The Divine Right of the "Faith" Christian?
Text: Ephesians 1:3
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who has blessed us in the heavenly realms
with every spiritual blessing in Christ."
The typical statement of many Faith leaders as to say, "All that the believer need is in God's heavenly storehouse! That is the proverbial statement that is made by many Faith televangelist within the evangelical church today. The most controversial of African American Word of Faith televangelist is "Dr." Creflo Dollar, founder and pastor of World Changers Church International located in College Park, Georgia outside of Atlanta carelessly quote the words of Jesus Christ by saying, "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." (Jn. 14:2). The "mansions" that Jesus were referring to is that of the heavenly sphere by which those who are saved are going to spent eternity. It is not the "mansions" of gold and pearl by which the prosperity gospel main focus refers to by what it is temporal; not what is eternal in the heavens.
Many prosperity "theologians" envision that the end justify the means; not the means that justify the ends. The doctrine of the prosperity gospel have in fact lost sight of what is the heavenly kingdom by which it is the entry in God's divine glory and presence. Proponents of the prosperity theology seek to build their own kingdom; not the kingdom of God that is consist of the righteousness of God (Matt. 6:33). The "Kingdom Now" theology of the doctrine of reconstructionism is based upon a utopian world that the present evil that plague that of our society and the corruption of government will be eradicated by which to establish righteousness by which to bring about peace in the midst of a chaotic world that we live in. The world that we presently live in is to one day be destroyed by fire even that of heaven itself simply because of what happened during the Fall of Man. As a result of Adam's sin and disobedience brought about the ruin of the human race by which the world we live in is in a constant state of deterioration (Gen. 3:1-7; Rom. 5:17-21).
The doctrine of the prosperity theology clearly deny the Fall of Man by simply teaching that Adam's sin and disobedience was not a "direct" result of the sinfulness of humanity but that it was Adam losing his godhood by his descendants was "infused" with the nature of Satan from the lower part of the regions of the earth. (Kenneth Copeland) Despite of what it taught by many Faith televangelist within the prosperity-faith movement that the state of condition in regards to humanity fallenness and the corruption that is in the world is a "direct" result of Adam's sin and disobedience. Man is a sinner by nature by which sinful humanity are prone to sinning (Rom. 6:23).
Also the reckless teaching of the prosperity gospel is that "fallen" human beings are conquerors of sin, sickness, disease, poverty and death. Many prosperity "theologians" like Hagin, Copeland, Crouch, Hinn, and Dollar teach a "little" gods doctrine believe that people are consist of spirit but the body by which many of their followers can transcend above any spiritual and physical abnormality because they possess God's divine attributes in terms of omnipotence (All-Power) and omniscient (All-Knowing). The fatal flaw of asceticism and libertinism is that humanity live in a fallen world whereby it is impossible for the "spirit" to be contaminated by what is in the world. Asceticism and libertinism is at the heart of the prosperity gospel. Once again the idea of asceticism is to abstain from worldly pleasure but that libertinism is to "free" the spirit from the world of corruption. The contradiction of the message of the prosperity theology is a theology that appears to be of such spirituality but in reality the embellishment of the system of the prosperity-faith theology are corrupt at its core beliefs and values.
There is an overemphasis of the idea of the "blessing" and "cursing" by the system of the prosperity gospel according to Deuteronomy 28:2, 11-12. It ignores that of the historical context of Deuteronomy 28 by which it seek to "contextualize" its setting to fit within the cultural context of faith theology as it relates to the doctrine of prosperity. It refers to a specific group of people (Israel) as to the laws and commands of God. It definitely does not refer to Christians in general simply because it does not apply to the church as a whole. Such "blessings" is not always based upon what is conditional, but what is unconditional. Many Faith leaders call those who consistently pay their "tithes" as to have the favor of God so as to be recipients of the blessings of God. The "blessing" and "cursing" of Deuteronomy 28 are rewarded to those who pay their "tithes" as oppose to the "cursing" of individuals who are not "consistent" tithers (Mal. 3:8-10).
