The Work of the Holy Spirit: What Really Happened on the Day of Pentecost? (Part 1)

During this afternoon message, I will be going to Acts chapter 2 verse 5 where it says, "Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven." As we begin to study that of this particular passage in the Bible we must also keep in mind that in order to understand a given passage of scripture is to look at previous and proceeding verses in order for us to understand Acts chapter 2 verse 5. In so many words as students of the Bible, we must look at the immediate passage of scripture as to its wider context. Now that we are going into the heart of this most important passage of scripture according to Acts chapter 2 verse 5 is that first of all it is also important that we read properly God's Word as well as properly interpreting that of this particular passage.
   First, let's begin to read slowly Acts chapter 2 verse 5 where it says, "Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven." In the first part of this verse, it begins by saying, "Now...there." (v. 1a)  As we look at the previous passages of scripture according to Acts chapter 2 verses one through four is speaking about what took place on the day of Pentecost and that was many of Christ's disciples were "filled" with the Holy Spirit by which they spoke in such different native language by which they were enabled by the Spirit (Acts 2:3-4). The purpose by which many of Christ's disciple spoke in the "authentic" language of the people was to proclaim the gospel throughout the world (Acts 1:8). The native language by which the 120 followers of Christ spoke was based upon what was intelligible, comprehensible, and sensical by which those who heard them speak in their own language understood what they were saying (Acts 2:6, 8).  The error of many Charismatic evangelicals is the belief that speaking in such "gibberish" of tongues is the indication of the Spirit's power by which they have the fullness of the Holy Spirit. (Gal. 3:1, 2-4). For any particular system of doctrine, church, denomination, sect, or cult that teaches that speaking in tongues is the initial evidence of believers receiving that of the Holy Spirit is a false gospel (Gal. 1:8-9). Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, through Christ alone without any human works or merits (Eph. 2:8-9).
  According to Acts chapter 2 verse 5 in the first part of this passage by stating, "Now" is a transitioning of a statement of what happened in the past so as to its emphasis of what is to take place in the following (Acts 2:5-11).  According to Acts chapter 2 verse 5 says, "Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews or devout men from every nation under heaven." Notice that within this particular passage (2:5) that these God-fearing Jews or devout men where these ethnic group of people came from different nations. Even though they were God-fearing Jews, but the different nations from which they came (1) stayed in Jerusalem and (2) spoke in different native languages. Even though there were God-fearing Jews, but that many of the Jewish people did not speak nor have the same language, but had their own distinct native language. Once again the "different" native languages of the Jews were in fact understood between and among themselves. Something that is at odds to many modern-day Pentecostals who simply are ignorant of the historical context of the "narrative" of the Bible. (2 Pet. 3:15, 16)
   Also, it is necessary that we understand what Acts chapter 2 verse 5 says when it make mention of a specific group of people as to say, "Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews..." In the KJV of Acts 2:5 it says, "devout men." Such God-fearing Jews or "devout men were of such noble character by which throughout the Bible there are some of the characters of the Bible as well exemplify good noble character (Gen. 5:24; 6:9; 2 Chr. 31:20; Dan. 6:10; Jn. 8:29; 2 Tim. 1:5). It is not based upon monastery, asceticism, libertinism, nor perfectionism, but that of such nobility of character. Many of these God-fearing Jews showed reverence towards God's moral law, not in the sense of moral perfectionism.
   In order to clearly understand by grasping that of Acts 2:5 is that students of the Bible must, in turn, read that of the following passages of scripture. (Acts 2:6-8ff)  But, before we go into the next portion or segment of Acts 2:6-8ff is to also notice that many of these God-fearing Jews came from "every nation" under heaven. (2:5b) Many of these God-fearing Jews or devout men did not just come from Jerusalem, but, from every nation under heaven by which God is Sovereign over those nations of people. (2:5b) One of the most important things that many Charismatics fail to take into account the historical/grammatical analysis of a given chapter, verse, or passages of scripture. (2 Tim. 2:15)
   Now, it is also important that we continue to read other portions of the biblical passages of Acts chapter 2 verses 6 through 8. In verse 6 of Acts chapter 5, it says, "When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. Can any of you imagine hearing such a sound coming from a given location by which you were perplexed in knowing that there are people who are speaking fluently in a different language? All of a sudden there was someone in that crowd happen to speak in your own native language by which you are wondering how is it that a person who speaks Spanish, but, speak in your own language by which you understand what they are saying (v. 6, 8).  But, nevertheless, they are speaking in the native language of the people. The purpose by which they are speaking in the native language of the people was to preach the gospel throughout the world (Acts 1:8). Many of Christ's disciples were enabled by the Holy Spirit to speak in "authentic" different native language as a result of being filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:3-4).  But, in verse 7 of Acts 2, the crowd were amazed and astonished by saying, "Aren't all these who are speaking Galileans?" Many of the Galileans were unlearned and uneducated people by which the Sovereign God enabled them to speak in the native language of the people by which they were amazed and astonished because they heard them speak in their own language (vs 6-8).  But, also in verse 8 of Acts 2, the crowd ask the question by saying, "Then how is it that each of us hears them in our own language?"  It is nothing but the Sovereign God of creation that made it possible for the Galileans to speak in the native language of the people. But such a large crowd of people did not know how all of this came about. It was a miracle of God that the Galileans were declaring what was to speak in the native language of the people (Acts 2:11). Also, the crowd of people who came from various nations was shocked and amazed as to how such an "unlearned, and uneducated" Galileans could, in fact, speak in their own native language (Acts 2:6, 8).
   In closely, in order to understand what took place on the day of Pentecost is to understand that even though it was an actual historical event, but it was a past historical event that cannot be "duplicated" by the church. The reason for such widespread ignorance throughout many of our churches today is "sheer" ignorance of church history and doctrine. There are many Charismatics and Pentecostal who seek to make the experience of Pentecost their own experience without truly knowing that of its own history. What happened "then" is not what is happening Now. (contrast, Acts 2:1) Secondly, in order for the church to understand what took place on the day of Pentecost is to know the historical, biblical, and theological analysis of the context of the Bible. The church must look at the whole; not part of the historical narrative as to what took place on the day of Pentecost. The rich history of the day of Pentecost is very much unique in and of itself, but, never at the expense of the church making it as their own history and narrative.

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the Lead pastor of Contending for the Faith Reformed Church in Atlanta, Georgia. He is the best-selling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation? Darryl is the Host, "Ask Darryl" Podcast Show which airs regularly @ As an apologist, author, pastor, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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