What Is the Legacy of the Prosperity Gospel?

The central theme of the prosperity gospel according to 3 John 2 is that "God Wants to Prosper You in All Areas of Your Life: Financial, Business, and Your Health." Does the Bible teach that of believers prospering in all areas of life? There are many prosperity theologians who will contend that is it biblically warranted according to 3 John 2, but those who are critics of this "brazen" gospel all contend that it is important to look at 3 John 2 within its proper context. (1 Cor. 2:13)  There is a battle of a turf war between that of many prosperity teachers and critics of the prosperity gospel who seek the attention of their audience. Apparently, many Faith televangelists are winning the war due to their opulent lifestyle in distorting the biblical truth as oppose to critics and expositors who give a sound exegetical principle of God's Word (2 Tim. 2:15).  It also appears that proponents of the prosperity gospel are winning by cheating on the Bible's theological chest game as if the material gain is a sign of God's favor. Many prosperity theologians may be winning, but, the outcome of its message is very much damaging to the church as a whole (2 Tim. 2:17-18). For many critics of the prosperity gospel is that in order to beat proponents of the prosperity gospel on its own theological "turf" is to have a balanced view in regards to the history, doctrine, and practice of this "brazen" gospel in light of scripture. It must also to point out in the sense of its philosophical and psychological analysis: that it is a pleasure-seeking religion at the expense of violating God's divine law as well as having a "new" way of thinking as it relates to New Thought ideas (1 Tim. 6:20).
  Throughout this article, I will begin to address the legacy of the prosperity gospel as to "how" it came about as a movement, the language of the Bible that it utilizes, that of its own "distinctive" language so as to fit within its own worldview (Col. 2:4, 6, 8).  It is also important for the church to notice that the legacy of the prosperity gospel appeals to that of the "fleshly" or carnal nature of people within the professing church today to gain a huge following. (2 Pet. 2:2-3) Even the apostle Paul declares, "But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ." Many within the Body of Christ have in fact "traded" that of the gospel of Jesus Christ for that of the prosperity gospel or to be prosperous in their own lives by which it gives such temporary satisfaction by which the heart is not completely satisfied. The "heart" Only seeks more; wants more by which it leads into a dead intersection of life. It is the things of this world; not Christ that is desired. The false teaching of the prosperity gospel leads many of God's people astray from their sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
   First, the legacy of the prosperity gospel origins is from a "Gnostic" source as a movement. (1 Tim. 6:20)  What does it mean by the history of the prosperity gospel came from a Gnostic source? As we go all the way back into the 1800's that the school of "New Thought" coined that of the concept of prosperity or that of the prosperity gospel. The basic principle of "New Thought" ideology is that of positive affirmation of faith "backed" by the Bible to achieve prosperity or to have a prosperity millionaire "mindset." Adherents of "New Thought" or "Science of the Mind" can become "conquerors" of any sickness, disease, death, and even poverty. In so many words within the system of "New Thought" that a person must change their way of thinking in order to experience prosperity. It is Mind over matter by which it is the basic principle of "New Thought" metaphysics. Within many "Gnostic" sects and cults is a belief that Spirit is in sharp contrast to flesh. So, the legacy of the prosperity gospel is that of its connection with "New Thought" metaphysics. (1 Tim. 6:20)  Many of the "metaphysical" cults is that of Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity, Religious Science, Theosophicalism, and Swendonborganism. Such "New Thought" cults advocate "Mind over matter" by which they deny essential Christian doctrines: that of the Bible, God, Jesus, the Fall of Man, Sin, and salvation.
  Secondly, what is the "language" of the Bible by which the "legacy" of the prosperity gospel utilizes? The "language" by which the system of the prosperity gospel "utilize" is that of the Bible, God, Faith, Anointing,  and covenant. Many of the proponents of the prosperity gospel "utilizes" the language of the Bible to "appear" that they are biblical concerning their message, but, have "radically" different meanings. For example, the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses "utilize" the word "firstborn" as to teach that "Jesus is the First Created Being" by which this particular cult explicitly deny the eternal preexistent of Jesus Christ as well as Creator of the universe. (Col. 1:15-17)  As the Late Dr. Walter Martin cult apologist and founder of Christian Research Institute says, "In order to strip the cultist of its most powerful arsenal is to insist that they define Christian biblical terminology according to the standard definition of the Bible." The problems with many cults today is to create a semantic jogans of "language" or biblical terminologies so as to "confuse" the minds of people. It is a way to utilize the standard "language" of "words" of the Bible so as to appear they are "Christian," but, also they have a totally different meaning of such biblical terminology (2 Cor. 11:3).
