The Danger of Authoritarianism

 The Danger of Authoritarianism

Text: 1 Sam. 8:11-17




I. God's Mouthpiece

 A. Samuel a messenger of God.

   1. Sent by God. (1 Sam. 8:7)

   2. The true message by which to give the people.

     a) The "revelation" by which to give to God's servant.

     b) The message by which to give to God's people.

 B. The propositions of God's message. (1 Sam. 8:11-17)

   1. Warning concerning the character of the king. (vv. 9, 11)

     a) Mean-spirited and indifference.

     b) The captivity of the people. (vv. 1, 13, 16, 17)

     c) Crops and livestock. (vv. 14, 15, 17)

   2. The taskmaster of the king. (v. 12)

     a) Over worked and hard labor of the people. (vv. 12-17b)

     b) Skill labor and wages. (vv. 13, 16)

II. The Ruthless of a Dictator. (1 Sam. 8:12, 16-17)

  A. Extreme work-"to plow his ground and reap his harvest." (v. 12)

    1. Unusual extreme temperature and weather.

    2. Long hours; less pay. (v. 16)

  B. Slaveowner-"You shall be his slaves." (v. 17)

    1. Atlantic slave trade.

    2. Jim Crow era.

III. The Confiscation of Property (1 Sam. 8:14-15)

  A. Crops and livestock.

    1. Tariff on goods and service.-"the tenth of grain and vineyards."

    2. Confiscate land and property. (vv. 15, 17)

  B. The plans and purpose by which to confiscate people's property. (vv. 14-15)

    1. Failure to pay property taxes. (annually)

    2. Sole purpose is make the rich wealthy.

     a) Inner circle of friends.

     b) Families and immediate circle.



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