When it comes to the prosperity theology understanding of the believer's divine right is that of the inheritance or "entitlement" of material wealth and prosperity (3 Jn. 2). Also the nugget of the "entitlement" of the "Faith" Christian divine right is for the believer to experience or to walk in "perfect" divine health by which it is impossible due to the Fall of Man in the garden (Gen. 3:1-7; Rom. 5:17-21). Many prosperity "theologians" who claim to have the "rights" and privilege of divine Sonship are spiritual "bullies" who intimidate God and others as if they are uniquely "special" in God's kingdom. There is a built-in narcissism within the system of the prosperity theology by which many of its victims envision themselves as to be "empowered" by God so as to be Conquerors over circumstances and mishaps in life. In so many words many of its victims see themselves sitting in the driver's seat where God sits by which they are the "head" and the tail.
The prosperity theology understanding of divine "rights" or entitlement is something to be taken; not what is given. There are spiritual "bullies" in the pulpit today who believe that based upon what they materially possess is proof of spirituality. In so many words what many Faith leaders have in terms of material things is proof of such godly living. Godliness with contentment is great gain; not godliness with material possession is proof of such spirituality. Simply because people possess material things and possession does not mean they are "favored" by God as if they are above ordinary people in the church today.
The blessings of God does not fall out of the sky simply because a person make such "positive" confession of faith or to "demand" God as if the Sovereign Creator is some "cosmic" bellhop at the beck and call of the "Faith" believer. The theistic God of the Bible rains upon the just as well as the unjust (Matt. 6:33). Therefore for the God of the Bible to be "impartial" towards people is to mar the character of God. God is Benefactor towards those who are His beneficiary. The providential care of His creation and plant life are indication of His benevolent love towards His people (Matt. 6:25-33).
The Prosperity Gospel: "Seek first God's Kingdom?"
There is a vast difference between God's kingdom and that of Man's kingdom. The kingdom of God is based upon the righteousness of God; Man's kingdom is based upon the righteousness of men who seek to build their own kingdom such works-righteousness (Gen. 11). There are spiritual forces in the world today that goes against God's people establishing God's kingdom on the earth by which Satan is the Author of false religions (1 Tim. 4:1). Once again the kingdom of God is based upon the righteousness of God's divine character by which man-made religion seek to usurp the authority of God's kingdom (Gen. 3:5). When it comes to false religion and cults is that there are a "plethora" of sub-Christian groups and organizations that provides spiritual "alternatives" or assortment by which people can come to God (Jn. 14:6). It is a religion of works; not grace that seek to get God's approval by which to enter into heaven (Tit. 3:5). The Only way by which people can get into heaven is to receive God's free Gift of salvation by which people can be saved ( Jn. 14:6; Rom. 6:23).
The problem with that of the righteousness of men are based upon what is self-righteousness; not that of the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom. 3:22-24; 10:1-4). In order that sinful humanity can come to God is based upon God's Sovereign election of grace by which they are saved (Jn. 6:38, 44). The Father calls, the Son saves, the Holy Spirit convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Unbelieving sinners must recognize that of their own sinfulness before a Holy and Righteous God who can pardon sin, cleanse, and to receive that of the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom. 3:22-24). Salvation is God's free Gift whereby people are saved; not based upon human works or accomplishment (Eph. 2:8-9).
