How the Prosperity Gospel Deceive! (Part 1)
How is it that people who attend "Word of Faith" service regularly on Sundays are influence by the prosperity gospel? What is it about the prosperity message that gets people attention? How does the prosperity gospel represent that of its "brazen" message? What are its core beliefs and practice? What are the long term ramifications of those who continue to follow this movement? As we look at Paul's letter in 2 Corinthians 11:3 where it says, "But I fear lest by any means the serpent beguile Eve through his subtlety so your minds will be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ." In the Genesis account that Satan promised Eve the godhood of humanity (Gen. 3:1-7). As "little" gods that man will surpass that of what is "limited" knowledge as to what is "unlimited" as it make reference to the surpassing knowledge of God. The fact of the matter is our knowledge of God is "limited"; by which man is created ...