What Does It Mean to be Saved?
When you hear the word "saved" what will be the first thing that comes to people's mind? There are some who will ask the question, "Saved from what?" In so many words what are we being "saved" from? There are also some religious people in the church who believe that to be saved is that of deliverance. Deliverance from what? Deliverance in the sense that salvation is involved being saved from demonic possession? They believe that Christians can be "demon" possession by which in reality believers can be oppressed of the devil. So many Pentecostal evangelists conduct camp meetings and revivals for the sole purpose of having such a deliverance ministry. They have greatly misunderstood that of deliverance when it comes to that of the believer's salvation experience. Even though deliverance involved salvation but it is God rescuing sinners from the guilt and penalty of sin (Rom. 6:23). The word "saved" implies that of delivera...