New Thought and the Word of Faith Movement

It is very much important to know church history! There are some within the professing church today who believe that knowing the history of the church is not that important, but, to rely upon God's Word alone.  Those who believe that there is no need for the study of church history fail to understand that the Bible is a historical Book by which it records the history of the Bible, historical narratives and characters of the Bible.  It is also very much important to know Church history is light of its own history, that of the Bible, and those who made significant contributions to that of the Church today. There is the history of the church by which Church have succeeded in the propagation of the Gospel and missiology and the circulation of false doctrine and heresies that sought to destroy the faith and life of the Church today. What the contemporary church is experiencing during this 21st century is what happened in the past by which it is the responsibility of the leadership of the church to be proactive and counterproductive of the challenges by which the Church face today (2 Tim. 2:17-18).  Even though it may be challenging and worrisome by the leadership of the Church today is that we are to "contend earnestly for the faith once delivered unto the saints." (Jude 3)  As Jude declares that there are "godless" men who will pervert that of the grace of God into a license to sin." (Rom. 6:1).  For example: There is the rise of the Hyper-grace movement and those who promote such false teaching within the professing church today. The basic premise of the Hyper-grace doctrine is that even though God sees believers as holy, but, that there is no need for the Church to repent of their sins. According to many Hyper-grace teachers is that it is not necessary to live according to God's divine law. The Hyper-grace gospel demonstrate such antinomianism which it is against the believer living by God's divine law. God's divine law is consist of the Ten Commandments. The Hyper-grace theology comes in the "form" of the "Grace Empowerment" or the "Grace Revolution Movement" by which it promotes that of the prosperity theology by which it has in fact perpetuate the doctrine of antinomianism: that of anti=against and norm=law (Rom. 6:1-2 with Jude 4).  The egalitarianism of the prosperity theology talks about grace, but, have no understanding of what grace is. Such prosperity gospel claim to teach that grace is something that is not earned nor deserve, but, that many of the proponents of the Hyper-grace theology has in fact put a "new" spin on the doctrine of grace into both legalism and a license to sin at the expense of grace. The Hyper-grace theology and those who are the proponents of "cheap" grace have in fact led people astray into moral debauchery and immorality. While such Hyper-grace teachers promote the contemporary church Christian liberty, but, they themselves are the servants of corruption. The Church today cannot not expect for unsaved men to lead lose souls out of the sin of darkness when they themselves are "slaves" to their own sin and immorality.
   Throughout this article I will begin to address a very important subject that have not been addressed within the Church today especially within the context of the African American church. The title of my article is, "New Thought and the Word of Faith Movement" by which there are many who promote that of the Word of Faith theology quickly deny that they are not connected with the influence of New Thought metaphysics or "Christian Science." (1 Tim. 6:20) 
   The question that I seek to address within this particular article is, "Is there a difference between the "Mind" of New Thought and the "Faith" of the Word of Faith movement?  There are those who are within the leadership of the Word of Faith movement and those who are their followers that are "unaware" of the influence of "New Thought" in how it shape that of their worldview. In order to address the worldview of others is that of its culture, presuppositions, and the specific environment by which they are involved within the culture in and of itself.  A person's particular "worldview" is the driver's shaft of what a person belief by which to govern their life. In so many words, "Tell me what a man believe and I will tell you what he will do." The culture of a person's beliefs is the way by which they see the world and those who are around them.
   The "Mind" of New Thought is the Universal Mind of God by which it permeates that of all humanity: that is Man is God.  Man as being the personification of God thinks and acts like the Universal Mind ("God") so as to transcend the "limits" of all knowledge, and understanding. When it comes to the Universal Mind ("God") or Life Spirit is for the Man to possess the unsearchable knowledge, wisdom, and power of God.  According to 1 Corinthians 8:6 where it teach that "God is one." In so many words that there is Only One true and living God.  Also according to "New Thought" metaphysics that "God has "billions "of gods. How is it that God has "billions' of gods here on planet earth when He is the eternal Self-Existent God. (Jn. 8:58) There is "one" God manifested in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Matt. 28:19; 1 Jn. 5:7) They are co-equal and so-eternal. They are distinct within their own personality, but, are in agreement with the work of salvation. There is a contrast between the doctrine of monotheism ("God is One" and the polytheism and pantheism of "New Thought" metaphysics.
