The Influence of New Thought within Contemporary African American Word of Faith Religion

There is a need to address the issue of the influence of New Thought within contemporary African American religion especially that of the prosperity-faith movement (Acts 5:35, 37).  During the early days of the prosperity message that herald, "It Is God's Will for His People to Prosper" by which proponents of the prosperity gospel utilize the biblical text of 3 John 2 where it says, "Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers."  Many African American Faith leaders are convinced by convincing that of members of their congregation that to experience "total" life prosperity is God's will for every believer.  They have also convince themselves by convincing others that this is the story of what the apostle John meant in this particular portion of the Bible (3 Jn. 2).  Even though there are other passages of scripture like Matthew 6:33 and John 10:10 that appears to collaborate many prosperity "theologians" story in support of the prosperity gospel.  It must be kept in mind that many African American Faith televangelists who support that of the prosperity theology are "mere" Bible teachers; not bona-fide biblical theologians.     The messages of many African American faith leadership is via Revelation Knowledge within a person's spirit outside the perimeter of the written Word of God (2 Pet. 1:20).  Just a "mere" casual reading of the biblical text of 3 John 2 is only the tip of the theological iceberg by which there are cultural baggage that comes along with it.  There is also a philosophical and psychological basis by which many African American prosperity teachers interpret many of the biblical passages of the Bible especially those passages of scripture that are in support of the prosperity theology (Col. 2:4, 6, 8).  There is also an even more dangerous implication of the prosperity gospel and that is it appears to be "Christian" but it is a "metaphysical" wolf in sheep's clothing (Matt. 7:15).  The "influence" of New Thought have in fact greatly influenced that of many African American churches today especially contemporary African American Word of Faith movement churches (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).  The basic tenets of "New Thought" ideology is that of "faith" backed by the Bible to stake one's claim based upon the "principle" of science as to the healing of a person's spiritual and physical abnormalities (1 Pet. 2:24).  According to New Thought theology is that many practitioners of "science" of the Mind can actually healed themselves without the intervention of a Sovereign Creator (Rom. 1:18-32).  In so many words it is, "Mind over matter."  The Divine Mind resides within each individual as to be their own "god" as being Conquerors over sin, sickness, disease, death, and poverty. Not only are people "little" gods walking around on planet earth but they also have the capacity to "visualize" the image on the inside of them. As they coarse the "image" of such vivid imagination within their beings as "gods" they through their "force" of faith with the power of words can create their own world (Heb. 11:3).  New thought followers of contemporary African American Word of Faith religion put themselves in the driver's seat with the Sovereign Creator as if they are "sovereign" over their own creation. God is Man; Man is god. The doctrine of monism have in fact become apart of the theological apparatus of contemporary African American Word of Faith movement churches in the Western hemisphere.
 Within this article I will begin to address the subject, "The Influence of New Thought within Contemporary African American Word of Faith Religion" by which I will (1) Trace the history of New Thought as to its past predecessors to the present (1 Tim. 6:20).  (2) The distinctive teachings of "New Thought" as oppose to essential biblical Christianity (2 Tim. 6:3-5).  (3) The "psychological" captivity of New Thought influence upon contemporary African American Word of Faith religion (Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 4:1-4; 11:3; Eph. 4:14).  (4) The necessity of the church to return from cultural captivity to biblical faith (Rom. 12:2; [2 Chron. 7:14]).
   First, in order to trace the history of "New Thought" goes all the way back into the 1800's by which there are New thought leaders and teachers promote the idea of New Thought "metaphysics" by which they create their own "brand" of religion.  New Thought has in fact come of age by which it has "repackaged" that of its message through such luminaries like Trine, Quimby, Eddy and others who believe in the principle of science "backed" by faith in "divine" healing without the intervention of a Sovereign Creator (1 Pet. 2:24). 
  The influence of "New Thought" have in fact influenced that of Essek W. Kenyon (1892) by which it have "filtered" through the veins of the modern-day Word of Faith movement.  Kenyon was influenced by Mary Baker Eddy who is the leader of the of Christian Science by which this "metaphysical" cult  believe in Mind over matter.  According to the teaching of the cult of Christian Science is that sin is an illusion, sickness is in incorrect thinking, and that Christ's blood on the cross did not atone for the sins of the world. When it comes to Mind over matter is that practitioners of "New Thought" metaphysics which believe in the "principle" of science can overcome any and all spiritual and physical abnormalities. Incorrect thinking about sin, sickness, disease, death, and poverty is on the negative side of the pole which is "Fear." In order to eradicate any of these spiritual and physical abnormalities is to make such positive affirmation of faith based on the "principle" of science backed by the Bible.  Many "New Thought" leaders of major "metaphysical" cults have in fact experience "mishaps" in their own personal lives by which many of the core values of beliefs that they promote are inconsistent to what is true reality.  It is unfortunate but tragic to believe that many followers of the movement of these "New Thought" cults died without the opportunity to knowing the truth of what truth is based upon the written revelation of God's Word (2 Tim. 3:16).  
