
Showing posts from March 22, 2019

The Misleading Language of the Social Justice Gospel Movement

How is it that the Social Justice Gospel movement utilized misleading language that appears to be biblical as it relates to the "gospel" of Jesus Christ? Just think on that for a moment! Someone may be saying, "These are strong accusation that you are accusing the social justice gospel movement of  "misleading" statements as it refer to the "gospel." For those who read this article that I am not making such blatant accusation, but, in reality the SJG itself "Statement of Faith" is somewhat questionable by which the movement's motive is unclear, but, concerning.  Many advocates of the SJG movement have accuse the social justice movement (SJM) of its social activism on race and social justice by which many have abandon that of the "Gospel of Jesus Christ." In so many words in order to deal with many of the social issues that plagues that of our society is to offer the Gospel only minus nothing else.  Even though I believe that ...