The Hidden Agenda Behind the Prosperity Gospel
Many of people who attend regularly Word of Faith service on Sundays are unaware of the agenda behind the prosperity-faith message. Many of mega church leaders have in fact taken 3 John 2 to appear that it is "God's Will to Prosper" but the underlining motive and scheme of things is to give people a wrap sense of the Bible, God, self and others as to its "interpersonal" relationship. Whenever there is a perverted understanding of God's Word adversely affects that of the ethical teaching and moral life of the Church today. It very much seem innocuous that what many prosperity teachers when they teach about prosperity is based upon God's Word. Looking closely as to "how" they interpret scripture and the "way" by which they come to their conclusion is based upon what is inconclusive. They arbitrary but ignore that of the plain meaning of the context of scripture to fit within the cultural framework of the prosperity theology. Most...