The "Coded" Language of the Health and Wealth Gospels

 There are "coded" languages that are communicated with those who are within the world of the health and wealth gospels known as the prosperity faith movement! First, we would think that by the prosperity faith movement being exposed by those who critical of this particular outside of the Word of Faith movement that it would have settled the case. Even though there are books that are critical of the "health and wealth" gospel for example the Health, Wealth & Happiness authors David W. Jones and Russell S. Woodbridge address the historical, biblical, and its theological analysis. But, yet, the "coded" language of this particular movement have not been addressed. (2 Cor. 11:3)  In order to reach those who are entrap within this particular movement known as the "health and wealth" that comes in the form as the Word of Faith is to break into its "coded" language. The only people who can understand such "coded" language is that of the leadership itself by which people who are followers of the particular movement are given how those terms are defined within the cultural context of Faith theology. We asked the question, "What is it about this particular movement known as the "health and wealth" gospels have influence the minds and heart of those who are followers of the prosperity-faith message?" It would be difficult to witness to those with the life changing message of Christ unless you are able to know and understand the language by which proponents of the prosperity gospel utilize such "coded" languages. It is always within the perimeter and cultural context of the prosperity-faith movement by which it is constricted from those who are outside this particular movement known as the "health and wealth" gospels. The "health and wealth" gospels of the prosperity-faith message is diametrically opposed to clear message of the gospel of Christ. It is "another" gospel by which it is no "gospel" at all. It also seeks to be in competition to the true message of Christ by which it is "powerless" to save. Also, it is a message that is based upon false hope as if many of its "victims" are going to experience "total" life prosperity. Therefore it is a works movement; not a grace movement. In so many words it is something that people must do in order to envision themselves as to be prosperous and full of good health. 

  Throughout this article I will begin to address the "coded" language of the "health and wealth" gospels known as the prosperity-faith movement in the form of the Word of Faith movement. First, there is a historical connection of the prosperity-faith movement which originated with New Thought. In so many words what a person thinks so is he. It is all about thinking right thoughts alone with such positive affirmation of faith to create "Your Best Life Now." Secondly, there is a biblical analysis by which the "health and wealth" gospel advocates utilize in support of the doctrine of prosperity. The main text by which they utilize based upon its biblical distortion is 3 John 2. There are numerous passages of the Bible that many proponents of the prosperity theology uses as a biblical proof-text to make their case: that of Matthew 6:33, John 10:10. Thirdly, there is a psychological and sociological components of the prosperity message known as the "health and wealth" gospels: that is by its proof-texting of scripture have both "insulated" the minds and hearts of its "victims" and to isolate many of them from the outside world including many family members. There is what we called such "psychological" warfare that have captivated the person who are involved within this particular movement known as the "health and wealth" gospels by which there is a back and forth dialogue with many of those who are concerned about their loved ones. (2 Tim. 2:24-26) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities in high places. It is a spiritual battle; not a physical one but which people are held captive by the Enemy of people's souls. 

  Now, what are some of the "coded" languages by which the "health and wealth" gospels and those who are proponents of this particular movement? Such terms like Faith, confession, the anointing, Revelation Knowledge, spiritual laws, faith-formulas. These are some of the "coded" languages of the "health and wealth" gospels that are perpetuated by many prosperity teachers today. 

Faith in the Bible by which to guarantee God's promises.

Confession is to verbally and say aloud the principles of prosperity.

The "anointing" are those who carry the message of faith and prosperity.

Revelation Knowledge is something that is derived within a person's spirit.

Spiritual laws or the laws of the spirit by which it works within the spirit world.

Faith-formulas is according to Mark 11:22.

   In summary many of the concepts that are promoted by the "health and wealth" gospels known as the prosperity faith movement in the form of Word of Faith are "worldly" views by which it goes against the clear teachings of scripture. (Rom. 16:17-18) It may appear in what it teaches is biblical but, it is a perversion of biblical terminology. Also, it is so important to define biblical terms in light of God's Word. (Matt. 16:18)  The church must be familiarize with the "coded" languages of the "health and wealth" gospels in how it define such terms in light of its cultural settings. Also, to make such "coded" languages in contrast to God's Word. (Ac. 17:11; 1 Jn. 4:1) At the end of the day it is all about reaching those who are entrap within a movement that promise a whole lot but fail to deliver on its promises. It give people a sense of false hope and assurance by which to gain perfect health and living a prosperous lifestyle. The "health and wealth" gospels focuses itself upon what is of this world by which it have no interest in God's kingdom. (Matt. 6:33) 


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