The Influence of New Thought Within Contemporary African American Word of Faith Religion (Part 2)

There is a necessity to address the "distinctive" doctrines of New Thought metaphysics as it relates to contemporary African American "Word of Faith" religion.  It is a "religion" simply because many of its predecessors have attempt to create their own brand of religion by borrowing "heavily" from various religious traditions and philosophical ideology (1 Tim. 6:20). The foundation from which many New Thought teachers and leaders derived that of their own particular brand of religion is from a "Gnostic" source: that of what is revelatory knowledge (2 Pet. 1:20).  Most Gnostics throughout the first and second century church claim to receive such "secret" knowledge that are veiled from the spiritual immature or the "unenlightened."  In so many words such knowledge ("gnosis") are accessible to the spiritually elite; not to ordinary people who are spiritually "unenlightened."  Such knowledge ("gnosis") is revealed within the Gnostic [human] spirit by which the soulish part as it relates to what is rational or Sense Rule Knowledge are discouraged. Knowledge proceed that of salvation but true spiritual knowledge in the Person of Jesus Christ is true salvation (Rom. 10:9-10).
  Within this article entitled, "The Influence of New Thought Within Contemporary African American Word of Faith Religion" Part 2 that I will begin to address the particular doctrines taught by Faith televangelist which promote the "cultic" teaching of New Thought metaphysics (Rom. 16:17-18).  It is very important to know that the establishment of New Thought leaders who create their brand of religion whether it is Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity, Religious Science, Theosophicalism, and Swedonborgianism whose foundation is based upon such revelatory knowledge by which is goes contrary to the absolute truth of scripture (2 Pet. 1:19-21; 2 Tim. 3:16). Whenever a particular group or organization deny the absolute truth of God's Word in favor of what is revelatory have in fact denied the true faith (2 Tim. 4:1).  Prophecy, personal prophecies, and spiritual revelations are the foundation of many sects, cults, and ism.  It also remains truth of contemporary African American Word of Faith movement churches and ministries who based what they believe and teach about the Bible solely upon such Revelation Knowledge.  The appearance of many Word of Faith churches and ministries "appear" to be genuine but beneath the rubbish of its core beliefs are "faulty" at its foundation (1 Cor. 3:10-17). There are four main points that I want to address in regards to the influence of New Thought within contemporary African American religion and that is (1) The meaning of "New Thought" within the culture of New Thought. (2) The particular beliefs of New Thought in relations to contemporary African American Word of Faith religion. (3) The necessity to address New Thought metaphysics in light of history, the Bible, its theological presupposition, and philosophical ideology (Acts 17:11 with 1 John 4:1).  And also (4) The necessity for the Church as a whole in being proactive as to the intrusion of the influence of New Thought (2 Tim. 2:17-18).
   First, the meaning of New Thought in the culture of New Thought is that the Mind permeates all of humanity by which it transcend human knowledge, that of the character and nature of humanity to discover the "Christ" Spirit from within.  Whenever New Thought teachers and leaders make reference to the "Mind" they are referring to God being seen in all of man. Essentially man is "god" by which man possess that of the nature and character of God-like qualities. In so many words as God is; Man is.  The problematic issue with New Thought is that Man does not possess that of the divine attributes and character of God in the sense of omnipotence (All-Powerful) and omniscient (All-Knowing) simply because Man is created by God by which Man is "limited" in his knowledge of Who God is.  New Thought theology take that of the image of God as to say that Man is essentially "god" by which Man seats in the driver's seat with God. There is One true and living God according to 1 Corinthians 8:6.  The Triune or the Tri-unity of God is revealed in three Persons the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit which consist of one God; not three Gods.  They possess that of the same divine attributes (e.g. "eternality") but are in agreement with the work of creation and redemption.
   As the divine Mind permeate that of humanity that Man can visualize that of his or her own imagination there the "force" of faith through the power of words to create their own world (Heb. 11:3). The contemporary African American "Word of Faith" religion fits within the category of the culture of New Thought metaphysics as to the "renovation" of one's own Mind to visualize the "image" on the inside of them as little "gods" through his or her "force" of faith through the power of words to create their own reality.  In all fairness and truth is that the Word-Faith theology understanding of the theistic God of the Bible, Man, and the doctrine of Faith is a flawed theology (2 Tim. 2:17, 18). The theistic God of the Bible is not a "Faith" Being who needs faith to create the universe but based upon His eternal nature and divine power spoke the universe into being (Gen. 1:1; 3). Man who is created in the image of God is not essentially God but that Man who is God's creation are both "limited" in his knowledge of God by which humanity have such mind, will, and emotions that makes up the soulish aspect of humanity itself.