  The "legacy" of the prosperity gospel utilize the "tactics" of many cults today like that of Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormonism: that of utilizing the "language" of the Bible coupled with such "distorted" different meanings. (2 Cor. 11:3; 2 Pet. 3:16)  Whenever there is such biblical perversion it in turn impact people's lives spiritually. (2 Tim. 2:17, 18) The biblical concepts by which the "legacy" of the prosperity gospel "utilizes" is based upon such "metaphysical" interpretation. Also, for example, that "Faith is a force; words are the container of the force by which the "Faith" Christian can speak their world into existence." The biblical doctrine of faith is trusting in Who God is; not Faith as some "tangible, electrical force" by which the God of the Bible had to "utilize" His "force of faith" in order to create the world we are living in. If in fact, God had to "utilize" the "force of faith" to create the universe than God cease to be God by which He is "mere" Man. The creation of the universe is based upon God's divine nature and eternal power; not through such "force of faith." (Gen. 1; Heb. 11:2).
  Thirdly, what is the distinctive "language" of the "legacy" of the prosperity gospel? Once again the prosperity gospel definitely "utilize" the language of the Bible (e.g. "faith"), but, have different meanings as to the biblical concept (Heb. 11:1, 3, 6).  The "faith" of the prosperity gospel understanding of the doctrine of Faith is that it is a "tangible electrical" force by which both God and man can create their own world (Heb. 11:3). The worst of the prosperity gospel "metaphysical" concept of faith is that God through His mind's eye created a Redeemer ("Jesus") through the "force" of faith by the power of words. Jesus according to the prosperity gospel is that "Jesus" became hands, arms, and legs. That the theistic God of the Bible is some "passive" God who had to have faith just to create the world we live in. The question, "If in fact, God had to have faith then who is this God trusting? Is the God of the Bible trusting in His own "faith" just to make things happen? Or is this God of the Bible of trusting in Someone else outside of Himself? If in fact, God trusting in Someone outside of Himself than who created the Someone that is outside the Someone? The God of the Bible has been "reduced" into some kind of cosmic Servant at the beck and call of the Faith Christian who is obligated to do their bidding or "divine" commands (Rom. 4:17). The fact of the matter that God is Sovereign; Man is a servant. The theistic God of the Bible did not need faith to create the world we are living in, but, that He is the Creator of the universe, by which this world was created by God's eternal nature and divine power (Gen. 1; Heb. 11:2, Col. 1:15-17).
   In summary, the foundation from which the "legacy" of the prosperity gospel is built upon is from a Gnostic source by which it is connected to "New Thought" metaphysics: that of Mind-cure, Harmonialism, and Swedongorianism. (1 Tim. 6:20) The basic principle of beliefs concerning these cults is "Mind over matter." In so many words that such positive affirmation of faith in "divine" healing guarantee that such "metaphysical" followers can heal themselves without the intervention of a Sovereign Creator.
   The "language" by which the "legacy" of the prosperity gospel is that of the Bible. For example, the historic Christian church when it comes to the atoning work of Christ so as to provide salvation that proponents of the prosperity gospel "trash" the redemptive work of Christ by way of saying that Christ died on the cross did not atone for the sins of the world. Even at worst that through God's mind's eye that the Redeemer ("Christ") was spoken by God word of faith. Contemporary Word of Faith movement is in the category of such cults like Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormonism whose beliefs is in the creation of the Son of God as being created. (contrast, Col. 1:15-17)
   The distinctive language of the "legacy" of the prosperity gospel is that of the "metaphysical" concept of the doctrine of Faith. (2 Pet. 2:1) The prosperity gospel understanding of "faith" is that it is a "tangible, electrical force" by which the Faith Christian can utilize with the power of words to create their own world. This is the prosperity gospel understanding of Faith by which many of its proponents have "radically" redefined such biblical terminology. For the Church to be equipped in witnessing to others of different "faith" is be aware of the biblical terminology that they "utilize" to appear that they are "genuine" Christians, but, they are emissaries of Satan. (2 Cor. 11:3; 11ff) In order to strip the cultist of its most powerful arsenal is for the Christian to insist that they define such biblical terms in light of the Bible. (Acts 17:11 with 1 Jn. 4:1)
   The "legacy" of the prosperity gospel has in fact left a trail of blood concerning the wandering souls of lost men. It promises so much but fails to deliver what it promised to its victims. This particular movement focuses on what is earthly, but, not what is heavenly. Many of its "victims" pursue at risk of sacrificing there very dear soul for the sake of living a prosperous lifestyle.
   What "legacy" did the prosperity gospel leave behind? That of the wandering "souls" of people who are seeking to pursue pleasure at the risk of what is costly. Despite the consequences, they do as to what is consequential (2 Tim. 2:16, 17). It is my prayer that those who are trapped in this movement come to know the Christ of scripture by which they can experience forgiveness of their sins in receiving the gift of eternal life. (Jn. 3:36)

Rev. Darryl Miller is president of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia. Darryl is the bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From:? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy, "Little Baby."


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