Q & A About the Prosperity Gospel

Here is a preview of some of the questions that are frequently asked about the prosperity gospel. These are questions that are exact and pointed. It is recommended that people begin to ask the right questions concerning a particular subject or is issue that is under study.
Within the particular article I will begin to answer many of the questions that is most frequently ask concerning the prosperity gospel. There are those who feel that they know enough about the prosperity gospel or those who have such basic knowledge concerning its subject but really in reality many people do not have the full scope as it relates to the history of the prosperity gospel. Historically the prosperity gospel is Gnostic in its origins and orientation as a movement (1 Tim. 6:20; Col. 2:18). Gnostics in the early first and second century church sought to "spiritualize" many of the teachings of the historic Christian church as it relates to the biblical text of scripture and the historical characters of the Bible. Most Gnostics create their own "narrative" by which it is not consistent with the true biblical narratives of the Bible. Such "narrative" pin the Bible against itself by which it seeks to fit within the "narrative" of neo-Gnosticism. In so many words many Gnostics even within the professing church today seek to turn the Bible on its own head by which to put words in God's own mouth by which it is against what is taught clearly in scripture. There are many prosperity teachers who are proponents of the prosperity gospel who are "guilty" of perverting the truth of God's Word by "spiritualizing" the text of scripture and "recast" the biblical characters of the Bible. (2 Pet. 3:16, 17)
Q #1: What is the history of the prosperity gospel? The history of the prosperity gospel is Gnostic in its origins and its orientation as a movement. When it comes to the "origins" of the prosperity gospel is that it seeks to "spiritualize" the context of scripture and to "recast" the biblical characters of the Bible.  Also, when it comes to "spiritualizing" the text of scripture that the prosperity gospel "botched" its biblical context by which it seek to stretch the truth of God's Word. Jesus represent the "serpent" on the pole. God through His vivid imagination through the "force" of His faith visualize a Redeemer by which Jesus is a product of God's spoken word of faith. Thus the prosperity gospel deny the eternal preexistent Christ (Jn. 8:58).
Q #2: How is it possible that many prosperity teachers can claim that their message of prosperity is via Revelation Knowledge?" There are leading Word of Faith televangelist who claim that their message came "directly" from God but in reality it is based upon their vain imagination. It is amazing how people can think vain imaginations as if they heard some "inner" voice within their human spirit. Many of times these pseudo-teachers claim that their message is via "Revelation Knowledge" but they can copied and proffered from the sermons of others. Even at worse that of "mere" plagiarism.
Q #3: What are "ways" by which the prosperity gospel interpret the Bible? Does the prosperity-faith movement fit within the category of such "allegorical" school of thought? The "way" by which the prosperity gospel interpret the Bible is through such allegory, misinterpretation, and misapplication of scripture (Matt. 4:1-11; 2 Pet. 3:16, 17). The context of the Bible, biblical narratives, and the historical characters of the Bible is at the heart of the prosperity gospel "eisegetically" approach. It seeks to "read into" the text of scripture by ignoring that of its wider context. The apostle Peter called such men as "unstable" and ignorant as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction. Whenever there is such distortion of biblical truth it can adversely impact the interpreter as well as those who are under the influence of such prosperity teaching. It is a resounding "yes" that the prosperity-faith movement fit within the category of such allegorical school of thought? The prosperity gospel once again "spiritualize" many of the biblical passages of the Bible (e.g. "Jesus died spiritually") so as to be "infused" with the nature of Satan. In His resurrection as Copeland once says, "Jesus became the First Born-Again Man that ever lived."
Q #4: How is it that the prosperity gospel distort the biblical meaning of 3 John 2? What are the "key" words and phrases within many of the biblical passages of the Bible by which the prosperity gospel systematically distort such biblical truth to fit within the cultural context of Faith theology? The prosperity distort the biblical meaning of 3 John 2 based upon such Hellenism: that is to export that of "worldly" saying and meanings that reflect a worldview; not a biblical worldview. It is impossible to explain spirit-taught words based upon such "worldly" explanation. The "key" words "prosper" and "be in health" by which the prosperity build that of its theological system in support of the "Health and Wealth" gospel (Gal. 1:8-9).  The "health and wealth" gospel comes out of the "playbook" of New Thought "metaphysics" (1 Tim. 6:20). The basic premise of "New Thought" is to believe in the principle of "science" backed by such positive affirmation of faith. Visualization, the power of words, and positive affirmation is at the heart of many New Thought cults today. Even though the prosperity gospel and those who are proponents of its fraudulent theology construct many of the biblical concepts of the Bible to fit within the framework of Faith theology.
Q #5: What is the prosperity gospel understanding of the Bible? How do many prosperity teachers view the Bible as it relates to the doctrine of revelation, inspiration, and illumination? The prosperity gospel understanding of the Bible is its revelatory knowledge of scripture. Proponents of the prosperity gospel believe that God gives "direct" Revelation Knowledge within a person's human spirit by which to by-pass such Sense-Rule knowledge. The Late Kenneth E. Hagin once says, "God by-pass the mind to give revelation within a person's spirit." This is the typical statement of many Gnostics within the professing church today (Col. 2:18). Also, the prosperity gospel and those who espouse such false teaching believe in what is called "special" revelation, inspired writings and revelations, and supposedly such understanding of God's Word. Theologically when it comes to the doctrine of revelation or "special" revelation is that God have given the church everything that they need to know based upon the written Word of God. In order to know who God is through the Person of His Son Jesus Christ (Jn. 1:1, 14). Also, in order for the church to know what is pertaining to life and godliness is within His written Word (2 Tim. 3:15, 16). Special revelation is not that which God gives to the church supernaturally through such spiritual "revelations." (2 Pet. 1:19)  The problem with many prosperity teachers is that they are both "unstable and ignorant" of the scripture by which they distort the truth of God's Word (2 Pet. 3:16). Whenever there is such distortion of biblical truth it can significantly impact people's lives (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).
Many Faith televangelist claim that their writings are "inspired" by God but in reality it is manufactured by men by which it is "uninspired." The doctrine of inspiration extends throughout the canon of scripture; not any spurious writings by which many Gnostics claim that there writings are on par with scripture. The apostle Peter declares, "There is no scripture that is given of any private interpretation but holy men of God who were moved by the Holy Spirit. (2 Pet. 1:20). When it comes to the doctrine of illumination: that the Holy Spirit gives believers understanding of what God has already written within His Word. The prosperity gospel believe that in order to get understanding of God's Word is through such revelatory means by which God gives "Revelation Knowledge." In so many words the "Faith" Christian have to "meditate" upon God's Word in order that God can give them such spiritual "revelations." It is "revelation" within a person's human spirit by which it is the candlestick by which God gives supernatural "revelations."
These are many of the questions that people are asking about the origins and history of the prosperity gospel. It is the responsibility of the church to provide people with biblical answers to their Bible questions especially those who are interested in the Christian faith (1 Pet. 3:15).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and travels throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is the Host of "Darryl Unplugged Podcast" which airs regularly 24/7 @ www.spreaker.com/user/bishopoflyons. He is the best-selling author of his book "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" Darryl is a sought after conference speaker and lecturer. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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