
Showing posts from July 5, 2017

The "Faith" of the Prosperity Gospel?

How is it possible to mix "faith" with prosperity? It is impossible for a "system" to create a "system" that are very much "inconsistent" with that of its own data. The fact of the matter any system of data has to be consistent with the data that are congruent with that of the system itself. Let's take for an example in order for a computer to function properly is that the proper application or software have to be "consistent" with the computer's type. We cannot install Window 98 into a 2017 Microsoft Chrome computer because it requires Windows 10 for it to function properly.  When it comes to understanding the truth of God's Word everything has to fit properly in order to comprehend the whole of a given passage or biblical theme.  The best interpretation of the Bible is the Bible itself (1 Cor. 2:13).  Quite unfortunately those who claim to be God's messengers are guilty of making the Bible say what they want it to sa...