Condemnation: What Does It Mean?

There are many Christians who walk around as if they are condemned simply because of the fact that if they don't live according to man-made rules and regulations, they will be condemned by their own church or leadership.  It is not a matter of Christians living by such man-made rules and regulations but, they must realize because of their position in Christ is that they are no longer condemned (Rom. 8:1a).
   Christians must be reminded that because of what Christ did on behalf by saving us that works of righteousness based upon human works and merits do not justify us be before God. We are justified by faith in Christ by which He is our righteousness. Unless people come to trust Jesus Christ only for their salvation that works of righteousness nor human works are not going to get them into heaven. Salvation is in Jesus Christ by which human actions nor accomplishment is how a person is saved (Rom. 10:9-10).
   Within this short article, I will begin to address the subject "Condemnation: What Does It Mean?" First, because of our position in Christ is that believers are no longer condemned. The requirement of living by man-made rules and regulations to maintain a person's salvation is against the doctrine of justification by grace through faith in Christ alone. It is not justification by "mere" works to keep salvation but, being justified by trusting Jesus Christ alone for our salvation. Secondly, when it comes to the biblical concept of condemnation that Christ is our Judge by which He judges the world of sin, of righteousness, and right judgment. The purpose by which Christ came into the world is to save sinners by which they need a Savior (Jn. 3:17). And, thirdly, believers are no condemned because of Christ's death and resurrection. Christ's intercessory work intercedes on our behalf of us as believers (Rom. 8:34; 1 Jn. 3:21).
   Our position in Christ is that we are no longer condemned (Rom. 8:1). Many believers are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ walk around as if they are condemned simply because of the fact that they are not able to live up to man's own standard of holiness and righteousness. We are not saved by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ. Human works and accomplishments are taught by many legalistic systems of Christianity by which believers must work to maintain their own salvation. We are kept by the power of God through faith in Jesus Christ. The church has both the assurance and security of their salvation. If, in fact, we are responsible for maintaining our salvation, then what was the purpose of Christ dying on our behalf as sinners?
   When it comes to the biblical concept of condemnation is that Christ is our Judge by which He judges the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. How is it that believers are justified before God because of their right standing with God through Jesus Christ be judged? Because of believers having Christ's own righteousness that they have God's righteousness. Even though God is morally perfect in His character does not mean that believers possess such moral perfectionism (Rom. 3:23). When it comes to having God's righteousness mean those believers because of faith in Jesus Christ only for their salvation that they are justified before a holy and righteous God. Legalism, moral plank, perfectionism, and sanctimoniousness are doctrines taught by demons (1 Tim. 4:1).  There are many legalists in the professing church today who condemn believers because they do not follow man-made rules and regulations that have nothing to do with the righteousness of God. Their standard of holiness and virtue is a works-based system that would attempt to please God by which it is unacceptable before God.  Man's standard of holiness and righteousness does not produce that of the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ. We are no longer condemned as believers because of being justified by trusting in Jesus Christ only for our salvation. It is not salvation plus human works, but salvation alone in Christ by which we are justified (Rom. 3:22-24).
   We are no longer condemned as believers of Christ's death and resurrection. It is Christ that intercedes on our behalf as God's people. Paul asked the question, "Who is he that condemns? It is Christ's death and resurrection that we are justified before God. Because of Christ, died on the cross is that He redeem the elect who has been chosen by God's election of grace. We are dead to sin and made alive in Jesus Christ. Also, because of our right standing with God that we are justified, Christ intercedes on behalf of us. There are always people in the church who will remind you of what you have done in the past by condemning you. They will use this as leverage just to make you feel guilty to condemn you even more. What turns people away from the church is people who are so judgmental, especially those who are in leadership. They seek to be the judge, juror, and executor by which they judge others through their "legalistic" lens. What a person believes, and the way they must live their lives based upon the legalist standard of holiness and righteousness is to be righteous before God. There is no such thing as spiritual clones within the church. Even those who claim responsibility by saying they are responsible for people's holiness are they who do not have Christ's own righteousness (Rom. 10:2-4). They have a form of godliness but deny God's power thereof by which they turn away from the righteousness of God. There is a vast difference between God's justice as opposed to man's own self-righteousness. As believers, Christ intercedes on behalf of us as His people. Christ understands our frailties and weaknesses as believers, even though we are genuinely saved. We live in a fallen world by which we need God's grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Satan, who is the enemy of man's soul, always accusing believers before God, but yet Christ says I died on their behalf by which I extend my grace, mercy, and forgiveness. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God in Christ (Rom. 8:32-37). The elect is preserved in Christ because they are kept by the power of God through faith in God's Son (Rom. 10:28-29)

Rev. Darryl Miller is the President & Chairman of "Darryl Miller International Ministries" in Atlanta, Georgia, and travels throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is the Host of "Darryl Unplugged Podcast," which airs 24/7 @ He is the bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" As a pastor, apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer, he is in high demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy, "Little Baby."


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