The salvational theory of the prosperity theology understanding of salvation is to provide spiritual "alternative" to avail one's faith in Jesus Christ (Rom. 3:22-24). The prosperity theology teaches alongside with the Faith believer trusting Christ for salvation is to promise them material riches (Gal. 1:8-9). Christ's death on the cross provided salvation; not material prosperity added as part of the believer's salvation experience (Jn. 3:15, 16). Also the salvational aspect of the prosperity gospel is based upon a works-righteousness system by which many believers are taught apply the principle of faith in order to live a life of total prosperity whereby to experience walking in "perfect" health (3 Jn. 2). The legality of applying the principle of faith and prosperity is based upon the Faith Christian such "formulas" of faith according to Mark 11:22 where it says, "Have faith in God." In so many words the Faith believer must "activate" their faith through the power of words in order to create their "Best Life Now" or to "Create the Life You Want." Visualization, force of faith, and the power of words are the crescendo of the prosperity-faith movement. In everyday language the doctrine of the prosperity gospel is to be understood as to say, "What you believe is what you conceive," "confession makes possession," "what you say is what is yours," and "change what you think will change your circumstances." Such formulas of faith according to Faith theology does in fact resembles that of Alcoholic Anonymous or AA meeting that helps alcoholics to overcome their addiction to alcoholism. It gives the "inexperienced" and naive of believers a sense of empowerment to overcome mishaps in life but it gives such false hope. Eventually many of its "victims" that make such positive affirmation of faith find themselves once again overwhelmed by despair and disparity. The "creeds" or crescendo of the prosperity gospel "formulas of faith" theory are manufactured by the "system" of prosperity-faith movement by which it goes contrary to the clear teaching of scripture (2 Tim. 6:3-5).
The prosperity gospel message in and of itself is devoid of the true nature and character of the gospel so as to deny people the entry of embracing Christ's gospel (Rom. 1:16). Instead people who attend regularly on Sundays many Word of Faith services are denied the opportunity of hearing the message of Christ but are given a set of rules to go by in order to experience "total" life prosperity in the form of such "formulas of faith." (Mk. 11:22-24; 2 Cor. 4:3-4). Unless people apply appropriately the principle of faith and prosperity in the form of such faith formulas and positive confession of faith along with "sowing" seed into the televangelist's ministry will be ineligible to receiving the blessings of God ( 2 Tim. 2:17, 18). The blessings of God is not predicated upon some "faith formulas," positive confession of faith, and "sowing" into a televangelist's ministry but what is unconditional blessings (Matt. 6:24-33). When it comes to the nature and character of the prosperity theology is that it is in the business of "renovating" of people's mind; not their hearts simply because it is based upon greed and selfishness (2 Tim. 3:1). It is a counterfeit gospel that is oppose to the power of the gospel of Christ in changing the lives of people (Gal. 1:8-9). In so many words the core values and beliefs of the prosperity gospel is that salvation proceeds that of giving; not salvation through personal faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 15:1-2ff; Gal. 3:1, 2-4). Therefore within the system of the prosperity gospel is that in order that people can attain salvation is by them giving money in order to gain entry into God's kingdom (Matt. 23).
It is amazing how prosperity "theologians" utilized that of Matthew 6:33 to teach many of their followers to "seek first God's kingdom" but hypocritically their mouth say one thing but also their actions say another. In so many words they do not practice what they teach. Many Faith leaders do not seek that of God's kingdom but the focus is the "kingdom" of their own by which it is not based upon that of righteousness of God's divine character. The kingdom of God is that of that of the righteousness of God; the "kingdom" of many prosperity teachers is based upon man-made righteousness by which they do that which is righteous in their own eyes. Several years ago there was a nearby Word of Faith church that was under construction by which it says, "This Is The House that Faith Build." I ask myself what kind of "Faith" built that of this 10 million dollar "Faith" Dome by which it did not resemble the structure of any mainline traditional churches. In reality this particular "Faith" Dome was in fact built upon 2 Corinthians 5:7 where it says, "We walk by faith, not by sight." It was a "Faith" that was metaphysical in its understanding of what Faith is but was very in opposition to the true biblical concept of faith in simply "trust" in God. It was a "Faith" that was humanistic (i.e."faith in faith") by which it is subjective but not faith that is directed towards God (Mk. 11:22; Eph. 2:8). It was also a "Faith" by which is a force through which the many Faith leaders can speak through the power of "words" to speak whatever they wish into existence. The divine nature and power of God can speak the universe into existence; not the empty talk of many Faith leaders within that of Faith televangelism (1 Tim. 6:20).
