The Voice of the Spirit: Dismantling a Diabolical Scheme

I felt a need to address that of this particular subject matter due to the fact that there are many within the Church today who are unaware of the influence of mysticism. The average layperson who perhaps are not familiar with the term "mystics," and "mysticism" is very much at odds with what they are taught within that of the professing church today, but, to put it in everyday language is that mysticism is such spiritual awe so as to entertain such angelic beings by which many false teachers claim to have seen something within the mystic's spirit so as to have such a "conversation" with God. Such idea can go from hearing God's voice, out-of-body experience (OBE), inner voice, or voice of the spirit. It is intuitive and mystical in nature by which it is devoid of absolute truth and reality. The "Christian" mystics "source" of authority is solely based upon such "experience and knowledge" by which it transcend the knowledge and understanding of God's Word. (Col. 2:18,19)
   I want to say at the outset that I have studied both sides of the issue when it comes to the voice of the Spirit or hearing God's voice within a person's human spirit. What I have learned from both sides of the issues is that there are those evangelical conservative groups believe that scripture is complete as to that of its authority and inspiration as oppose to many contemporary Charismatics especially those who are of the "emerging" church movement that believe that the Bible is progressive within that of its revelation by which there is a necessity for further revelation in order that God's Word can be complete. The danger of it all is that there are professing Christian leadership who utilize that of the language of the Bible when it comes to the divine authority and inspiration of scripture, but, have totally "redefined" that of its biblical meaning, concepts that are foreign to the concept of biblical terminology, and that of its "confusing" bibliology that fit within the cultural context of the mystic's understanding of the Bible itself. There are many "emerging" churches and its own leadership claim to affirm that of the authority and inspiration of scripture in principle, but, in practice they flatly deny that of the Bible's authority and inspiration. What does it mean by the "authority" and "inspiration" of the Bible? That is, the Church must be govern by what it believe and "how" it ought to live their lives based upon God's Word. (2 Tim. 3:15, 16)  It is impossible for the Church to govern that of its theology and faith based upon the subjectivity of the "inward" voice from within by which it leads down a dead intersection of life. There is no basis by which to determine what is right and wrong simply because of the fact that many professing Christians rely upon the intuitiveness of the spirit from within as their "guiding" principle; not based upon the principle of God's Word. Feeling comes; feeling goes is the doctrinal crescendo of those who rely upon the innateness of the spirit; not the objective truth of God's Word.
   Throughout this article I will begin to address that of the meaning of, "The Voice of the Spirit" in light of God's Word as well as to its own culture. There is no where in the Bible that speaks about the voice of the spirit, but, in reality it speaks about the "truly" saved who are the recipient of hearing the truth of God's Word (Jn. 10:4; 18:37; 1 Jn. 4:6). The voice of the spirit taught by those who promote hearing God's still "small" voice is an antithesis of the nature and character of scripture (2 Pet. 1:19-21; 2 Tim. 3:16).  Many of the OT prophets spoke what thus says the Lord even though they were given such revelatory knowledge in order to give the message to the people of Israel (Jer. 1:1; Isa. 1:1; Ezek. 1:1).  Also, many of the OT prophets as well as minor prophets message was consistent with their calling. They did not speak presumptuously nor recklessly by which to cause God's people (Israel) to be led astray. Once again they spoke what "thus saith the Lord." Also, many of the OT prophets foretold that of certain events that were to take place through dreams, visions, and revelation, but, it was given to them "directly" by the Lord. In order to test whether they were true prophets or not is based upon Deuteronomy 13:1-3ff. Therefore many of the false prophets during Israel's day that they spoke presumptuously and reckless by speaking such vain imaginations within there own hearts. The theistic God of the Bible did not send them, but they went by which many of the people of Israel were led into apostasy by serving "strange" gods.  There was such divine retribution upon many of the false prophets in the OT (2 Pet. 2:1).
   There are those within the church today claim to be modern-day prophets, seers, and revelators, but, they are "mere" false teachers. They claim to be God's spokesman so as to represent God and His Word, but, they distort the truth of God's Word. The apostle Peter call such men as "unstable and ignorant" as they do also the other scripture unto their own destruction (2 Pet. 3:16-17). Whenever there is a distortion of biblical truth then it will adversely impact the lives of God's people within the church today (2 Tim. 2:17-18).  A false prophet is not a false teacher nor a false teacher a false prophet. Even though many false teachers will "appear" to be false prophets, but, the former "foretold" while the other foretell. There is no need to confuse both because they are on two opposite side of the pole (2 Pet. 2:1).
