The Need to Test the Spirits (Part 2)

There is a spirit that pushes false prophets to say what they say! They will say things that would be in agreement to the average Christian simply because of  the fact they mentioned the name of God, Jesus, salvation, and the Holy Spirit. It is at minute 15 that will confuse and riddle the minds of average Christians by the mere fact they was in shock and disbelief to hear their favorite pastor or Faith televangelists teach what they believe about God. That is because of the fact that people are made in the image and likeness of God is that men are little "gods" by which they utilize John 10:38 in support of their viewpoint. People are not little "gods" simply because of the fact that they are created by God. How is it that "mere" human beings are "gods" when they do not possess infinitude of Who God is. God is unlimitive in His knowledge; people are "limitive" in their knowledge of God. God is perfect; people are imperfect. They do not possess the perfection of God's character. (Rom. 3:23)

Also, there are many professing Christians who they considers their pastors in what they say is the Bible. Is that God have given their leader some kind of "special" anointing in order to give revelational insight into what God's Word says. They consider them as God's spokesperson or mouthpiece by which they have a connection with the most High God. This will also entail many false prophets who claim to have a "corner" on the truth as if they are God's specials. These are "special" individuals who are "special ed" by which they have not graduated in a bona fide classroom of having the understanding and knowledge of God's Word. They also claim such "special" knowledge by which it is not based upon the true knowledge of God. (Col. 1:9, 10) The knowledge ("gnosis") by which many of these self-proclaimed prophet claim to receive "directly" from God is none other then "fleshly" knowledge. They claim to have seen something which they have not seen nothing. (Col. 2:18) They possess such "fleshly" knowledge; not the true knowledge of God in Christ Jesus. The Church possesses such true knowledge while Gnostics possess such "fleshly" knowledge by which it have no biblical content whatsoever.

It is our responsibility as the Church to put to test those who claim to be God's spokespersons! There are many false prophets who appear on Christian television, write books, conference speakers which promote by propagating their false doctrine and heretical views about the Person of Jesus Christ. Many false prophets have a foul spirit by which it is unclean by which they are driven by the Enemy of man's soul in pushing out such false views about God. The "limitus" test by which to gauge whether such individuals who claim to be of God is their understanding of who Jesus Is: that is Jesus as God in human flesh. (Jn. 1:14) There are many Pentecostal evangelists and revivalist who hold Camp Meeting throughout different towns and cities that place so much emphasis upon Christ's miracles but clearly deny the Person of Jesus as being God in human flesh. They will say, "That Jesus had to be anointed in order to do miracles" or "That Jesus is not the Christ." Those who deny that Jesus is the Christ also deny the Father and the Son. (1 Jn. 2:22-23) The Bible do not teach that Jesus is the Father nor the Father Jesus by which the United Pentecostal Church believe in the doctrine of modalism or "manifestations" of God by which to say that Jesus is the Father. All three Persons in the Triune God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are co-equal and co-eternal by which they possess their own personality. Even though I am the husband of my wife; my wife is not my husband. She is my wife. We are unified when it comes to our marriage but we have distinct roles and responsibilities. (Eph. 5:18-32)

For any particular group, Christian organizations, sect, cult, or denominations which deny the Person of Jesus as being God in human flesh is a false religion. Satan is the orginator of false religion by which comes in the form of the "Kingdom of the Cults" by which to hinder God's kingdom. (1 Tim. 4:1) The apostle John called such false prophets as the "antichrist" by which there are many antichrists that are in the world today. 

The Church today needs such spiritual discernment in a age of deception. We must model the Bereans in that "they searched the scripture to see if what Paul says were true." (Acts 17:11) The evangelical church today need not to be influence by personality cult leaders, cultural icons, Faith celebrities, and miracles workers by which it leads people down a dark pathway of deception. It is so important that people today keep both eyes and ears open because of the proliferation of cults and sects today.

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president and Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia. Darryl is the Host of Darryl Unplugged Podcast which airs 24/7 @ Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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