Let Us Change the Way We Do Church?

"And I say also unto thee, "That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Matt. 16:18)

There is an attack upon the church today! When I talk about the church I am making reference to those who have been regenerated by the work of the Holy Spirit by which the Spirit indwells that of believers (1 Cor. 12:12-13). The church is not some denomination, synod, or even an non-traditional institution but believers who are saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ that constitute the true church. There are variations and meaning of what the church is throughout various religious and theological traditions. For example we have the Roman Catholic church who consider itself as a true visible church by which the pope is the official position of Roman Catholicism by which in order for followers of such Roman tradition can understand the Vulgate language through the Pope end and of itself. The apostle Peter did not establish the Roman Catholic church despite the contrary nor is true visible church. The Church of Christ is not the true church by which people must adhere to the ultraconservatism of its doctrine and practice. Charismatics and Pentecostals are not the true church based upon such strict rules and regulations as if they receive "directly" from God such supernatural revelation from its own leadership. There are many examples of other churches and denominations that believe they are the Only true church. Regardless of denominational or non-traditional names they put on a church sign that Christ must be the foundation of what many of these denominations believe about the Christ (Matt. 16:13-17).
The fact of reality is that the Church is built upon the apostles and prophets and Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone of the church today (Eph. 2:20). When we think of a "cornerstone" is the foundation by which a house is built upon. The Church must be careful as to how they lay the foundation of the church today (1 Cor. 3:10-17). There are others who have built other foundation by which Christ is not the true foundation of their churches and ministries. Whenever that happens is that the foundation in and of itself begins to crumble. The end result that it was all built in vain by which the church will suffer lost but yet they will be saved. Never throughout the history of the Church today is that there are religious beliefs and philosophical ideology that seek to undermine the true biblical Christ of scripture. The rise of sects, cults, liberalism, and many ecumenical movements sanitize the Christ of the Bible by replacing it with man-made rules and regulations. Man-centered oriented philosophy, personality cults, and pragmatism is at the heart of many emerging churches and its own leadership (Col. 2:20-24). Spiritual apostasy is running rampant in the professing church today. The remedy of apostasy is God's divine judgment (1 Tim. 4:1-4; Jud. 8-10).
There is a consensus among apostate churches and leadership whose message is, "Let us Change the Way We Do Church?" There is an attempt to remove the biblical Christ of scripture so as to "renovate" the Church's doctrine and practice. There are also those within the Church today who are tired of worn-out doctrines and practice that are not relevant to the contemporary audience. In so many words biblical doctrines (e.g. "the revelation of the Bible") must be "upgraded" as well as its worship (i.e. "contemporary" music) in order to compete with a changing society and culture. Innovators and novice within the professing church today have done more damage to the faith and life of the Church as to its theological/moral rudder (1 Tim. 2:17-18). Whenever the contemporary church "replace" the authority of the Bible in matters of faith and practice that it is outside the "door" of the church into the world. It is not in the interest of marketing consultant to implement biblical truth and sound biblical theology but what is in the interest of the people so as to meet their "felt" needs. Spiritual marketers are not concern about the truth. They are interested in the selling of brands, good and services that will be appealing to a "unregenerate" culture and society. Quite unfortunately contemporary evangelicals have bought into the "lie" marketing driven church philosophy by which they have truncated the Great Commission by which Christ commission the church: that of discipleship and evangelism (Matt. 28:19-20). The Great Commission by which Christ commissioned the church to go and make disciples of men have been "replaced" for church-marketing and user-friendly approach. In so many words in order for the church to grow numerically is to apply the principle of marketing-driven philosophy by utilizing user-friendly approach towards seeker sensitive people.
Whenever contemporary evangelicalism seek to turn the church on its own head by denying Jesus Christ as the true foundation of the church's establishment for "alternative" spirituality it is based upon a "faulty" foundation. It is evident within the Church today during this new millennium that it is geared towards a "Baby Boomer" generation to provide for them what they want; not what they need in order to retain its membership. Even though many professing churches provide many of our young people with incentive by coming to Christ to fulfill their wishes and desires that they are left empty of what is the truth of God's Word (Jn. 18:37).  There is a spiritual famine in the land; not by bread and water but by hearing the word of God (Amos 8:11-12). There are false prophets, gurus, seers, and revelators that seek to provide personal fulfillment in the lives of our young people but they end up following a "Piped Piper." They appear to provide them with answers to the tough questions, self-fulfillment, egotism, and the fueling of their material needs but they once again end up with such a spiritual void in their lives. To know Jesus Christ by personally receiving Him by grace through faith as to His Person is that of true fulfillment; not materiality nor riches of this world.
Even though the Church is in the midst of a spiritual battlefield by which Satan the Enemy of man's soul seek to sink the church like the Titanic is that Jesus says, "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." As long as the church is built upon the solid foundation of Jesus Christ come hell or hot water that the Church will always stand. The theological and philosophy onslaught of liberalism, pragmatism, ultraconservatism, ecumenism, and mysticism goal is to "replace" the biblical Christ of scripture by which to damage the faith and witness of the Church today. It is a disease that have to be extracted from the body by which to take away the life support system of contemporary evangelicals by which to deaden its theological/moral stance. The intrusion and preeminence of Gnosticism is a enemy of the true faith by which to be in competition with the Church today who also seek to destroy the faith of the Church and moral lives of believers. Neo-Gnosticism appear to be in agreement with the Church's teaching (i.e. "divinity" of Christ) by which to placate its true self and identity (1 Tim. 6:20; Col. 2:18).
In closing there is no such thing by which many professing churches and leadership says, "Let Us Change the Way We Do Church?" but, it is a way by "changing" the essential doctrine of the Christian faith and its "regulative" principle of worship into such pagan spirituality and mythology (1 Tim. 1:3-11; 2 Tim. 4:3-4). The foundation by which the Church is established is the foundation of Jesus Christ. No new doctrine, revelation of the spirit, nor inspired writings. Nor human traditions that are taught by men (Matt. 23). Legalism, asceticism, pragmatism, sacrilegious, and  mysticism are doctrine taught by demons which are apostate teachings (1 Tim. 4:1-4). The remedy for apostasy is God's divine judgment (Jud. 8-10).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is Lead pastor of Contending for the Faith Reformed Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Darryl is the author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation? He is also the Host, "Darryl Unplugged Podcast" that is aired regularly @ www.spreaker.com/user/bishopoflyons. Darryl is a sought after conference speaker, and lecturer. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian and their puppy "Little Baby" outside metro Atlanta.  


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