A Snapshot of the Corinthian Church

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:2-3

Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters I do not want you to be uninformed. You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols. Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus is cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.


As we begin to look at 1 Corinthians 12:1-3 is that the apostle Paul was beginning to address the issue concerning spiritual gifts. The issue of spiritual gifts was, in fact, the main theme as to have an understanding of what was involved as to the issue of the gifts of the Spirit. (v. 1) In order for the Church to know that of the issue of spiritual gifts is to know and understand what is involved concerning the issue of the gifts of the Spirit. Apparently, the apostle Paul had to the issue of spiritual gifts as to where the Corinthian believers came from they were unbelievers who were influenced by and led astray by mute idols by which they paid homage to these false idols of worship. Such idol worship by the Corinthian believers as to their former life came from a culture that was steep in idolatry. The Corinthian believers who were pagans or unbelievers worship that of these mute idols that could not see, hear, nor could these false idols speak. (Psa. 115:5) Now that the Corinthian believers are saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ that the apostle Paul wanted to remind them of their former lifestyle as to their worship of these mute idols. We live in a culture where there are people who were steep in pagan idolatry: that of the worship of the animate and inanimate beings. (v. 2)  There were also among the Corinthian believers those who were not saved by which the church could be easily influenced these individuals. Can you imagine what its like to have a church that was influenced by those who claim to speak for the Spirit of God through some personal prophecy or revelation as if God had spoken directly to them in such a "spirited" manner? There are many "inexperience" and native of believers within the Corinthian church that could not discern the difference between what is God's written Word and that of these self-proclaimed prophets or seers who claim such revelatory knowledge that is outside the pale of biblical orthodoxy. In order for the Church to not be influenced by these self-proclaimed individuals is to be rooted and grounded in God's Word as to their knowledge and understanding. (2 Pet. 3:18) The reason for the spiritual barrenness that is going on in the church today is due to biblical ignorance by which many of God's people are paying a terrible price for its biblical illiteracy. (Amos 8:11-12)
  Throughout this article, I will begin the issue of spiritual gifts, the former life of the Corinthian church, and the importance of discerning spiritual truth in the age of skepticism. We live in such spiritually deceptive times in the age of deception. (1 Tim. 4:1)
  The apostle Paul begins by saying, "Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed." (1 Cor. 12:1)  What is it about the gifts of the Spirit felt a need to address the issue of spiritual gifts? According to Romans 1:11 is that Paul was talking to the Roman Christians as to the issue of spiritual gifts by saying, "I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong, but in verse 12 of Romans chapter 1 it also says, that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith. When it comes to the issue of spiritual gifts that its primary purpose and motive are to strengthen God's people in regards to God's Word by which each of us as believers ought to mutually encourage one another based upon God's Word. (vs. 11-12; Eph. 4:12-13) In so many words is that believers are to be strengthened by being edified in God's Word. Such edification is through such exhortation and doctrine. (Rom. 12:6-8)  It is rooted and grounded in scripture by which it is understood through such intelligible, rational understanding based upon God's written. (2 Tim. 3:15) The Church cannot be edified based upon such personal prophecy or revelation of the spirit, speaking in tongues, or to build people's spirit through prayer, and fasting. These are spiritual symptoms through a practice of mysticism, "gibberish" of tongues, and meditative techniques. There are many of God's people who are "unaware" of these spiritual "alternative" to spirituality by which it is futile, empty, and vain: that of the elementary principle of this world; not after Christ. (Col. 2:4, 8, 18, 19)
  The "former" lifestyle of many of the Corinthian believers is that they were steeped in paganism: that of the influence and worship of mute idols. (1 Cor. 12:2)  Many of the Corinthian believers who paid homage to these false idols of worship as the apostle says, "they were influenced and led astray by these mute idols. Such idols of worship could not see, hear, and speak." We live in a culture where people worship such animate and inanimate object of worship by which these false gods cannot save nor deliver people their hopeless situation. Such individuals sought to carve by making imagines of the "gods" of their appetite or imagination. They worship the creature more than the Creator. It reveals that of the sinfulness of man's heart based upon Romans 1:18-32. Even as they did not want the knowledge of God is that God gave them over to a "reprobate" mind to do those things which were not convenient: that of its sexual perversion and deviance. The consequence of those who persist in their own sinfulness through such sexual perversion is to reap the consequences of their own behavior. (v. 32)
