The Characteristics of False Teachers

There is  a need to know the character of many false teachers today who appears to be concern about the spiritual well-being of the church today, but they are wolves in sheep's clothing. Perhaps you may be saying, "How can you know whether a person is fake and phony?" Who give you the authority to just a person? Or There is a lot of hypocrites in the church and that's why I do not attend church. These are many questions that people have about the church especially leaders within the church today. Even though many of the accusation that people have towards the church are most of the time true and that there are religious phonies in the church today by which there is a need to spot out these individuals poses the greatest challenge and threat inside its walls. Such individuals are able to articulate what the church believe and to imitate the life of a Christian but they are sinners in saint's clothing.

The condition of false spiritual leaders according to Isaiah 56:10 says, "His watchman are blind..." Even the apostle Paul declares according to 2 Corinthians 4:4 where it said concerning unbelievers: "In whom the god of this age hath blinded the minds of them who believe not lest the glorious gospel of Christ should shine unto them." False spiritual leaders minds and heart are "blinded" by Satan by which it will be difficult for the them to understand Christ's gospel. The only way by which they can understand by receiving the gospel message is that the light of the gospel must shine within their minds and heart. False teachers are blinded by Satan by which they are under Satan's influence. They are sinners by which they are prone to sin. They are sinners by nature. They are also ignorant by which they are unstable by which they distort the truth of God's Word. (2 Pet. 3:16) The prophet Isaiah spoke about false spiritual leaders as "dumb dogs by which they cannot bark. (Isa. 56:10) It was not they were literal dumb dogs that cannot bark but Isaiah the prophet was giving such a analogy. False spiritual leaders of Isaiah's day were dumbfounded. They were stupified individuals by which they were simple minded. They were dumb by which what they say and teach are similiar to the Pinnacle Girl commerical. She was to pronounce correctly the "word" pinnacle but her response was, "That what I said picklenoid." That's how false teachers are within the professing church today when they are confronted with the truth of God's Word they are so handicap when it comes to articulating the doctrines of the Christian faith. 

Also, false teachers are not able to articulate and inform others within the church regarding the dangers of false doctrines and heresies simply because of the fact they are the promoters and carriers of such erroneous theology. Whenever the infiltration and intrusion of cults from within the "corridors" of biblical Christianity they are silent but refuse to alert many of who are within their own ranks. It is business as usual. They are not alarmist; they are silent. The encroachment of false teachings have in fact reached into the canal of the church today by which its theological and moral rudder have in fact sunken its ship. When it comes to the laziness of false teachers is that they are spiritually sleep by laying around why the enemy of the soul's of people today perish. When they finally decide to wake up the "trojan" horse of legalism. mysticism, and asceticism have weakened but destroyed the faith and moral lives of God's people. They sleep their way from time past into eternity's Hell. Therefore, many false spiritual leaders are not awake nor woke. They are not "awake" by which they are dead in their trepasses and sins. In order for ungodly sinners to be "awake" is they must be "quickened by the Spirit by which they receive "new" life in Christ. They are dead men walking. There appears to be a sign of spirtual life from without; they are spiritually dead from within. They look and talk like saints but are sinners in saint's clothing. 

There are religious groups and organization that will appeal to the idea of being woke by which to be aware of its political and social surroundings but nevertheless are still dead in their sins. It does not matter whether it be from the progressive Left or ultraconservative Right of the political spectrum is that there are false spiritual leaders within its own ranks. Tribe or tribalism to its core values and beliefs, social, cultural, and political ideology is "insufficient" to be spiritually "awake." There is a necessity for the heart and mind to be changed by the regenerating power and work of the Holy Spirit by which to be "born again." (Jn. 3:3)

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and around the world. Darryl is the bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" He is the Host of "Darryl Unpplugged Podcast" which airs regularly @ As a pastor, apologist, conference speaker and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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