What is New Thought Metaphysics?

There is a necessity to define what is New Thought metaphysics!  It is also important to know how "New Thought" metaphysics is associated with contemporary African American "Word of Faith" religion in light of New Thought historical background (1 Tim. 6:20).  There are millions of people today especially within that of the church who are unaware of the influence of New Thought within the corridors of many evangelical churches and its own leadership today (2 Tim. 2:17, 18). I find it quite disheartened and appalling that people today are not interested in sound biblical doctrine but are so preoccupied with fads and trends of today.  Trends only appears for a moment but then there are other trends that substitute many of the culture trends of today (Col. 2:4, 6, 8).  The influence of New Thought has in fact greatly influence that of the Church today by which it is a cosmetic Christianity that does not reflect that of true biblical Christianity (2 Cor. 11:3; 13-15). 
  Throughout this short article I will begin by addressing the question entitled, "What is New Thought Metaphysics?  As a serious student of the Bible or academic theologian to think seriously in terms of the subject matter at hand. We must not take lightly what is being address simply because of how it have in fact impacted the lives of people in the world today and especially within that of the faith and life of the church.  There are three main points that I want to address today and that is (1) What is New Thought metaphysics? (2) What is the nature and character of New Thought in relations to contemporary African American "Word of Faith" movement churches? And (3) What are the distinctive teachings of New Thought that are perpetuated by many Faith televangelists in the Christian media, the church, and the world altogether?  It is very much important to understand that The New Thought movement associated with contemporary African American Word of Faith religion are neither monolithic nor doctrinaire but are smaller but "independent" churches and ministries who core beliefs and values are very much interchangeable. This is not to say that many Faith leaders adhere to every theological tenets of New Thought but many of its core beliefs and practice are very much in agreement.  Even though many "Word of Faith" churches and ministries have there own particular leadership but are "authoritarian" without any accountability to any denominational affiliation, synod, elders, and deacons (1 Tim. 3:1-7).  Many of its leaders becomes there own authority by which it has as its church structure both pastor and co-pastor who are husband and wife in ministry team.
  New Thought metaphysics or The New Thought movement (also "Higher Thought") is a philosophical movement which developed in the United States in the 19th century by many to have been derived from the "unpublished" writings of Phineas Quimby.  The New Thought movement is that of Mind-Cure, Positive Thought, and Harmonalism. In so many words it is Mind over Matter by which practitioners of New Thought belief in the principle of Science "backed" by such positive affirmation of faith in the healing of the body, soul, and spirit without the divine intervention of a Sovereign Creator. When it comes to the idea of mind-cure theology that practitioners of New Thought must believe in the "principle" of science to healed themselves of any spiritual and physical abnormalities. The "positive" thoughts of New Thought is that people must think "positively" in order that one's own circumstances will change. To think positive is to expect positive results; to think negatively is to allow such undesirable things to come into a person's life.  There are two sides of the pole: Faith represent what is positive; Fear represent the what is negative. Faith and fear are on the opposite side of the pole. People are encourage by many Faith leaders to always think positive regardless of what they are faced with.  It goes against the odds of what is true reality.  When it comes to the doctrine of Harmonalism it is taught by New Thought leaders that the Universal Spirit indwells humanity (Jn. 10:38).  The idea that people are an extension of the image of God in that men are "gods."  In so many words God is Man; Man is "god."  The Christian concept of the "image" of man made in the likeness of God is that humanity possess mind ("intellect"), will ("volitional"), and emotion ("feelings").  There is Only One True and Living God (1 Cor. 8:6).  God does not have billions of  "gods" walking around here on planet earth. The Christian concept of God is monotheistic ("one" God); New Thought concept of God is tritheistic ("many gods").  The New Thought movement understanding of Man is its trichotomous view of humanity: that of body, soul, and spirit. It is the "spirit" of humanity by which the Infinite Spirit resides in the "soul" of mankind.  In essence New Thought deny the "reason" (i.e. mind) of humanity as to think in terms of the reasonableness of the Christian faith. It is "revelation" within a person's spirit by which people can understand God's divine mysteries (Col. 2:18, 19).