   When it comes to the "voice" of the spirit is that there is no where in scripture that support that of its biblical claim. When the Church think about the concept, "The Voice of the Spirit" immediately many professing Christian will shift into neutrality that it mean hearing such a voice within a person's human spirit by which God speaks "directly" to them as if they can hear God's still "small" voice clearly. If in fact the Church can hear clearly God's voice within their own [human] spirit then what is the basis by which they know the truth? Is such "voice" of the spirit the "guiding" principle of many Gnostics within the professing church today? What is the mystic's "source" of authority as it relates to the epistemology of "knowledge and experience?" Does such "experience and knowledge" based upon what is the validation of biblical truth? What is the basis by which many Gnostics within the professing church can validate their own "truth" claim? These are very important questions that the Church must provide biblical answers in order to understand and to curtail the intrusion of mysticism.
   The true biblical concept of hearing God's voice is based upon the objective truth of God's Word. There is a fixation of biblical truth as opposed to the relativism of one's own "personal" truths by which many postmodernist believe that there is no absolute truth. In so many words people today must have their own "personal" truths by which they are to be their "guiding" principle. It is similar to two people reading the road map in order for a person to get to their destination, but, they perceive it from the standpoint own beliefs and culture. Truth is a fixture by which it is based upon certain standards. Whenever such "divine" truth becomes subjective; not based upon the content of biblical truth then it comes perverted. We live in a church culture that is steeped upon what is relativism; not based upon the content of biblical truth. Truth comes from without; not from within a person's [human] spirit by which to know what is biblical truth.
   There are many professing Christians who are driven by every wind of doctrine especially hearing God's voice as a basis of knowing what is the "truth," but, they are ignorant of what is truth of God's Word. They are separate from God, spiritually blind, and ignorant of what is biblical truth. They persist in their own experience as if they have had a conversation with God, "personal" prophecies, out-of-body experience (OBE), and spiritual "revelations" as to the basis of their beliefs and values. It is difficult to convince the mystics of what they know and experience as to their "groundless" beliefs, but, they continue to go down this "mystical" bandwagon as if they possess such "special" knowledge that is outside the boundaries of God's Word. They are steep in deception and hallucination by which it is difficult for the mystic to break the chains of mysticism (Col. 2:18. 19). They speak evil of the things that they do not know as well as being fearful of what they may come to know based upon the truthfulness of God's Word (2 Tim. 3:15, 16).
   In summary the Enlightenment movement, Quakerism, Quasi-Gnostic religion, and Oriental religions are seed bed of mysticism: that of such "inner" voice of the spirit by which it have spread throughout contemporary Christianity: that of the "emergent" Christianity, Charismatic and Pentecostal denominations and sects. In order for the layperson to understand the "voice" of the spirit is that of inward voice of the spirit within a person's human spirit by which God gives the mystic such spiritual "revelation" that is outside the boundaries of God's Word. The truth of God's Word is not revealed in a corner to those who claim to receive such "special" knowledge, or "gnosis" that are inaccessible to the Church as a whole. The truth of God's Word is accessible to the Church as as whole; not "Christian" mystics in the professing Church who claim to have such extraordinary knowledge and power.
 The "truly" elect those who are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ are the recipient of hearing the truth of God's Word; not "literally" hearing God's still "small" voice, or "voice" of the spirit by which it is the lingo and false teaching of theological mysticism. The system of neo-Gnosticism has in fact (1) "redefined" many of the biblical concepts of the Bible (e.g. "God's voice) to fit within the culture context of the mystic's worldview (Col. 2:4, 8). And, (2) also have given such biblical terminology ("spirit")  a "new" set of wording or concept that are foreign to the standard definition of the Bible. And, also (3) that of mysticism "confusing" bibliology that strikes a death blow to the very nature and character of scripture (2 Tim. 3:16).
  In order for the Church to compete with mystic's theological mysticism to as to dismantle its diabolical and theological scheme is to know that of the history of Gnosticism, that of its language, distinctive doctrines, psychological matrix in how many within the Church today have been held captive to such hollow theological and philosophical worldviews (Col. 2:8).
  The intrusion of Gnosticism has in fact reared that of its "ugly" head so as to its rash bastion that ravage that of the ethical teaching and moral life of the Church today. Instead of the Church being vibrant as to its theological superstructure and morality is that the infection of mysticism left that of contemporary evangelicalism without its respiratory. It appears to be holy and vibrant, but, a dead Church that is ineffective as to its life and witness.
Rev. Darryl L. Miller is Founder of Reformed Black Think Tank of America of Atlanta, Georgia. Darryl is bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" He is also the Podcast Host, "Ask Darryl" ( As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."



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