When it comes to the principle of interpretation by which man Faith leaders interpret God's Word is to "read into" the many of the passages of scripture in support of the prosperity theology (2 Pet. 3:16). They use the Bible to say what they want it to say without taking into consideration the plain meaning of the context of scripture. The means by which many prosperity "theologians" interpret the Bible especially Matthew 6:33 is to seek some esoteric or spiritual "insight" so as to read "beyond" the "mere" words of scripture. In so many words it is based them getting a revelation from God within their human spirit by which they seek to understand the Bible. Whenever proponents of the prosperity gospel are challenge as to their new found faith they immediately go into such neutrality in regards to the doctrinal phobia of the prosperity-faith message. There is a disdain for any dialogue or scholarly debate when it comes to their peculiar doctrines in favor of what is revelatory: that of something that is revealed within the mystic's human spirit or inward voice. The "spirit" is the candlestick by which many "Christian" Gnostics by which God gives such Revelation Knowledge (Col. 2:18-19).
The language by which many Faith leaders utilize is that of the biblical "language of the Bible by which they have poured "new" meanings into biblical words. In so many words they have "redefined" that of such biblical terminologies (e.g. "Faith") in order to fit within the culture context of the prosperity-faith message; not according to the standard definition of the Bible (2 Tim. 2:15; 17-18). Most prosperity "theologians" are not Greek scholars but are "mere" Bible teachers who do not have any training in academics and theological education. They only know what they are taught by their own predecessors of Faith theology who in turn have been influenced by which metaphysical cults through that of E.W. Kenyon (1892) by which Kenyon was tremendously influence by the writings of Mary Baker Eddy founder of Christian Science a off-shoot of Phineas P. Quimby (2 Tim. 3:13).
Seeking first God's kingdom is not in the best interest of many Faith leaders but to seek a kingdom of their own. Such a "kingdom" is not based upon the righteousness of God but a works-righteous kingdom: that of such "formulas" of faith in relations to such positive confession of faith as to envision wealth and health gospels (Gal. 1:8-9). This is the Faith believers divine rights or "inheritance" concerning that of the prosperity theology (2 Cor. 8:9; 3 Jn. 2). The "kingdom" by the prosperity gospel is earthly; not spiritual. It is based upon what is temporal; not what is eternal. The "system" of the prosperity gospel and that of its proponents concern themselves in the "Now" of worldly riches by which it is a man-made kingdom that does not reflect that the kingdom of God by which it is based upon God's divine character: that of righteousness (Matt. 6:33). The "kingdom" of the prosperity theology is not a hereafter theology that are eternal in the heavens.
Seeking first God's kingdom is not in the best interest of many Faith leaders but to seek a kingdom of their own. Such a "kingdom" is not based upon the righteousness of God but a works-righteous kingdom: that of such "formulas" of faith in relations to such positive confession of faith as to envision wealth and health gospels (Gal. 1:8-9). This is the Faith believers divine rights or "inheritance" concerning that of the prosperity theology (2 Cor. 8:9; 3 Jn. 2). The "kingdom" by the prosperity gospel is earthly; not spiritual. It is based upon what is temporal; not what is eternal. The "system" of the prosperity gospel and that of its proponents concern themselves in the "Now" of worldly riches by which it is a man-made kingdom that does not reflect that the kingdom of God by which it is based upon God's divine character: that of righteousness (Matt. 6:33). The "kingdom" of the prosperity theology is not a hereafter theology that are eternal in the heavens.
