Faith televangelists will contend that God is subject to the laws of the spiritual by which to create the universe. In turn many Faith Christians must utilize the same spiritual laws by which to create the world of their own desires. Also, in so many words what you say is what you create. You must speak such faith-filled words in order to create your "Best Life Now." How is it that God had the utilize His force of His faith to create the world by which we live here on planet earth? If in fact God are subject to the laws of the spirit by creating what God creates then who or what becomes the object of God's faith? Is it faith in His own words? Or is it that God is trusting "Something" outside Himself as to be the center of His faith? If that is so, then God cease to be God by which He is a "mere" Man. If in fact the Faith believer is to utilize such spiritual laws in order to create the world of their own, then that makes them what? The tragedy is that God is subject to the Faith Christian by which God is subjugated to them as if they are gods. Within the system of Faith theology teaches that "mere" men are "gods." God is like some spiritual sugar Daddy as the beck and call of many faith believers. God is Servant, the Faith Christian as King. 

   The uprise of the "health and wealth" gospels are on the scene again! It is similar to a "virus" which disappear for a moment but come back with such vengeance. In so many words a rash that inside the body of a human person like "shingles" breaks down the nervous system by which to decapitates the person's ability to function in everyday life. The false teaching of the "health and wealth" gospels weaken the church's theological and moral rudder by which it causes people's faith to become spiritually "shipwrecked." (2 Tim. 2:16, 17-18) There is nowhere in scripture that warranted by teaching that "your health promotes wealth" in what foods you eat along with experiencing total life prosperity. It is a distortion of the biblical text of scripture (e.g., "3 John 2") and to "recast" the biblical characters of the Bible. The apostle John was praying for the physical well-being of Gaius by which his soul is getting alone well." (3 Jn. 2) Neither does 3 John 2 teaches such financial and material blessings. Nor does it teach physical health by which to eat properly nor strict dieting. 

   When it comes to the system of the "health and wealth" gospels it is all about what you do by which to follow such principles: that of such spiritual laws. In order for things to work is that people must apply what they know by which to create the world of their own imagination. People who are so obsessed by which to see themselves in power by which the powerful are so influential is based upon such narcissism and self-absorption. How is it that a person who only make a minimum wage can become a millionaire? How is it that a person makes 10k a year and can afford to get an expensive car that cost 200k? How is it that a person who gets on social media by which they envision themselves in a "big" house by which it will be impossible to attain? Once again, it is based upon the narcissist's obsession of power by which they are self-deceived individuals. People would rather believe in a lie instead of coming to terms with the truth of reality.

   In closing, we as God's people must not continue to swallow the cyanide of false teachings especially that of the "health and wealth" gospels. It does not edify the church but, causes people' faith to become spiritually "shipwrecked." Whenever there is a perversion of biblical truth by which to distort the original meaning of the context of scripture that it causes such grave danger and consequences. What may look like green grass on the other side of the fence what will have people to fall on artificial turf. It causes knees to be injured by which the church's theological and moral "limps" are broken. It is difficult for the church's today to fight off the infection of such spiritual "viruses" by which it allows other virus. Also, when it comes to the charismatic personality of faith leaders is that no matter what they say and how they seek to put a "new" spin on the truth of God's Word they must be examined by what God's Word says. (Ac. 17:11) We must pray that God will open the eyes are those who are ignorant of the truth by which to bring them out of such false teachings. (2 Tim. 2:24-26) Jesus in His own words say, "When the Son of Man comes shall He find faith on the earth?" There are going to be churches and people alike who are going to abandon the true faith by paying attention to deceiving spirits by which they will teach doctrines taught by demons. (1 Tim. 4:1) The false teaching of the "health and wealth" gospels are teachings taught by demons by which it seeks to fulfill the fleshly desires of those who are preoccupied with the things of this world by which they have no interest in the things of God. The remedy for apostasy is God's divine judgment. (Jud. 8-10)



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