   The particular beliefs of New Thought in connection with contemporary African American Word of Faith religion is that humanity possess the divine nature of God, utilizing the mind to alter reality, and positive confession of faith "backed" by the Bible.  When it comes to humanity possessing the divine nature of God is that Man is essentially God (Jn. 10:38).  The divine nature and character of God is that the theistic God of the Bible is that of omnipotence (All-Powerful), omniscient (All-Knowing), and omnipresent (Matt. 28:19-20). 
   That of humanity possessing the divine nature of God according to contemporary African American Word of Faith religion equal to that of divine Sonship. Many African American Faith leaders like Dollar, Jakes, and Bynum and others utilize the standard text of John chapter 1 verse 13 where it says, "As many as received Him to them gave them power to become the sons of God to them that believe on His name." Sons of God does not refer to "divine" Sonship as if the believer are an extension of God's divine nature and character. Those who have professed faith in Jesus Christ who are truly saved are children of God or that they are in God's Family. But according to African American Word of Faith theology that "divine" Sonship is to possess that of the nature and character of God reference to Who God is and what the Creator do in relations to creation.  Both the eternal Father, the eternal Son of God, and the eternal Spirit are involved in the creation of the universe by which based upon the eternal nature and power of God is that God spoke the universe into being (Gen. 1:1, 3; Col. 1:15-17). Nor does the "Faith" Christian in turn possess that of the eternal nature and power of God in reference to speaking their world into being as if they are the sovereign Creator (Rom. 1:18-32).  When it comes to professing believers possessing the such divine nature is that of the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit by which a person is saved (Titus 3:5).
  The capstone of the "Faith" Christians utilizing their minds to alter reality is very much of contemporary African American Word of Faith religion associated with New Thought metaphysics. In so many words in order for a person's circumstances to change they must change what they think as if the Mind is powerful enough to do away with whatever a person is experiencing (contrast, Jas. 1:3-5). As a result of the Fall of Man in the garden of Eden that many of us as God's people are going to go through things in life that will not always be pleasant (Rom. 8:28).  Even in the midst of a person's mishaps in life that there is a purpose by which God is working things in accordance to His divine will and purpose. Just for people to think such positive thoughts are not going to negate the things that we as God's people must face and go through.  We must count it all joy when we experience trials in life. It only serves as a means for us as God's people to depend totally upon God and not ourselves. Trials in life serves also as a purpose in developing that of our character in conformity to the life of Christ. New Thought believe in the "power of the Mind" to overcome any given circumstances in life but according to contemporary African American Word of Faith religion is that the "power of Faith" can overcome any obstacles in life as if they are true Conquerors in Christ.  As true Conquerors in Christ that the "Faith" Christian can overcome sin, sickness, disease, poverty, and even death simply by believing in the power of Faith (Mk. 11:22-24).  The influence of New Thought within contemporary African American Word of Faith religion have in fact reached into the annals of both evangelicalism and "liberal" Protestant denominations. It is a "disease" that has gone unabated by which there is a cure for such a "disease" returning from such cultural captivity to biblical faith ( Book of Ezra, 2 Chron. 7:14).
   Also, last but not lease that the cornerstone of contemporary African American Word of Faith religion in connection with New Thought metaphysics is that of such positive affirmation of faith "backed" by the Bible (Rom. 10:9). There are many Faith leaders who will attempt to "disassociate" themselves from the cult of Christian Science by saying, "We are not teaching Christian Science nor New Age but the Bible." There is an attempt to make a difference within any distinction from what many of Faith leaders teach about positive confession or positive affirmation of faith.  Also many Faith leaders especially within contemporary African American prosperity "theologians" repackaged their message in order (1) to make their message acceptable to the masses of people. And (2) To conceal their message so that it will not be easily detected (2 Cor. 4:1-4; 11:3; Eph. 4:14).  The diabolical and sinister of false spiritual leaders in the professing church today is to lure their prey into believing that based upon such positive confession of faith they can have a positive outlook on life so as to live in a "magical" world of their own cravings and imagination (Rom. 1:18-32).  Faith confession or positive confession will not guarantee that the destiny of people are going to fall perfectly in life. There are going to be some bumps and turns in life by which many within the contemporary African American Word of Faith religion are not willing to accept reality for what reality is (Rom. 8:28-32).
  The necessity to address "New Thought" metaphysics in light of the Bible, its theological presupposition, and philosophical ideology must be based primarily upon scripture (Acts 17:11 with 1 John 4:1).  The revelation of the Bible is to where the student of the Bible must begin to investigate by research of a particular doctrine, group, movement in light of God's Word (Acts 5:35, 37).  The source by which New Thought originates is from its Gnostic origins (1 Tim. 6:20).  The "gnostic" orientation and movement of New Thought metaphysics is that the world of New Thought is viewed through such "metaphysical" lenses.  When it comes to the foundation of New Thought from which it is built is based upon what is revelatory: that of such "inward" witness of the spirit that "originates" within the [human] spirit of its past and present predecessors (2 Pet. 1:20).  Many cult leaders based their heretical movement's based upon some "new" found truth or spiritual revelation by which they substantiate their so-called "truth" claims.  The "cult" of New Thought in relation to contemporary African American Word of Faith religion must be seen in light of the Bible; not the Bible in light of the movement in and of itself.
