The Proof of the Inspiration of Scripture

Text: 2 Timothy 3:16

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."

There are many professing Christians who would challenge whether scripture is inspired by God! There is a frontal attack upon the authority and inspiration of the Bible. Such an attack comes in the form-critical analysis, deductive approach, deconstruction theory, and a wave of neo-orthodoxy.  The progression by which there is an attack upon the Bible strikes at the heart of the authority of scripture and its inspiration.  First, what is the normal text by which scripture is "inspired" by God? According to 2 Timothy 3:16, it says, "Every scripture is given by inspiration of God." In so many words "Scripture is God-breathed out by God." Every word of scripture is in fact inspired by God by which the Holy Spirit is the Author of the Bible (v. 16)

Once again proof of the inspiration of scripture is that God inspired the Word of God. That God through the Holy Spirit is the true Author of scripture. It is "unfortunate" that many professing Christians questioned the Source by which scripture is inspired by God as if it is not the original Source by which they contend that it was written by "mere" men.  Even though many of the biblical writers were men from different cultures, economic, educational, and occupation they were "holy men" of God carried along by the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:21). The God of the Bible is the true Source; the biblical writers of scripture are God's instrument by which to write what God intended for them to write by they were under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is impossible for "mere" men to write what God intends when in fact they are not under the Spirit's guidance and inspiration. There are those who claim that their writings and doctrines are "inspired" by God but as you begin to read their so-called sacred text or writings they are full of fictitious stories and allegory (2 Tim. 2:16,  17-18).  

The crucial facts concerning the inspiration of scripture is that:

(1) God is the true Author of the Bible. (2 Tim. 3:16)

(2) The character of the Holy Spirit by which the Spirit is Divine Truth (Jn. 14:26). The Holy Spirit is not contradictory to Himself.  The Holy Spirit leads believers into all truth.

(3) The fact that God is the Creator of the universe from the very beginning is proof of the divine inspiration of scripture (Ge. 1:1, Jn. 1:1; Col. 1:15-17).

There are theological terms that are in relation to the inspiration of the Bible.

(1) The inerrancy of scripture (Matt. 5:18; 2 Pet. 1:19)

(2) Verbal plenary inspiration of the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:19-21)

(3) Full inspiration of scripture (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:20)

The Necessity to Explain Clearly the Truth about the Inspiration of Scripture.

(1) Scripture is "God-breathed." That scripture is "inspired" by God by which the Holy Spirit is the true Author of scripture. (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:20)

(2) The "mere" fact that God is the Author of Scripture is proof of its divine inspiration.

(3) The character of God the Holy Spirit is Divine Truth by which the Spirit is not contradictory of Himself is proof of the inspiration of the Bible. (Jn. 14:26)

The Centrality of Preaching and Worship

When it comes to the inspiration of scripture is that the church must recognize the fact our preaching and worship are to be interwoven by God's Word. Whenever there is a clear denial of the authority and inspiration of the Bible that the church is on the outside of the door of the church into the world. Apostate Christianity is at an all-time high by which many have abandoned the true faith for what is conventional theology: that of sermonette, user-friendly approach, motivational preaching, and progressivism. The remedy for apostasy is God's divine judgment.

The Inspiration of the Bible: The Task of Evangelism

It will be difficult for the church to witness to people of different "faiths" by which to either have such misunderstanding or clear denial of the inspiration of the Bible. If in fact, the church denies the authority and inspiration of scripture is to question the truth of the Author of the Bible. The Bible becomes suspicious by which to deny its claims. There are many evangelical Christians who have a low view of the Bible. They place so much emphasis on what is subjectivism (i.e. "inward voice") as to the mystic's "source" of authority and inspiration; not the absolute truth of God's Word. 

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president of "Darryl Miller International Ministries" in Atlanta, Georgia. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby." 



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