  The distinctive teachings of "New Thought" as oppose to the clear teaching of the Bible is that of its "metaphysical" understanding of the essential doctrines of biblical Christianity (1 Tim. 6:20).  When it comes to the written revelation of the Bible is that many "New Thought" leaders and teachers believe is the "progressive" revelation of the Bible (2 Pet. 1:20).  In so many words that the "Bible" is "incomplete" so as to shed light based upon what is "additional" revelation.  Many of the teachings of "New Thought" derives from such revelatory knowledge that is outside the boundaries of the written Word of God.  Also when it comes to the character and nature of God is that the theistic God of the Bible is called, "The Divine Mind" by which all of humanity are a reproduction of the "Infinite Spirit" by which men are "gods." (Jn. 10:38)  The "Divine Mind" according to "New Thought" is a drip of water that floods into the vast ocean by which both man, plant life, and insects are an extension of the "God" of New Thought.  According to 1 Corinthians 8:6 the Bible teach that there is one True and living God; not an "aeon" of gods or spirit beings who are a product of the theistic God of the Bible (Gen. 1:1). Therefore when it comes to the Person of Jesus Christ is that according to "New Thought" theology is that Jesus is not the Christ but a mere Man who was "anointed" by The Divine Mind to receive that of His Christ hood.  Jesus is the way shower by which humanity is the "Christ," the "God in You," and the "Hope of Glory." The contemporary African American "Word of Faith" religion have in fact "repackaged" that of its message to make it acceptable to many of its churches, ministries, media, and printed books and materials.  It is carefully to avoid any connection with the whole idea of "New Thought" metaphysics (1 Tim. 6:20).  Many Faith leaders has in fact "replace" the "Mind" of Christian Science or "New Thought" in place of Faith by which it leads into the same intersection of "metaphysics." (2 Cor. 4:1-4; 11:3; Eph. 4:14).  The theology of the Christian faith that is taught by the Church are being promoted by New Thought leaders and teachers to fit within the cultural contours so as to "reshape" the narratives, stories of the Bible along with many of the historical characters of the Bible in and of itself. 
  The "psychological" captivity of New Thought influence upon contemporary African American "Word of Faith" religion is to dumb down the reason advocacy of its followers into such "mystique" thinking by which it goes contrary to what is pure reason illuminate by the Holy Spirit.  The illogical and irrational reasoning of the system of New Thought is to think in terms of what is positive confession of faith or "To Think Positive" against the odds of life and what is true reality. The theology of New Thought denies the reality of the Fall of Man according to Genesis 3:1-7: that as a result of Adam's sin and disobedience humanity is a sinner by nature by which they are prone to sinning. The corruption of the Fall of Man polluted that of man's total being (soul) by which it becomes very much distorted: that of humanity's mind, will, and emotions.  So for practitioners of New Thought metaphysical to make such positive affirmation of faith does not guarantee that they will not experience such "mishaps" in life, fall to sickness, and even death. 
  The old adage, "change what you think and your whole circumstances will change." In so many words it is, "Mind over matter."  If in fact for a person to think positive thoughts regularly on a daily basis then the outcome of what such a person may experience will eventually change.  It is dependence upon thinking right thoughts; not relying upon a Sovereign Creator who is in control of  creation and the affairs of men. God works everything according to His sovereign plan and purpose. The fact of the matter is that Man must realize that they must work in accordance to God's divine will and purpose. The problem with contemporary African American "Word of Faith" movement churches is that it work so independently of the God's sovereign plan and purpose so as to utilize "Faith" as a means to manipulate God's as to their beck and call (Rom. 4:17).  The God of contemporary African American "Word of Faith" religion is egocentric but passive so as to fall to the demands and pressure of the "Faith" believer selfish desires.  Contemporary African American "Word of Faith" churches, ministries, that of its followers, and its own leadership are held "psychologically" by the culture of New Thought by which they are unaware of its influence within the faith and life of the Church today (2 Cor. 4:1-4; 11:3; Col. 2:4, 6, 8, 18, 19). In order for the Church to return from cultural captivity to biblical faith when it comes to the reason advocacy or the reasonableness of the Christian faith is rooted and grounded in scripture.
  The return of the Church from cultural captivity to biblical faith is that contemporary African American "Word of Faith" movement churches must think biblically to teach biblically what is rooted and grounded in scripture.  First, the infiltration of "New Thought" metaphysics have greatly influenced that of many evangelical churches today.  The whole of the theology and mind-set of "New Thought" have caused such spiritual havoc in the faith and life of the church today (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).  The Church is no longer the church simply because the church have embrace that of the "cultic" doctrines of New Thought ("monism") and its elevated knowledge ("gnosis") that is superior to the true knowledge of God in Jesus Christ (Col. 1:9, 10).  The gamut of "New Thought" have such an array of diverse theological and presuppositonal worldviews that are contrary to the Christian worldview (Col. 2:8).  It is a "other-worldly" worldview; not a Christian biblical worldview.
   Never in the history of the church today where there is an frontal attack upon Christian theism, the Bible, and the foundational teachings of historic biblical Christianity.  The stakes are real and very much unfortunate is that many of God's people are going to fall through the cracks of life by which there is no point of return. The inevitability of God's judgment upon many professing churches and leadership within the church today is very much evident.  The remedy for spiritual apostasy is God's judgment upon many professing Christian leaders, churches, ministries, and its followers who deny that of the true faith in favor of what is experience-based, subjectivism, moralism, and mystical theology that come in the "form" of the influence of "New Thought" within contemporary African American "Word of Faith" religion.

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president & Chairman of "Darryl Miller International Ministries" in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents.  Darryl is the best-selling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" He is the Podcast Host of, "ASK DARRYL" which airs regularly 24/7 @  As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world.  Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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