    The character and nature of New Thought in relations to contemporary African American Word of Faith movement churches is that as little "gods" walking around on planet earth is that of visualization, faith-filled words through such "force" of faith that people can create their own world (Heb. 11:3).  The Hebrew writer declares, "Through faith we understand that the world was framed by the Word of God..." (Heb. 11:3).  As we look at creation there is a Designer who design that of the universe. It was not by chance or is the creation of the universe is through some evolutionary process by which God because of His divine nature and power spoke the universe into being (Gen. 1:1, 3).  When the eternal God says, "Let there be light and there was light" based upon the fact that when God spoke the universe came into being. The theistic God of the Bible did not need faith to create the universe based upon the theology of the African American Word of Faith doctrine nor did God utilize "mere" words to create the universe. Why? Because of God's divine nature and power that He spoke the universe into being.  All three Members of the Godhead that of the eternal Father, eternal Son, and the eternal Holy Spirit were involved in the creation of the universe and humanity.  According to New Thought ideology in congruent with contemporary African American "Word of Faith" movement churches teach that God through His mind's eye through His force of His faith through faith-filled words created the universe by which it is foreign to the clear teaching of scripture (2 Tim. 6:3-5).  Whenever there is such a distortion of biblical truth it adversely affect other area of doctrine and Christian theology.  It also causes people's faith to become spiritually shipwrecked as a result of such "misguided" beliefs (Matt. 4:1-11).
   The distinctive teachings of New Thought perpetuated by many African American Word of Faith televangelist in the Christian media, the church, and the world altogether is there "metaphysical" concept of God, self, and the world around them.  Many African American Faith leaders read that of the scripture through the "eyes" of such "metaphysical" lenses by which it is non-cognitive, and non-reality.  Let's take for example Adam's sin and disobedience in the Garden of Eden according to Genesis 3:1-7.  The Fall of Man was a direct result of Adam and Eve disobeying God's divine law by partaking of the forbidden fruit which is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  As a result of Adam's sin and disobedience the First Parents sought to work "independently" of God by which it ruin that of the human race.  The Fall of Man did not precipitate Adam losing that of his godhood in the Garden by which many of his descendants especially Adam and Eve themselves was "infused" with the nature of Satan.  Adam's sin and disobedience was a result of disobeying God's divine law by which all of humanity by nature are sinners (Rom. 5:12-27).  Man is a sinner by nature by which they are prone to sinning (Rom. 3:23).  Sin spiritually separates Man from God, self, and others.  In order that sinful humanity can be restored back to God is to acknowledge that they have sinned against a holy God, repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ in order to receive the gift of eternal life (Jn. 3:36).  The problem with New Thought theology understanding of sin is that it does not exist by which many African Word of Faith televangelist rarely talk about the doctrine of sin. According to African American Word of Faith theology is that Man is not a sinner by nature but that it is a "defect," "environmental condition," "low self-esteem," and "incorrect" thinking by which people finds themselves grip into a hopeless situation.  Whenever there is a low view of sin taught by many African American Faith leadership it in turn affect that of there understanding of the whole of the Christian faith especially that of the authority and inspiration of the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16).
   There we have it the skin of the truth wrapped in a monstrous lie by which the "inexperienced" and naive of believers are unable to detect the fatal flaws of such theological errors. Error produces errors. The consequences of such doctrinal and theological errors has in fact greatly damaged that of the faith and life of the church today (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).  The influence of New Thought within the corridors of contemporary African American "Word of Faith" religion have reached into the annals both evangelical churches, Charismatic and Pentecostal movements, and "liberal" mainline Protestant denominations by which the infection of "metaphysical" concepts and ideology have poison the veins of its spiritual immune system. The Church within this new millennium is no longer the church by which Christ's shed His blood (Matt. 16:18).  The foundation and superstructure of many evangelical churches have been eaten up by "spiritual" terminates which in turn causes the Church foundations to crumble. 
   In order for the Church to see the impact of how the influence of New Thought have greatly impacted that of contemporary African American "Word of Faith" movement churches is to know the history of the movement of New Thought, its particular beliefs, practice, and the psychological dynamics in the way people view God, self, and the world around them.  The theology of New Thought is that the Intelligent Spirit dwells within that of each person, the divine spark of divinity of humanity, visualization, divine energy or "force" that create the universe, positive thoughts, and the power of words to create reality. The Church needs spiritual discernment in spiritually deceptive times that we live in.  False doctrine, biblical and theological heresies is running rampant in the professing church today. The remedy for spiritual apostasy is God's divine judgment (1 Tim. 1:3-11; 4:1; 2 Tim. 2:17, 18; Pet. 2:1; Jude 8-10).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller, president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is the best-selling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" He is also the Podcast Host of, "Ask Darryl" that airs regularly 24/7 @ www.spreaker.com/user/bishopoflyons.com.  As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world.  Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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