The Joy of Knowing God's Word: Recognizing the Truth of Scripture (Part 1)

We live in a church culture that is no longer satisfied with knowing the truth of God's Word. Instead of hearing the truth of God's Word that many of our churches today, especially among evangelicals have in fact yearn to hear God's still small voice within their "human" spirit by which they explicitly deny that of the authority and inspiration of scripture. When the Church talks about that of the authority of scripture teach what we ought to believe and how we ought to live our lives. Also, when it comes to the inspiration of the Bible is that scripture is "inspired" by God by which God the Holy Spirit is the Author of scripture (2 Tim. 3:16). The Bible is the inspired, authoritative Word of God by which the church can confidently trust in what God's Word teaches as it pertains to life and godliness.  Everything that the Church needs to know is what is already revealed in scripture by which anything that is outside the boundaries of God's Word through such personal prophecies, a revelation of the spirit, or some reveal word within a person's spirit clearly is in opposition to what is taught to the truth of scripture. The apostle Peter declares in 2 Peter 1:20 where it says, "Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation." First, the prophecy of scripture is sure, reliable, and trustworthy as diametrically opposed to false teachers who claim to have a corner on the truth as if they can "unfold" God's divine mysteries (Deut. 29:29). Secondly, there are pseudo-teachers who called themselves "seers" and revelators who claim to plummet that of the depths of the wisdom and knowledge of God's Word for such "deeper" revelation of the spirit. The way by which these pseudo-teachers claim such "deeper" knowledge is that of "mere" knowledge or "gnosis." The avenue by which Gnostics claim such spiritual salvation is for them to recognize the spark of divinity from within or to receive such "special" knowledge by which it is fleshly; not true knowledge in Christ (Col. 1:9, 10). Therefore many of these pseudo-teachers claim to be "spiritual," "enlightened," and "initiate" by which ordinary believers are "fleshly," "unenlightened," and "carnal" by which they possess Sense Rule knowledge. Most "Christian" mystics claim to possess such "true" spiritual knowledge, but the institutional Church possesses such "fleshly" knowledge. The institutional church or traditional biblical Christianity have been accused of having the "letter" of the law; not the spirit and the Word. The "dead" orthodoxy of traditional churches are lifeless by which many professing Christian teachers will contend that in order to understand "this Word" is through such life-changing spirit. Within many Gnostic systems that Reason and Faith are in sharp opposition towards each other. It is a love-hate relationship by which in reality both Reason and faith are bedfellows. Most followers of Gnostics sects and cults are prohibited from thinking in terms of what is the reasonableness of the Christian faith so as to commit such intellectual suicide. Even though reason alone does not suffice to understand the written revelation of the Bible, but that it is necessary for the Holy Spirit to illumine the mind in order to understand God's Word. For any system of doctrine, church, sect, or cult that believe in what is "blind" faith is a travesty to the faith and life of the church today (Matt. 4:1-11; 2 Tim. 2:17, 18)
The Church possesses such "true" spiritual knowledge; Gnostics possess such "fleshly" knowledge (Col. 1:9, 10; 2:18, 19). In order for the church to discern biblical truth is that those who are chosen by God's election of grace are going to be the recipient of hearing the truth of God's Word (Jn. 18:37).
  Throughout this article, I will begin to address (1) the nature and character of knowing the truth of God's Word. And, (2) the believer's anticipation of hearing the truth of God's Word. Also, therefore (3) the false teaching of hearing God's voice. It is so important for the Church to know that what God has already revealed in scripture is everything that we need to know pertaining to life and godliness.
   The nature and character of the believer knowing the truth of God's Word is that the Bible is "inspired" by God by which it is trustworthy and reliable (2 Pet. 1:19-21 with 2 Tim. 3:16).  The nature of scripture is that it is "inspired" by God through which the Holy Spirit is the Author of the Bible. The Holy Spirit is Divine Truth by which the Holy Spirit does not contradict Himself based upon the fact that the Spirit is that of the Spirit of truth (Jn. 14:26). There is an attack upon that of the Bible as to its genuineness and authenticity (2 Pet. 1:19). Higher criticism, deductive study, and theological liberalism are very much of a contributing factor to the denigration of the Bible. Such an attack upon the Bible ranging from the creation account, the Fall of Man, miracles, and biblical characters. There are professors throughout many of our Bible colleges and seminaries, pastors, and "emerging" churches believe either in such "partial" inspiration of the Bible or complete denial of the authority and inspiration of scripture. Many professing Christian teachers will contend that the Bible is not the Word of God based upon the fact that it is not "inspired" by God Himself. Many of the writers who wrote the Bible were stenographers by which God dictated what they were to write (contrast, Rom. 10:1). If in fact  God "dictate" to the biblical writers of the Bible than it poses such a dilemma in believing God's Word for what it truly is: that is the very Word of God (2 Tim. 3:15, 16).  The character of the Bible is that it is reliable and trustworthy (2 Pet. 1:19-21). The apostle Peter admonishes us as believers to carefully pay attention to what it says in scripture. The reliability of scripture is that the church trust what is already revealed in scripture especially pertaining to our salvation (2 Tim. 3:15). It is through the scripture that we are made wise unto salvation. In so many word salvation is in Jesus Christ by which people must put their trust in Christ in order to be saved (Rom. 10:9-10). Also, when it comes to trusting what God's Word says is that everything that God has stated in His Word guarantees that of the trustworthiness of scripture (Matt. 5:17-18).
