
Showing posts from December 10, 2017

Knowing How to Find a Healthy Church

There are people across this country who attend church for different reasons.  Some of the reasons why people attend a "particular" church range from social gathering, music, single/marriage ministry even down to "kind" of message that is being preached the leadership of the church today.  It is quite unfortunate that some people attend church for all the wrong reasons. They prematurely attend a particular church or denomination without probing into what is most important: that of where that particular church or denomination stand on "key" biblical issues at it relates to the essential of the Christian faith (Jud. 3).  We live in a time where the truth of God's Word is no longer front and center of people looking for a good healthy church to attend. It is always based upon the charismatic personality of a given leadership, the size of church attendance, popularity, and showmanship.  Popularity cults holds sway within that of many evangelical churches...