  The theological doctrines of "New Thought" metaphysics is a worldview concept that are diametrically opposed to essential Christian theology.  Most Gnostics within that of the professing church today seek to compete with that of essential biblical Christianity ("divinity" of Christ) so as to "appear" that they are in agreement with the historic Christian church but whose motives is to destroy the faith of the Church and to ruins the moral lives of God's people (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).  Also most Gnostics interpretation and understanding of essential Christian theology for example the doctrine of the Person and work of Jesus Christ is that "Jesus is a mere Man who had to be "anointed" by God to do what the Man Jesus had to do in order to perform such miracles." In so many words according to many Gnostics in the professing church today is that, "Jesus represent Man; Christ represent Spirit." It is impossible for the Christ Spirit to reside in the Man Jesus. In 1 John chapter 4:3 where the apostle John called such false spiritual leaders as the "Antichrist." The apostle John goes on to say that there are many "antichrists" that are in the world today.  There are many Faith leaders within Faith televangelism that clearly deny the Person of Jesus Christ as to be God in human flesh.  They teach that "Jesus had to be "anointed" in order to be God to do miracles. He (Jesus) was Only a Man who had to be "anointed" by the Holy Spirit."  Many of the doctrines that are taught by historic biblical Christianity and the historic Christian church have in fact been interpreted by New Thought teachers and leaders into "bad" mythology (1 Tim. 3:1-11; 2 Tim. 4:3-4).
   The philosophical ideology of "New Thought" metaphysics is that of its Gnostic tendencies and orientation as a movement (1 Tim. 6:20).  The question, "How is it that such Gnostic tendencies infiltrate that of contemporary African American "Word of Faith" movement churches within this new millennium?  First, many African American Faith televangelist claim that many of their writings are a "direct" revelation that comes from God (contrast, 2 Pet. 1:20).  Contemporary African American "Word of Faith" religion deny the absolute truth of the Bible in favor of what is Revelation Knowledge by which to by-pass people Sense Rule Knowledge.  In so many words it is the spirit that gives such "direct" knowledge or "gnosis" in order to understand the Bible. Also many African American Faith leaders rely upon what is revealed in their spirit in place of rightly dividing God word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15).  Most Charismatics and Pentecostal churches and leadership will say, "The letter kills but the spirit gives life."  It is always seeking some "fresh" word or "newer" revelation is order to attain "true" spiritual knowledge by which it is "fleshly" in nature (Col. 2:18, 19).  The Church possess such "true" spiritual knowledge but professing Christian teachers possess such "fleshly" knowledge (Col. 1:9, 10 in contrast Col. 2:18, 19).
   The "Gnostic" tendencies and orientation of New Thought that is associated with contemporary African American Word of Faith religion is that of of such "superiority" of knowledge.  The attitudinal attitude of many African American Faith televangelists is their supposedly "elevated" knowledge above what is Sense Rule Knowledge. They claim to have such spiritual "insight" into the depths of the mysteries of God outside the "norm" of scripture. The "secret" things belongs to the Lord thy God but those things which are revealed belongs unto us and our children children's (Deut. 29:29).
  The necessity of the Church as a whole is to be proactive as to intrusion of New Thought metaphysics within that of the church today (2 Tim. 2:17, 18). The way by which Gnostics infiltration that of the church today is a step-by-step process by which they "appear" to be Christians by utilizing the language of the Bible, the creeds and catechism of the church, and the language from within its own culture. They seek to compete with the teaching of the Church ("divinity of Christ") so as to be plausible to what is essential to historic biblical Christianity (2 Cor. 11:3, 11-15).  Many Gnostics start out by pretending to teach what is essential to the Christian faith by teaching what the Church teach but beneath that of their pretention distort the truth by "radically" redefining such biblical Christian terminology (2 Pet. 3:16, 17). Whenever there is such biblical distortion that is being perpetauted by Gnostics within that of Faith televangelism that it adversely affect the moral lives of God's people. The infection of neo-Gnosticism have in fact spread rapidly throughout both evangelicalism and many "liberal" mainline Protestant denominations (1 Tim. 4:1). The infection of New Thought influence within contemporary African American Word of Faith movement churches have been tested positive by which the spiritual immune system of the faith and life of the Church today have become infected with full-blown virses (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).
    In order for the Church today to avert such a crisis within Christianity is to return from cultural captivity to biblical faith (Ezra, 2 Chron. 7:14).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president & Chairman of "Darryl Miller International Ministries" in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is the best-selling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" He is the Podcast Host of, "ASK DARRYL" which airs regularly 24/7 @  As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world.  Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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