The Display of the Heart

 It is very important to understand that the prophet Jeremiah and Jesus gives a clear description of the sinfulness of the heart of people. (Jer. 17:9; Mk. 7:21-22)  What is so dreadful about people's sinful hearts is that it is deceitful above all thngs and desperately wicked. Also, when it comes to heart of people is that it is unknowable. God is the only One who can know the heart of people today. The intent and motive of the hearts of men. God knows all things especially when it comes to the hearts of people today. God is omniscient: that of All-Knowing. There is nothing that God does not know because He sees and know each of our hearts as His creation. Despite of the fact that people today will attempt to conceal who they are but in reality it is difficult for them to reveal who they really are. It is just a matter of time before they really reveal who they are. Man is a sinner by nature and because of his sinful nature springs forth without out of their heart demonstrates the fact that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. (Jer. 17:9)

There will be one of a series of articles that I will begin to address "The Display of the Heart" by which it is necessary to diagnose the heart of sinful humanity. (Mk. 7:21-22)  We live in a culture that choses to deny the reality of what is in the heart of sinful people today. There is a tendency on the behalf of many today who will blame a person's social environment (i.e. "upbringing") or low self-esteem as to the contributing factors as to why people think and act the way they do thus denying the reality of Sin by which it disrupt and rearrange people's relationship with God as well as others.

Throughout this article there is a need to examine the plight and conditions of people's heart today by evaluating it based upon the scripture. (2 Tim. 3:16)  The evangelical church today cannot afford to put the cart before the horse but to deal with the sinful heart of people today in light of the Bible. Self-help techniques, psychology, rehabilitation, and New Thought veneration is not the remedy to solving the moral and social implcation of man's problem. It is a matter of the heart. Without people's heart being changed by God they are going to remain the way they is: doing that which their sinful desire desires. 

First, when it comes to examination of the sinful heart of people today is that the heart is full of wickedness. (Ecc. 9:3)  Sin lies lies within people's heart. In so many word Sin is the DNA by which to examines what's within the heart of people. It is not what's only within the sinful heart of people today but what's spring forth out of the heart of men. Sin is like the fountain of water once it springs forth it demonstrates the pollution that is within each and every person's heart. Every evil thought and deed is a direct result of sin. Also, sin contamintaes people total being: that of the mind, will, and emotions. It has also in fact cripple people's ability to clearly think in terms of what is rational, the bondage of the will by which it is impossible for people to help themselves in the midst of their helplessness situation, and whose feelings can be misleading. Therefore, when it comes to the sinfulness of people's heart is that they are deceived by deceiving others. (2 Tim. 3:13) It is the very sinful nature of people today to mislead others by which to be dishonest, conniving, and to deceive through false doctrine, misinformation, and propaganda. It will be impossible to live in a world of civility when truthfulness, transparency, and the objective of biblical truth is thrown out the window. It leads into all kinds of chaos, confusion, and at worst the destruction of the human race. (Gen. 3:1-7; Rom. 5:12)

Secondly, when it comes to the nature of the sinful of people's heart today is that of the insanity of the heart. (Ecc. 9:3b) Man's own sinful heart is like a ravenous beast by which it have no bounds. It strikes with a "deadly" blow by which it destroys by which to destroy others. There is no sympathy nor compassion by which to destroy civilization. When a person cannot have their way they end up doing the inevitability by which there are sociopaths, psychopaths would whether kill 6 million Jews during the Holocaust, the bombing of the Word Trade Center, mass murders who kill innocent children at a elementary school, malls, movie theaters, churches, and synagogues just to carry out their horrendous acts of violence. We are seeing this played out throughout this country and around the world.

The demonstration of the madness or insanity of men's heart is through being treacherous, murderers, and malice. It is disheartening and disappointing to know that the very people that are close to you they end up turning against you. These are the very people you knew, ate, slept with but they betray you. It is so important that each of us examine the intent and motive of our hearts in why we say and do what we do. To betray each other is very disappointing by which it is impossible to repair relationships. It causes resentment, anger, and hostility. Also, the madness of people's sinful heart is that we live in a society that there are groups of people within a particular social context kills each other. It is Blacks killing blacks, whites killing whites, Latinos killing latinos, and Asians killings asians because of its particular social context. All of this is a direct cause and result of the sinfulness of people's heart. Sin is at the root; killings is at the fountain head. Even though it is unfortunate that we have a soceity of angry people today who have such malice in their own hearts: that is what they experience and the experiences of others who experience such hardship and traumatic events. There are people today take things personal when they are on the end of the totum pole of social and economic disadvantage. Life becomes so hard is when others of such social and economically mobility who are "unfair" in playing chess with others who were left behind. People today of such will committ the inevitability of killing others with such malice-murder. Those who commit such malice-murder is very horrendous through the experession of a person's sinful heart. It comes from within out of the heart of people today. 

Rev. Darryl Miller is the president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministies of Atlanta, Georgia. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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