The Kingdom of God Vs Man's Kingdom
There is a vast difference between God's kingdom and that of Man's kingdom. The kingdom of God is based upon the righteousness of God; Man's kingdom is based upon the righteousness of men who seek to build their own kingdom such works-righteousness (Gen. 11). There are spiritual forces in the world today that goes against God's people establishing God's kingdom on the earth by which Satan is the Author of false religions (1 Tim. 4:1). Once again the kingdom of God is based upon the righteousness of God's divine character by which man-made religion seek to usurp the authority of God's kingdom (Gen. 3:5). When it comes to false religion and cults is that there are a "plethora" of sub-Christian groups and organizations that provides spiritual "alternatives" or assortment by which people can come to God (Jn. 14:6). It is a religion of works; not grace that seek to get God's approval by which to enter into heaven (Tit. 3:5). The Only way by which people can get into heaven is to receive God's free Gift of salvation by which people can be saved ( Jn. 14:6; Rom. 6:23).
The problem with that of the righteousness of men are based upon what is self-righteousness; not that of the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom. 3:22-24; 10:1-4). In order that sinful humanity can come to God is based upon God's Sovereign election of grace by which they are saved (Jn. 6:38, 44). The Father calls, the Son saves, the Holy Spirit convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Unbelieving sinners must recognize that of their own sinfulness before a Holy and Righteous God who can pardon sin, cleanse, and to receive that of the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom. 3:22-24). Salvation is God's free Gift whereby people are saved; not based upon human works or accomplishment (Eph. 2:8-9).
The salvational theory of the prosperity theology understanding of salvation is to provide spiritual "alternative" to avail one's faith in Jesus Christ (Rom. 3:22-24). The prosperity theology teaches alongside with the Faith believer trusting Christ for salvation is to promise them material riches (Gal. 1:8-9). Christ's death on the cross provided salvation; not material prosperity added as part of the believer's salvation experience (Jn. 3:15, 16). Also the salvational aspect of the prosperity gospel is based upon a works-righteousness system by which many believers are taught apply the principle of faith in order to live a life of total prosperity whereby to experience walking in "perfect" health (3 Jn. 2). The legality of applying the principle of faith and prosperity is based upon the Faith Christian such "formulas" of faith according to Mark 11:22 where it says, "Have faith in God." In so many words the Faith believer must "activate" their faith through the power of words in order to create their "Best Life Now" or to "Create the Life You Want." Visualization, force of faith, and the power of words are the crescendo of the prosperity-faith movement. In everyday language the doctrine of the prosperity gospel is to be understood as to say, "What you believe is what you conceive," "confession makes possession," "what you say is what is yours," and "change what you think will change your circumstances." Such formulas of faith according to Faith theology does in fact resembles that of Alcoholic Anonymous or AA meeting that helps alcoholics to overcome their addiction to alcoholism. It gives the "inexperienced" and naive of believers a sense of empowerment to overcome mishaps in life but it gives such false hope. Eventually many of its "victims" that make such positive affirmation of faith find themselves once again overwhelmed by despair and disparity. The "creeds" or crescendo of the prosperity gospel "formulas of faith" theory are manufactured by the "system" of prosperity-faith movement by which it goes contrary to the clear teaching of scripture (2 Tim. 6:3-5).
The prosperity gospel message in and of itself is devoid of the true nature and character of the gospel so as to deny people the entry of embracing Christ's gospel (Rom. 1:16). Instead people who attend regularly on Sundays many Word of Faith services are denied the opportunity of hearing the message of Christ but are given a set of rules to go by in order to experience "total" life prosperity in the form of such "formulas of faith." (Mk. 11:22-24; 2 Cor. 4:3-4). Unless people apply appropriately the principle of faith and prosperity in the form of such faith formulas and positive confession of faith along with "sowing" seed into the televangelist's ministry will be ineligible to receiving the blessings of God ( 2 Tim. 2:17, 18). The blessings of God is not predicated upon some "faith formulas," positive confession of faith, and "sowing" into a televangelist's ministry but what is unconditional blessings (Matt. 6:24-33). When it comes to the nature and character of the prosperity theology is that it is in the business of "renovating" of people's mind; not their hearts simply because it is based upon greed and selfishness (2 Tim. 3:1). It is a counterfeit gospel that is oppose to the power of the gospel of Christ in changing the lives of people (Gal. 1:8-9). In so many words the core values and beliefs of the prosperity gospel is that salvation proceeds that of giving; not salvation through personal faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 15:1-2ff; Gal. 3:1, 2-4). Therefore within the system of the prosperity gospel is that in order that people can attain salvation is by them giving money in order to gain entry into God's kingdom (Matt. 23).
