
Showing posts from December 29, 2013


The church have in fact become spiritually "indifferent" towards those things pertaining to the faith and life of the Church today.  In so many words to keep from rocking the boat that both the Church, that of its leadership, and its members have in fact remain to be silent.  It is business as usual.  There are also Christian telecast across America accuse "apologists" of being unloving as to sow disunity among the brethren, that there is any redemption for them, but on their way to hell.  As the attacks continue is that  Faith televangelist Benny Hinn have made threats towards discernment ministries as to say, "If I had a Holy Ghost machine gun, I'll blow your head off." As if the threats does not continue to attack Christian apologetics organization (CRI), the Late Paul Crouch of TBN stated: "If God do not shoot you; than I will."    It is apparent that no one like a wise guy.  Who are we to sit in judgment on others? Let God sort out ...