  Many of the Corinthian believers based on their knowledge and past experience being involved in such pagan worship should have known better, but, they were yet "inexperienced" when it came to "unsaved" individuals coming into the church claiming such personal prophecy, word of knowledge, or spiritual revelation as if they are God's spokesperson. It is tragic that within evangelical Christianity that the experience of mysticism is preferred over the objective truth of God's Word. The experience and knowledge of "Christian" mystics or that of mysticism is their supposedly "special" knowledge that is outside the boundaries of scripture. The God of the Bible does not give "certain" individuals who claim to be modern-day prophets some "special" kind of knowledge or spiritual "revelation" that is to speak "a word" over the life of the Church nor people within the church, but, the "special" revelation is the disclosure of what is already revealed in scripture. (Deut. 29:29; 2 Pet. 1:19-21; 2 Tim. 3:15, 16) 
  Whenever there is no discernment among God's people so as to discern truth from error is that they fall prey to cults, false doctrine, and heresies. The reason for the proliferation of cults and heresies is due to the "ignorance" of the church by which many of our churches are paying a dear price for its biblical illiteracy. The Church needs spiritual discernment in such spiritually deceptive times by which we live.
  The importance of truth in the age of skepticism is that of postmodernism, pragmatism, and relativism. There are many of professing "Christian" teachers who disguise themselves as if they are servants of God, but, are servants of Satan in order to suppress the truth so as to appeal to the people that they are biblicist, but, promote an "alternative" gospel of spirituality that is most damaging to the lives of God's people even the unsaved. When it comes to postmodernism is that many postmodernists in the pulpit today believe that truth is relative by which there is no absolute truth. Most postmodernists will say, "What may be true to you may not be true to me. You have to come up with your own "truth" by which you are the standard of that truth." If in fact, we are our own standard of truth then what is the basis by which many of judge to be the truth? The objective standard by which all "truths" must be judged is the absolute truth of God's Word. (e.g. "1 John 4:1) The doctrine of postmodernism attack is upon the authority of scripture as the basis of what the Church ought to believe and how we as God's people must live our lives. The "pancreas" influence of postmodernism has, in fact, sap the spiritual "lifeblood" of the Church's theological and moral foundation: that of destroying the faith of the Church and to ruin the lives of God's people. (2 Tim. 2:17, 18) 
  Pragmatism is the outworking of an idea or principle that has to work in a given situation whether it is through business setting or church growth. According to modern-day pragmatist within contemporary evangelicalism is that when something does not work as to the growth of the church than try something else until it works. It is based upon performance, perfectionism, and showmanship. Such church growth principles are antithetical to biblical church growth taught clearly in scripture. (Acts 2:41-47)  Church growth principles, marketing, and demographic is a "snapshot" of apostasy which many of churches across America has, in fact, abandon the true faith. (1 Tim. 4:1)
  Lastly, when it comes to theological and moral relativism that many within that of the contemporary church today has in fact abandon of its core beliefs and values. When it comes to core Christian beliefs: that of the essence of the Christian faith: that of the Bible, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, the Fall of Man, Sin, and Salvation has been thrown out the theological "window" in place of what is subjective, shallow, and "unfruitful." For example, The Bible's authority and inspiration have been "questioned" by those within the Church as to its truthfulness and reliability. In so many words God's Word is "incomplete" without any additional revelation or further revelation. The Bible is an open-end Book by which the preponderance of such spiritual "revelation" has to shed light upon God's Word so as to be "complete." The Bible and "spiritual" revelation are on the same platform by which many liberal theologians have in fact blurred that of its distinction. The Bible must shed light upon the "revelations" of those who claim to receive such spiritual "revelation" from God; not the other way around. Scripture is "complete" without any additional revelation nor revelation of the spirit. (2 Pet. 1:19-21 with 2 Tim. 3:16) Whenever contemporary evangelicalism substitute that of the "special" revelation of the Bible disclose throughout the 66 Books of the Bible for some "word of knowledge" has in fact crossed over into the threshold of theological mysticism. (Col. 2:18, 19)
  When it comes to the moral relative stance of contemporary evangelicalism is that of its apathy as it relates to Christian ethics. The issue of homosexuality is today's hot topic within that of the Church today. Instead of the Church dealing with the issue of sexuality from a biblical perspective is that many contemporary evangelicals and liberal theologians seek to suppress the truth of homosexuality through historical revisionism, biblical perversion, and spiritual treason so as to bleed into the world's way of thinking by which the Church is traveling the path of spiritual apostasy. The remedy for moral relativism and apostasy is God's divine judgment

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the Lead pastor of Contending for the Faith Reformed Church of Atlanta, Georgia. He is also the president and Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is the bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" He is also the Podcast Host, "Ask Darryl" that airs regularly 24/7 @ www.spreaker.com/user/bishopoflyons. As an apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy, "Little Baby."


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