
Showing posts from October 19, 2017

The Components of Misreading the Bible: Contextualizing the Text of Scripture

How is it possible for "Christian" theologians  to "misread" the Bible by contextualizing the text of scripture? Well just recently I heard on a local Radio station where this particular minister begins his commentary by utilizing the Bible (e.g. Egyptian exile) in the book of Exodus to conceptualize the experience of Black people into the context of scripture. The experience of the Western culture and civilization view the Bible from a Euro-centric perspective that it is impossible to see the experience of Black people as to be oppress by the White slave owner.  If the experience of the Bible does not fit within the contours of the African American experience especially that of European theology than it would be problematic concerning that of their beliefs and culture.  Everything have be seen through that of the experience of Black liberation theology in regards to the experience of Black people by which the Bible is made to be a "suspect" as to the Wh...