The Righteousness of God And Man's Righteousness
There is also a vast difference between that of the righteousness of God and the righteousness of man. The righteousness of God is invested in God's kingdom so as to demonstrate God's divine character as Righteous in all He says and does. God is holy and righteous in everything that He does and say. Even though the saved does not possess that of the perfection of God's divine character but based upon receiving Christ is to have the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Based upon the believer's right standing with God by which they receive Christ are righteous as if they have never sinned. Believers are justified by faith through grace in Jesus Christ due to receiving the righteousness of God through trusting in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation (Rom. 10:9-10). God's people are not "justified" by works but through the righteousness of God by faith in God's Son (Rom. 3:22-24).
The righteousness of man is that of his or her self-righteousness by which sinful man seek that of God's approval ( Eph. 2:8-9; Tit. 3:5). Perfectionism, moral plank, legalism, and sacrilegious is at the heart of spiritual apostasy (1 Tim. 4:1; Col. 2:18, 19; 20-24). Asceticism and libertinism is at the heart of the prosperity-faith message by which to abstain from worldly pleasure by which to preserve that of the human spirit from the imprisonment of bodies appetites and contamination of the flesh (Col. 2:20-24). There is such Gnostic tendencies and orientation of the prosperity-faith message that it seeks to elevate itself about ordinary people by which many Faith leaders consider themselves as "spirit" beings through which to be "freed" from the contamination that is in the world (Col. 2:18, 19).
The prosperity gospel understanding of the righteousness of God is that of the Faith believer's Sonship of Christ: that of possessing God's "perfect" righteousness, incarnation of God, unlimited knowledge and power as to one's "identity" in Christ, the creative force of faith through the power of words to create one's own world, and the the divine "decrees" and "commands" of God of the Faith Christian by which it is invested only in the God of the Bible (Heb. 11:3; Gen. 1). Therefore the nature and character of the prosperity gospel is that "mere" men are little messiahs walking around on planet earth as to make such divine "decrees" and "commands" as if they are the Sovereign Creator by which it is also a Selfish; not selfless gospel (2 Tim. 3:1). Many Faith peddlers serve as their own self-interest but not in the interest of others. They desire what is on the Master's table than to bear the cross of Christ.
The "kingdoms" of many Faith leaders are a "kingdom" that is based upon that of man's righteousness by which many of their doctrinal formulations by which to build there own "kingdom" is built upon are wood, hay or straw (1 Cor. 3:10-13). Therefore the "earthly" kingdom of many Faith leaders are oppose to the kingdom of God by which it is based upon the righteousness of God's divine character (Matt. 6:33). The "kingdom" of many Faith peddlers in the pulpit today is a "kingdom" of based upon man's own self-righteousness by which it "appears" to promote God's agenda in winning souls into the kingdom of God but it is solely based upon the market of consumerism.
The prosperity gospel understanding of the righteousness of God is that of the Faith believer's Sonship of Christ: that of possessing God's "perfect" righteousness, incarnation of God, unlimited knowledge and power as to one's "identity" in Christ, the creative force of faith through the power of words to create one's own world, and the the divine "decrees" and "commands" of God of the Faith Christian by which it is invested only in the God of the Bible (Heb. 11:3; Gen. 1). Therefore the nature and character of the prosperity gospel is that "mere" men are little messiahs walking around on planet earth as to make such divine "decrees" and "commands" as if they are the Sovereign Creator by which it is also a Selfish; not selfless gospel (2 Tim. 3:1). Many Faith peddlers serve as their own self-interest but not in the interest of others. They desire what is on the Master's table than to bear the cross of Christ.