   The history of New Thought metaphysics of the New Thought movement ("Higher Thought") is a philosophical movement which developed in the United States in the 19 century by which it derived from the "unpublished" writings of Phineas Quimby. The New Thought movement is that of Mind-Cure, Harmonalism, and Positive Thought (1 Tim. 6:20). In so many word it is "Mind over Matter" by which practitioners of "New Thought" believe in the principle of science "backed" by such positive affirmation of faith in "divine" healing without the intervention of a Sovereign Creator (1 Pet. 2:24).  When it comes to the idea of the mind-cure theology that practitioners of "New Thought" must believe in the "principle" of science to healed themselves of any spiritual and physical abnormalities. The "positive" thoughts of "New Thought" is that people must think "positively" in order that one's circumstances will change. "To think positive is to expect positive results; to think negatively is to allow such undesirable circumstances to come into a person's life. According to the Word of Faith movement: "There are two opposite sides of the pole: "Faith represent what is positive; Fear represent what is negative. Faith and fear are on the opposite side of the pole. Followers of the Word of Faith movement are encourage by their own Faith leadership to always think "positive" despite of what they see or experience. This in fact goes against the odds of what is true reality.
   When it comes to the doctrine of Harmonalism it is taught by New Thought teachers that the Universal Spirit indwells all of humanity (Jn. 10:38). The idea that people are an "extension" of the image of God is that men are "gods" (Gen. 3:5). In so many words, "God is Man; Man is God." The Christian concept of the "image" of man in the likeness of God is that all of humanity possess mind ("intellect"), will ("volition"), and emotion ("feelings').  There is only One true and living God (1 Cor. 8:6).  God does not have "billions" of gods walking around here on planet earth (Hinn). Also the Christian concept of God is monotheism ("God is One"); New Thought concept of God is polytheism and pantheism ("many gods"). The New Thought movement and the Word of Faith movement understanding of Man is its trichotomous view of humanity: that of body, soul, and spirit. It is the "spirit" of Man by which the Infinite Spirit resides in the "soul" of humanity. In essence both New Thought and the Word of Faith movement denies the "mind" or reason advocacy of humanity so as to think in terms of what is rational or the reasonableness of the Christian faith. "It is "revelation" within a person's spirit by which people can understand the "deep" mysteries of God (Col. 2:18, 19).
  The "Faith" of the Word of Faith movement is that it has "replaced" the "Mind" of New Thought metaphysics and put "Faith" in its place. (2 Cor. 4:1-4; 11:3; Eph. 4:14).  Even though "New Thought" teaches that of such positive affirmation of faith "backed by the Bible to heal a person of any spiritual and physical abnormalities, but, also, the Word of Faith movement teach such positive confession of faith so as to stake one's claim based upon the Bible (1 Pet. 2:24). There is a striking parallel between that of "New Thought" metaphysics and the Word of Faith movement (1 Jn. 4:1 with Acts 17:11). The Word of Faith movement is a "metaphysical" wolf in sheep's clothing (Matt. 7:15).  In so many words the Word of Faith movement and those who promote that of its "metaphysical" doctrines is a "science" based movement that is the poster child of New Thought "metaphysics": that of positive confession of faith "backed" by the Bible to claim such "divine" healing based upon 1 Peter 2:24. It is "New Thought" masquerading as being as contemporary evangelical so as to utilize such evangelical Christian terminology (2 Cor. 11:3).  The Word of Faith movement does not fit within the boundaries of the historic Christian church nor does it represent true biblical Christianity (1 Jn. 2:18).
   Despite of what is contrary that there is a historical connection between that of New Thought and the Word of Faith movement. It is an undeniable fact because there is such historical information that will in fact support its claim (Acts 5:35, 37).  The Church must see that of the Word of Faith movement known as the Positive Confession movement for what it truly is: that of its historical lineage connected to "New Thought." (1 Tim. 6:20).  The doctrine of "New Thought" believe in the principle of science "backed" by the Bible through such positive affirmation of faith for the metaphysical practitioners to healed themselves without the intervention of a Sovereign Creator. The "Mind" of New Thought is in the driver's seat of those who possess the power of the Universal Mind to healed themselves of any spiritual and physical abnormalities. The "Faith" of contemporary Word of Faith movement is the drive shaft of the Faith Christian to make such positive confession of faith by staking their claim based upon the Bible to heal themselves of sickness, poverty, and death. Such ideological beliefs goes against the clear teaching of the Bible as well as far from what is true reality.  Followers of "New Thought" and those who are adherent of the Word of Faith movement are out-of-touch with reality by which they have a faulty view of the doctrine of asceticism and libertinism: that is to abstain from what is in the world and its faulty moral vision of the human spirit so as to not be contaminated by the corruption that is also in the world.

Rev. Darryl L. Miller, president & Chairman of "Darryl Miller International Ministries" in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is the best-selling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" He is also the Podcast Host of, "Ask Darryl" that airs regularly 24/7 @ As a apologist, pastor, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside of metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."



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