What is the A, B, C's of the Gospel?
There is a misunderstanding of the gospel message! There is in no way that the gospel message is equated with the law or that of the law and the gospel. The law reveals to who we are in light of our own self-righteousness: that we are not able to live up to the standards of the law. The purpose of the law is to reveal the sinfulness of the hearts of people. The law is our schoolmaster by which it leads the self-righteous person to Christ, but that the law cannot save. We are justified by trusting in Christ for our salvation. As if things doesn't get any worse is that many legalists within the professing church will convince believers that even though they are saved there are steps by which maintain that of our salvation by keeping man-made rules and regulations. (Gal. 3:1) It goes to say that we can live perfectly by the law by the Spirit's indwelling. Moral perfectionism, moral plank, sanctimoniousness, and sacreligious are apostate doctrines by which it is taught by demons. ...