What is the A, B, C's of the Gospel?

 There is a misunderstanding of the gospel message! There is in no way that the gospel message is equated with the law or that of the law and the gospel. The law reveals to who we are in light of our own self-righteousness: that we are not able to live up to the standards of the law. The purpose of the law is to reveal the sinfulness of the hearts of people. The law is our schoolmaster by which it leads the self-righteous person to Christ, but that the law cannot save. We are justified by trusting in Christ for our salvation. As if things doesn't get any worse is that many legalists within the professing church will convince believers that even though they are saved there are steps by which maintain that of our salvation by keeping man-made rules and regulations. (Gal. 3:1) It goes to say that we can live perfectly by the law by the Spirit's indwelling. Moral perfectionism, moral plank, sanctimoniousness, and sacreligious are apostate doctrines by which it is taught by demons. (1 Tim. 4:1) Those who are professing Christians who claim that they can live perfectly by the law are liars by which the truth does not dwell within them. They are self-deceived individuals who believe that they can live without sinning by which to live a life of perfect obedience. There are many wayward Christians who are out of fellowship with the Lord by which to make such daily confession of our sins. (1 Jn. 1:9) The Law and the Gospel are separable by which it have any connection whatsoever.

So, what is the basic understanding of the gospel message? The gospel of Christ is the power of God by which people are saved. We are saved by the power of the gospel. The apostle Paul says according to Romans 1:16: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes. There are many "gospels" that seek to compete with Christ's glorious gospel by which it cannot saved nor lift a person from the "boothstrap" of a person's own personal sins. The law-based gospel, the health and wealth gospels, the gospel of inclusion, the "woke" gospel, the Aquarian gospel or the Gnostic gospel are fraudulent gospels by which it is against the true character and nature of the gospel of Christ. Those who would preach "another" gospel other than the gospel of Christ is to be judged by God. 

Also, what is the "specifics" of the gospel message? First, when it comes to the character of the gospel is that Jesus Christ is the central core of the gospel message. Christ is to be the church's message. If in fact Christ is not the driving force of the church's message therefore it is no message. It is "merely" based upon platitude, religiousity, and powerfulness by which the church's claim to have the message to give people a sense of worth and identity. There is a lot of preaching that focuses on "identity" theology by which to promote one's own culture and ideological beliefs by which it is further from the truth of what is the gospel of Christ. Also, when it comes to the character of the gospel it makes reference to Christ's death, burial, resuurection, and ascention of Christ. (1 Cor. 14) It is so important to explain point-by-point that of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ so that people can get a clear understanding of what is the gospel of Christ. There are many professing Christian leaders who have perverted that of Christ's gospel through such allegory or symbolism by which Christ death on the cross represent the "serpent," Jesus little wormy poured out spirit, resurrected as the First Born-Again Man, and the appearance of Christ by which He rose as a spirit. Such aberrant theology is at the foundation of gnosticism whose beliefs is in the exaltation of spirit by which to denigrate the flesh. (1 Jn. 4:2-3)

When it comes to the nature of the gospel message is that of God demonstrating His love towards us as sinners. (Jn. 3:16) As the apostle says, "But God commends His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:8) God's love for us is that He gave of His Son Jesus Christ to die on our behalf. Had it not been for Christ dying for our sins in order to meet God's justice we would have been judged severly by His divine wrath. Jesus Christ did in fact meet God's divine justice. It is by God's grace and mercy that He saved. Not based upon our own self-righteousness by which we are saved but by His grace and mercy. We have been regenerated and renewed by the Holy Spirit by which we are born from above. (Jn. 3:5) Also, the nature of the gospel message is that of belief in Jesus Christ. In so many words because of us as believers trusting in Jesus Christ for our salvation is that we are saved by the power of the gospel of Christ. Not only are we saved by the power of the gospel by which to trust in Christ for our salvation but that we are kept by the power of God through faith in Christ. (Jn. 10:28-29)

Within the context of professing Christians claiming to possess such "mere" spiritual knowledge ("gnosis") is that there understanding of salvation is for a person to recognize the spark of divinity within, a person's identity in Christ, and "special" kind of knowledge. (1 Tim. 6:20; Col. 2:18) Not only does Christian mysticism perverts salvation through "gnosis" but is antithetical to the true character and nature of the gospel of Christ. (Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 15)

Unless the church have a clear understanding of what the gospel is and what is does will God's people continue to go down this "slippery" slop of theological and moral deterioration. We can witness the fact of apostasy running rampant within the church today. The remedy for apostasy is God's divine judgment. (Jud. 8-10)


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