What Does Biblical Justice Looks Like? (Part I)



  Text: Micah 6:1-3

 I. God's Calling for the People of Israel to Plead Their Case (Mic. 6:1)

    A. God's witnesses

        1. The mountains.

        2. The hills.

    B. God's Indictment (Mal. 3:5)

       1. Sorcererers (v. 5a)

       2. Adulterers

       3. False witnesses

    C. Injustice

       1. Wage workers (Lev. 19:13)

       2. Widows and the fatherless (Deut. 24:17)

       3. Immigrants

II. God's Indictment Against the People of Israel (Mic. 6:2)

    A. God's calling upon the mountains and the enduring foundations of the earth (v. 2)

       1. To be God's witness.

       2. God's striving with the people of Israel.

   B. The cause by which God's striving against the people of Israel (Mal. 3:5)

       1. Oppression.

       2. Injustice.

III. God's Complaint Concerning the People of Israel (Mal. 6:3)

     A. God's questioned  His people.

        1. Mic. 6:3: "What is it that I have done to you."

        2. Isa. 5:4: "What more could have been done to My vineyard That I have not done in it?"

        3. Jer. 2:5, 31: The people of Israel found the Lord to be unjust/wilderness to the people of Israel/ 

            land of darkness.

     B. The weariness of the Lord.

        1. Israel weariness of the Lord because of His rejection of their offering (Isa. 43:22, 23)

        2. God's disdain for Israel's sacrifice. It was a sacrifice unacceptable to the Lord.

            (Mal. 1:14)




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