The Sins of the People
During my sermon today, I preached entitled, "The Sins of the People" according to Amos 1:9-10 where it stated: "This is what the LORD says: "For three sins of Tyre even for four, I will not turn back my wrath. Because he sold whole communities of captive to Edom, disregarding a treaty of brotherhood, "I will send fire upon the walls of Tyre that will consume her fortresses."
The main idea of my message: "To disregard the value of people by selling them into slavery." (Am. 1:9) In the introduction of my sermon I begin by sharing with my parishioners and social media followers that you treat people as props by which to make profit is unjust. There are large corporations and CEO of companies pay their employees lesser pay while at the same time profit from their hard work. It is amazing that many of these CEO of large corporations and companies receive large bonus at the end of the year while many of their employees are struggling trying to pay high rent, mortgages, and putting food on the table to feed their families. I remember where an employee of a company shared with me that she had been working a long time with company and only get paid $13.00 an hour. How is it possible to live on a minimum wage why having to pay $1,200 dollars for a one bedroom apartment yet along also having to buy food with all the other expenses. I said to myself this is insane by which it is unlawful. Price gouging at the pump, high cost of food, medications, and other expenses is not only unlawful but to take advantage of people who need such services.
Also, sex human trafficking, marketing, personal data of people's information, and consumerism is a form of slavery. Slavery comes in many forms by which it is unlawful. There are countries and individuals who sell people at the highest bid. They prey upon the most vulnerable in society especially poor minority groups and communities. Our Sovereign Creator condemns slavery by which to judge people. People are not other people's property; they are God's ownership. Also, they are God's image bearer by which they are created in His image and likeness.
The minor prophet Amos was a spokesperson for God by which to address the moral plight and conditions of the people. Amos spoke what thus says the Lord by saying this is "what the LORD says." (Am. 1:9) A prophet is one who speaks for God whereby they prophesied concerning certain events that were to take place as well as God's judgment of the people. Whenever a person is called by God to speak the message of God is that their calling is consistent with the messenger; their message is consistent with their calling. False prophets who claim they are God's divine messenger is that the message they proclaim is very much inconsistent. (Deut. 13:1-2ff) They claim to have seen something in the Spirit by which to make such "prophetic" utterance. They are under such demonic influence by which many of their so-called prophecies are spoken out of their minds and heart. God did not called them nor send them. They spoke out of the imagination of their own hearts. The ulterior motive of false teachers is to lead people astray from trusting in what God's Word says to believing in the what they say. There is a progression by which people will begin to questioned the truthfulness and reliability of God's Word into full-blown deniers of the written Word. Salvation comes through trusting in Jesus Christ based upon the holy scripture that will make the believer wise unto salvation. (2 Tim. 3:15) "All scripture" is inspired by God through which is talks about the nature and character of God's Word. (2 Tim. 3:16)
People sin on top of sin by which it becomes insane. The nature of sin is death by which it produce such spiritual and physical death. (Rom. 6:23) God is angry with the sins of people especially when people mistreat each other. The consummation of the sins of the people is God's judgment. And the reason for God's judgment is that the people sold others into slavery. (Am. 1:9) White supremacy, slave owners, and others believe in slavery by which they utilize the Bible to justify the cruelty of slavery. They literally interpret slavery by ignoring the history of the Bible and its interpretation of the biblical text. The apostle Peter call such people by saying, "They are ignorant by which to distort biblical truth as they do also the scriptures." (2 Pet. 3:16)
In summary: God is not pleased with the sinning of people who continue to sin. There are countries, nations, and neighbors who are neighboring communities by which to fight with each other. It reminds me of how Gaza and its neighbors are fighting among each other and fighting with Israel who are their neighbors. Whenever there is a "treaty" by which to be our brother's keeper that they made a solemn commitment to uphold its obligation towards one another. A "treaty" is to be kept; not to be violated. Also, whenever there is a breach of trust is to destroy one's trust. In so many words a party cannot say one thing and do another. Yet, despite of the commitment made Tyre decided to take the community captive by selling people into slavery. That was the straw that broke the camel's back by which God was angry with the people. (Am. 1:9)
The necessity of God's judgment was necessary in order to judge the people. (Am. 1:10) The Lord spoke through the mouth of the prophet Amos by saying, "I will send fire upon the walls of Tyre that will consume her fortresses. (Isa. 23:1-18; 34:8; Jer. 47:4, Ezek. 26:2-4; Zec. 9:1-4) This was in fact the prophecy of the Lord by which Amos spoke what God said. That is something that is diametrically opposed to what many modern-day prophet and prophetess will say: "They will put words in God's own mouth to say what He says; not what the Lord says." The certainty of God's judgment is upon false teachers who distort the truth of God's Word. It is inevitable and swift. (2 Pet. 2:1)
Many of the people who took advantage of others by which to make profit that the Lord destroyed everything they got deceitfully. The fiery of God's anger: "I will send fire upon the walls of Tyre that will consume her palaces. (Am. 1:10) Even though it is unfortunate that many homes, businesses, and lost of lives were destroyed in southern California it is God's way of judgment. It is not to say or to be insensitive to people's pain and hurts. I believe it is God's warning to the people by which they ignored for quite some time. Many times we as God's people have to look squarely into the mirror as to how we treat each other. Mistreatment, bias, and prejudices are forms of injustice. The justice of God do not condone injustice; His justice is based upon His righteousness. True biblical justice is when people do right towards others, to demonstrate compassion and mercy, and to walk humbly before God. (Mic. 6:8)
Also, even in the midst of tragedy God demonstrates His love towards a wayward people. At the end of the day whose goal is to trust in His goodness and mercy. It is to draw us closer to God. Not to become bitter by which turn away from God by trusting in His salvation. It is the goodness of God that lead us to repentance.
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