
Showing posts from February 10, 2020

Q & A About the Prosperity Gospel

Here is a preview of some of the questions that are frequently asked about the prosperity gospel. These are questions that are exact and pointed. It is recommended that people begin to ask the right questions concerning a particular subject or is issue that is under study. Within the particular article I will begin to answer many of the questions that is most frequently ask concerning the prosperity gospel. There are those who feel that they know enough about the prosperity gospel or those who have such basic knowledge concerning its subject but really in reality many people do not have the full scope as it relates to the history of the prosperity gospel. Historically the prosperity gospel is Gnostic in its origins and orientation as a movement (1 Tim. 6:20; Col. 2:18). Gnostics in the early first and second century church sought to "spiritualize" many of the teachings of the historic Christian church as it relates to the biblical text of scripture and the historical ...