What's Truly is the Gospel?

 There is a need to know what the gospel is! The gospel must be clearly defined according God's Word. The problem is that there is so much diversity and variations pertaining to the gospel by which it will be difficult for the average person to understand what it truly is the gospel message. Unfortunely, there are many professing churches and church leadership who have denied people of the opportunity of embracing Christ and the gospel: that of its understanding what the gospel entails and how it is to be applied to everyday life of those who are lost. (2 Cor. 4:3-4) 

  A basic understanding of the gospel is that of the "good news" of Jesus Christ by which He was crucified, buried, and resurrection by the glory of God. (Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 15) It is important to explain clearly point-by-point what is Christ's death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. There are those who will seek to "spiritualize" the essentials of the gospel message in terms of Christ for example by which to represent the serpent on the cross. It was not that the serpent represent Christ, but, Jesus Christ as a real Person hung there on the cross. Jesus Christ died for our sins by shedding His blood by which unbelieving sinners can receive such divine forgivness and cleansing of their sins by which to receive the gift of salvation. Those who trust in Christ regarding salvation are justified in Christ by which to receive God's own righteousness. As the apostle says in 1 Corinthians 15: "if Christ be not risen than our faith is in vain by which we remain sinners dead in our trespasses and sins."

 What is the gospel by which the church must proclaim? (Mk. 16:15) The church's responsibility is to share the message of the gospel of Christ. (v. 15) We must proclaim it in such a way by which unbelieving sinners can know the message by which Who is at the core of the gospel message. The apostle Paul declares according to Romans 1:16: "the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to those who believe in Jesus Christ." The gospel is Christ; Christ is the gospel. Christ must be the central core of the church's message. If in fact Christ is not being proclaim by the church today then it is a message that does not honor God. Christ is the power of the gospel by which we are saved. There are "fraudulent" gospels that are on social media that seeks to compete with Christ's glorious gospel by which it is no gospel at all. Those who would proclaim "another" gospel than the gospel of Christ is to be judged by God. (Gal. 1:8-9)

  There are "legions" of gospels that comes in the form of the "health and wealth" gospels, works-based gospel, the gospel of inclusion, the Gnostic gospel, the Aquarian gospel, and the lost gospel that "appears" to be authentic, but, are spiritual "counterfeits" by which it have led millions of millions of people astray. The most "deadly" of such "counterfeit" gospel is that of the inclusion of both the Law and the Gospel: that is salvation along with living a life of  "perfect" obedience by adhering to the Ten Commandments or the Decalogue. The greatest all of the commandment is, "To love thy neighbor as thyself." How is it possible to love your neighbor as yourself when in fact you seek to judge others based upon the prescription of legalism and judgmentalism. That was the problem with many Pharisees during Jesus day. They look good on the inside but are evil on the inside. They take delight by which to require others in living by the law of Moses, but, they themselves are not able to live by the law themselves. This is a form of hypocrisy by which many legalist conscience are seared by a hot iron. Religionist have no sense of moral turbulance by which they have such poor judgment. Living "perfectly" by law by being obedient is not true spirituality by which it is far from what is true reality. (1 Jn. 1:8). Moral perfectionism, apathy, sanctimoniousness, and sacrireligious are doctrines taught by demons. It is apostate doctrines. The remedy for apostasy is God's divine judgment. (Jud. 8-10)

  The gospel by which the church are to proclaim is that of Christ's death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. The good news that Jesus rose from the dead. (Mk. 16:6) Because of Christ being raised from the dead by the glory of God that those who are true believers will anticipate such future resurrection by which to be in God's presence and glory. If there is no future resurrection of God's people then how is it possible to spend eternity with God. The fact of the matter when it comes to proclaiming the message of Christ's gospel is (1) We are dead to sin by which our sins are crucifed with Christ. (2) Because of Christ's burial is that of our newness of life by which we are made alive by the Spirit. (Eph. 2:1, 2) (3) Christ rose from the dead by which we will anticipate God's future glory. What Christ did on our behalf by meeting God's divine justice which in reality we deserve His divine wrath. It is by God's grace and mercy that we are saved from God's divine wrath. (Rom. 1:18)

  When it comes to proclaiming the message of Christ is that it is the "power" of God by which we are saved. We are saved by the power of the gospel. Those who trust in Christ for salvation that they are saved by the power of the gospel. Also, the power of the gospel of Christ can change the most wicked of sinners into saints. There is no other "gospel" despite of how it may "appear" to be, how it may look, or how it may "sound" it cannot change people's lives especially such law-based legalism. (Gal. 1:8-9; 3:1, 2-4) We are also kept by the power of God through faith in Jesus Christ. The faith of the gospel is to be defended at all cost due to the threat of many "false" gospels that seek to undermine the character and nature of the gospel of Christ. We must strive together in preserving the faith of the gospel. (Phil. 1:17, 27; Jud. 3)

  In closing it is so important that the church clearly explain what is the meaning of the gospel and how it can be applied in witnessing to others about Christ. The gospel is the good news concerning Christ's death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. (1 Cor. 15) If in fact Christ be not risen than our faith is in vain by which we yet remain to be in our sins. What Christ did on our behalf was in fulfilling God's divine justice by which we deserve His divine wrath. (Rom. 1:18) It is by the grace and mercy that we are saved not based upon our own self-righteousness nor human merits. (Rom. 3:22-24)

 There are "legions" of gospels that are on social media by which it seeks to give people such "false" hope by believing in everything else other then their hope in Christ. Our hope is in Christ; not hope against hope be believing in a "fraudulent" gospel: that of works of performance and human achievement. (contrast, Eph. 2:8-9)

  By the church proclaiming the message of Christ is that it is the "power" of God by which people are saved. (Rom. 1:16) We are saved by the power of the gospel concerning those who have trusted Christ for their salvation. The "power" of the gospel have the capacity to change the most vilest of sinners into saints. There is no other "gospel" that can live up to the power of the gospel of Christ. We, also are kept by the power of God through trusting Christ alone for our salvation. There is nothing we can do to save ourselves nor maintain our salvation as if we the "author" of our salvation. God is the true Author of our salvation by which we are truly saved. (Tit. 3:5)


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