   When it comes to the believer anticipating hearing the truth of God's Word is desiring, understanding, and applying to know the truth of God's Word. (Acts 17:11) The Berean Christians based upon Acts 17:11 where it says, "they searched the scripture daily to see if what Paul is saying is true." Whenever the church desire to hear the truth of scripture is through the proclamation of the gospel. (Rom. 1:16) The gospel is based upon the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. ( 1 Cor. 15:1-2ff) If in fact, Christ has not risen then the Bible says, "our faith is in vain by which we are dead in our sins." The fact of the matter is that many of our churches today have become so spiritually "indifferent" towards what is sound biblical truth by which they prefer some "newer" revelation. There is nothing new under the sun, but, that everything that the church needs to know is what is already revealed in scripture. Scripture is not revealed in a corner by which God gives some "special" men some spiritual "revelations" that is outside the boundaries of God's Word. (2 Pet. 1:20) There must be a spiritual hunger for God's people who desire to hear what "thus saith the Lord." In order for the church to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ is to have such a proper knowledge and understanding of God's Word so as to live a life pleasing unto the Lord. (2 Pet. 3:18) 
  When it comes to understanding the truth of God's Word is that the Holy Spirit gives believers such spiritual understanding of scripture (1 Cor. 2:13). In order for the church to understand the truth of God's Word is comparing spiritual things with spiritual. In so many words for the student of the Bible to understand the truth of God's Word is to compare scripture with scripture. As the student of the Bible begin to understand scripture as it relates to other passages of scripture even those difficult passage of scripture is that each part must fit as to its whole. It is similar to a puzzle putting each part in its right place. The Holy Spirit is our Divine Teacher by which the Spirit leads believer into all truth (Jn. 14:26).
   As God's people begin to understand God's Word they, in turn, can apply the truth of scripture to their everyday life.  Interpretation comes before application. In order to apply God's Word to the lives of God's people, there must be a "sound" interpretation. The reason for the dysfunctionalism in the church today is that of such poor interpretation as well as its biblical application. Once again in order for believers to live a life pleasing unto the Lord is to have such a proper knowledge and understanding of God's Word. (2 Pet. 3:18)
  The false teaching of hearing the truth of God's Word is that many professing Christians seek to anticipate hearing God's voice in their human spirit. The human "spirit" according to the teaching of Gnosticism in the professing church today is that the "spirit" is the candlestick by which God gives such spiritual "revelations." The basic beliefs of mysticism are that "Spirit is good; flesh is evil." It is the "spirit" of man that is free from the contamination of the flesh or that of it imprisonment of the "spirit" held hostage by the outer physical body that yearns to be free. Without the "spirit" being released from the imprisonment of the flesh thereby the "spirit" remains to be held hostage. The "avenue" by which many Gnostics attain such salvation is to recognize the "spark" of divinity from within or "special" knowledge, or "gnosis" that transcends such earthly, fleshly knowledge that is of the senses or Sense Rule Knowledge. As one Faith televangelist once says, "Revelation Knowledge is within a person's spirit; not through such Sense Rule Knowledge." The influence of Gnosticism has, in fact, infiltrate that of contemporary evangelicalism that spiritual "revelations" within a person's human spirit is preferred over what is the content of biblical truth. Subjectivism is favored over what is "objective" truth based upon God's Word. Prophecy, personal prophecies, and revelations are that of the "norm" of the Church today by which the authority and inspiration of the Bible are thrown out the window. 
  There are many professing Christians who earnestly desire to have such an "intimate" personal relationship with God by God having to speak to them "personally" or such "direct" divine influx.(Deut. 29:29)  The secret things belong unto the LORD thy God but those things which are revealed belong unto us and our children children's. Many of these pseudo-teachers who claim they can "unravel" God's divine mysteries by reading the mind and heart of God cross that of the theological threshold of mysticism. The apostle Paul warns against mysticism in the professing church today (Col. 2:18). Also, many of these "seers" and revelators claim that based upon their so-called revelatory knowledge demonstrates such spiritual humility, but it is based upon such false humility. They also claim such angelic personage or claim to have seen something when they have seen nothing. They disregard that of the Head
  The Church needs spiritual discernment in an age of spiritual deception. The stakes are so high that many believer's faith hinges upon what they believe concerning the truth of scripture. Whenever there is such "misguided" belief in that of theological mysticism it ruins that of the faith and lives of God's people (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia. Darryl is the best-selling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy, "Little Baby." 


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