What are the Essentials of the Christian Faith?

Introduction: There is a list of essential Christian doctrines that are non-negotiable by which it is the foundational to the faith and life of the church today. The church must never sacrifice biblical faith in place what will be acceptable in those who are professing believers. Many professing Christian leaders will contend that the church was not "divide" over doctrine, but to demonstrate "mere" love for the sake of unity. Whenever the church sacrifice the faith of the church for the sake of unity it "divides" people than to give them a robust understanding of the foundations of the Christian faith. Our understanding of essential Christian theology strengthen believers by which to share their faith with others. We are called to give people biblical answers to their Bible questions simply because of the fact that they wants to know with all that is going on in the world today: that of racial strife and social disparities. (1 Pet. 3:15)

Foundations of the Christian Faith

 1. The Bible: The Doctrine of the Word of God

 2. God.

 3. Jesus Christ.

 4. The Holy Spirit.

 5. The Fall of Man.

 6. Sin.

 7. Salvation.

 8. The Church.

 9. The Rapture: The Second Coming of Christ.

10. God's Final Judgment: The Righteous and the Wicked

11. Heaven: Our Eternal Home

Conclusion: There are sub-points to each major themes of the foundations of the Christian that falls under its category or headings. For example: "The Bible: The Doctrine of the Word of God:" (A) The "Meaning" of the Bible. (B) The Authority of Scripture. (C) The Inspiration of the Bible. There will be Bible references concerning both the "Main Headings" and "Sub-Points." Also, for example: "The "Meaning" of the Bible." (Jos. 1:8;  Psa. 1; Prov. 30:6; Matt. 5:17; 2 Tim. 3:15, 16) It is so important that the church to teach systematically by which to think methodically. May the Lord give me the wisdom and knowledge to put the material together so that it will help God's people to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. (2 Pet. 3:18) Also, to complete the project in a timely matter by which to publish my book.


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