
Showing posts from January 28, 2020

What is the Prophetic Word?

For believers to understand the prophetic word is that it is essential to understand the background of 2 Peter 1:19-21.  As we begin to look at previous verses in 2 Peter 1:16-18, it is also essential to understand what took place when the apostle Peter experience along with the other apostles during Christ's transfiguration. Unfortunately, many professing believers have taken the biblical concept of the "prophetic word" by putting a spin by which they have totally redefined such biblical terminology. The whole idea of the prophetic word has been made to believe that God gives such personal "revelations" to those who claim to be God's mouthpiece by which it is inaccessible to the Church as a whole. Is what these self-proclaimed modern-day prophets within the contemporary church today "unique" in the sense that it is revelatory in nature by which it is outside the boundaries of God's Word? What is the "specific" knowledge and experie...