7 Reasons Why the Prosperity Gospel is Growing

There are several things that people need to know the reason why the prosperity gospel is growing.  Unfortunately, many prosperity teachers have been caught with there hands in the theological cookie jar in regard to their erroneous teachings by which to change their strategy: that of reveling the obvious of their false teachings to which they both redefined the concept of the prosperity gospel in exchange of the Hyper-grace message. The Hyper-grace message is very much a part of the prosperity message (Jude 4; Rom. 6:1-2).  The basics of the hyper-grace message are that (1) God sees believers as being holy as if they had never sinned (1 Jn. 1:8). And, (2) There is no need for believers to repent of their sins. Therefore, (3) Believers are not obligated to live by God's moral law.  The hyper-grace message that is clothed with the prosperity gospel is hazardous because it leads to such moral debauchery and immorality (Rom. 6:2).  Can you imagine what it is like to preach about the prosperity gospel, and behind the scene, many prosperity teachers live lives that are sinful and immoral? A tree is known by the tree it bears. A good tree cannot bear forth evil fruit, nor a corrupt tree cannot bear forth evil fruit. As Jesus says, according to Matthew 7:15, "A tree is known by the fruit it bears." Doctrine and lifestyle go hand in hand with each other. They are inseparable by which they are bedfellows (Matt. 7:15-20). 
   The message of the prosperity gospel strategy is to change that of its message by which it will be difficult to detect its deadly errors, but it is the same age-old message (2 Cor. 4:1-4; 11:3; Eph. 4:14). The Church needs spiritual discernment in such spiritually deceptive times we live in (Acts 17:11; 1 John 4:1).
  Within this article, I will begin to address "7 Reasons Why the Prosperity Gospel is Growing." There has to be a series of questions to pin down the growth of the prosperity gospel. What is it about the prosperity gospel that people are drawn to its "brazen" message? What are the seemingly benefits and incentives of the prosperity gospel? How does it make people feel when they hear the prosperity gospel being taught to fit within the culture in and of itself? Does the prosperity gospel feed into man's lower nature and appetite? What is the psychological impact of the prosperity gospel? What is the prosperity gospel's sociological apparatus? How has the Church significantly been influenced by the prosperity gospel? What are the ends that justify the means of the prosperity gospel? These are questions that must be answered in light of the Bible to clearly see the prosperity gospel for what it truly is (Col. 2:4, 8; 18-19; 1 Tim. 6:20).
   People are drawn to the prosperity gospel simply because of the fact it appears to give them hope amid such financial disparity. With the crash of the financial market, depression, and bleak hope of any economic future is that people look to gurus to instill confidence during such hopeless financial circumstances. When people are going through financial difficulties, they look for places in the wrong places to promising them financial freedom. They come in the form of motivational speakers, gurus, Life coaches, and even prosperity innovators within contemporary evangelicalism.  Many of these individuals utilize catchy phrases, and memory to remind them, for example, is that they are the head and not the tail. By applying the techniques and principles of faith, they can rise above their financial mishaps and circumstances.  It appears that the prosperity message by which millions of people are drawn to give them a false sense of hope and security. The promise of the prosperity gospel claims to deliver on its promises, but it never offers what it has a guarantee. People who are drawn to the prosperity gospel are unaware of the empty promise of the prosperity gospel because they are stuck in the quicksand of what it appears to give hope and security.
   The seemingly benefits and incentives of the prosperity gospel is that it assures believers they can have all the goodies that the prosperity gospel has to offer. Proponents of prosperity give such biblical narrative according to the Abrahamic covenant concerning cattle, land, gold, and silver. In so many words, they have stretched the truth in terms of materiality, but to deny salvation in Christ. The Abrahamic covenant did not consist of financial wealth and materialism by which Jesus Christ came through the loins of Abraham. It was only salvation in Christ, not that of the materiality of the finest of gold and silver. The prosperity gospel has, in fact, distort the narrative of the Abrahamic covenant by creating its own tale to fit within the culture the prosperity message (2 Pet. 3:16).
   This feeling of awe gives people such euphoric of worship as they begin to hear how the prosperity message is being taught by many Faith leaders is that it appeals to the culture in and of itself. It is a worldly message which in fact resonate with the world and those who are of the world. When it comes, things of the Spirit by which spirit taught words are taught by the Spirit is contrary to the way the world thinks. Faith in words, the force of faith, vivid imagination, and the laws of the spirit are very much ingrained within the message of prosperity. Also, the doctrine of Faith, according to the prosperity gospel which it interprets Faith as "tangible, electrical force" by which it is the object of the Faith believer's worship through the power of words. It is both subjective and egocentric. It explicitly denies the biblical concept of faith in trusting in God Who is the Object of our faith (Heb. 11:3). The "Faith" of the prosperity gospel gives people a sense of spiritual high by which they become addicted to the fatality of the worship of faith-like cultism. The prosperity gospel victims rely solely upon the cannibalism of the god-force of faith by which to stay connected with the spirit world to create the world of their own cravings and imagination. People feel a sense of disconnectedness of the God-kind of faith as they are detached from the "god" within by which Gnosticism believes in the avenue by which it attains salvation. Salvation is in the Person of Jesus Christ, not through recognizing the "spark" of divinity within to know who they are in Christ. They are the Christs embodied in human form.
   It has once been said over the years to find out what people like is to discover what their cravings are. It is impossible to feed people's cravings and appetite by misdiagnosing their need for coca-cola when they have an insatiable desire for crack cocaine. People like what they like, even though it is detrimental to their health and physical well-being. To misdiagnose by giving people what they do not want by misplacing it for what they want is to experience such withdrawn symptoms by which they become physically sick. The addicted person becomes mentally, emotionally, and physically dependent upon such substance abuse, whether it is drugs, alcoholism, eating disorder, or sexual addiction. There are spiritual addicts and religious junkies who are so addicted to what the prosperity message has to offer. It gives people a false sense of empowerment and confidence as to their own ability to conquer by overcoming whatever financial mishaps and difficulties in life. There is a disdain for sound biblical truth in favor of relativism by which postmodernism is at its helm. The prosperity message does feed into man's lower nature and appetite by which they yearn to live a healthy, prosperous lifestyle. Because of the sinful nature of people, they immediately reject the reality of truth that threatens to parade upon their theological party. They are without the spirit by which they are not subject unto God's law neither indeed can they be. They persist in their own rebellion by which they refuse to be in subjugation unto Christ's rule and authority in their own lives. They run with people whose beliefs and practice are in agreement with their cultural worldviews. The language, buzzwords, and colloquialism of the prosperity gospel have a world of its own. To penetrate the world of the "Faith" world is to know its languages, how it defines such words within its own theological construct and its incompatibility with the Christian biblical worldview.
   The legality of the prosperity gospel, its language, and buzzword are the line, sinker, and hook by which they enslaved both spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, and physically involved. There are also chains of reaction by which victims of the prosperity gospel can recognize its own languages by which they defined those languages like faith, prosperity, God-kind of faith, faith-filled words, the force of faith, prosperous, visualization, and spirit world. (Col. 2:4, 8, 18-19) Such languages are not a biblical worldview and concepts, but a worldview it and of itself. They are perverted words that are diametrically opposed to the clear teaching of scripture. Anything that is outside the world of the Faith believer's world is in error by which their ideology is pure, whereby those outsides their group or impure or evil. Asceticism and libertinism are apart of the separatism and faulty moral vision of the prosperity gospel's worldview (Col. 2:20-24).

Rev. Darryl Miller is President & Chairman of "Darryl Miller International Ministries" in Atlanta, Georgia and travels throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is the Host of "Darryl Unplugged Podcast" which airs regularly @ www.spreaker.com/user/bishopoflyons. He is the bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" As a pastor, apologist, conference speaker and lecturer, he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy, "Little Baby."



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