The "kingdoms" of many Faith leaders are a "kingdom" that is based upon that of man's righteousness by which many of their doctrinal formulations by which to build there own "kingdom" is built upon are wood, hay or straw (1 Cor. 3:10-13). Therefore the "earthly" kingdom of many Faith leaders are oppose to the kingdom of God by which it is based upon the righteousness of God's divine character (Matt. 6:33). The "kingdom" of many Faith peddlers in the pulpit today is a "kingdom" of based upon man's own self-righteousness by which it "appears" to promote God's agenda in winning souls into the kingdom of God but it is solely based upon the market of consumerism.
Trusting God's Provision?
Quite seldom do we hear on the social media and Christian television many Faith televangelists talk about trusting in God's divine provision in meeting people's needs. They once talk about "acting in faith," "activating one's faith," "leap of faith," and having "faith in faith," but now many Faith peddlers have in fact "repackage" their message by saying, "You have to use your words through the power of faith to create whatever you desire whether it is prosperity, healing, and deliverance." It is based upon what you say and not to allow negative words to come out of your mouth. In so many words you determine what your future is going to be like by which you must take charge of your own future. Create the life you want. Within the system of the prosperity gospel is the belief that the Faith Christian is the sole provider in meeting their own needs without the intervention of a Sovereign Creator. In so many words many Faith leaders are determine to meet their own needs based upon the carcinogenic diet of the force of faith through the power of words (Rom. 4:17). In order for God to meet the needs of His people is to completely trust in His divine provision; not through some force of faith through the power of one's own words as if they are little "messiahs" walking around on planet earth by speaking those things that be not as thou they were (v. 17).
The issue of "trust" or faith in God to make provision in meeting the needs of God's people in many Faith circles is the distance between finite and infinitude. Nor does trusting in God's divine provision as the "Faith" of the Faith theology is not apart of many Faith leaders "faith" world. It is a matter of the Faith believer "force" of faith through "word" power that bring what is unseen into such tangible realities. As the Faith Christian "visualize" within their being through the "force" of his or her faith that the world of the spirit have to be in subjugation to what they say by decreeing what they decree by the power of words. It is all about "faith" in words; not trusting in God's divine provision in meeting the needs of the Faith Christian (Prov. 3:5-6). The whole of the "faith" of the Faith theology is what is "cosmetic"; not such truth genuine faith in God's divine Sovereignty. The sovereignty of God does not fit within the Christian worldview of Faith theology. The difference between having faith in faith as oppose to having faith in God are on two opposite side of the pole. The God of the Bible must be the Object of the believer's trust; not mere faith itself. The quality of faith is its Object (God), but the wholesale of the Faith Christian object of faith are what is subjective: that of faith in each other faith (Mk. 11:22). Jesus as Creator have power over nature, many Faith leaders claim to have power over nature in and of itself (Gloria Copeland).
Whenever "faith" become the Faith Christian object of faith it is a false faith by which it becomes passive and egocentric. Many Faith believers are taught to have faith in each other faith but the Object of each other faith becomes their Object; not the theistic God of the Bible (Mk. 11:22; Rom. 1:18-32). According to Faith theology is that many Faith believers are also taught to believe that in order for their "faith" to work is that they must work their faith in order to have their needs meet. It is independent of trusting in God's divine provision (Phil. 4:19). In so many words the Faith believer must "work" their faith in order for things to materialize in meeting one's needs. Many prosperity "theologians" will resort to James 2:17 where James says, "In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." This is a verse of scripture by which many Faith leaders pull the rabbit out of the hat to distort the true biblical meaning of faith/works theology. What the apostle James was saying by paraphrasing, "You can give intellectual assent to biblical truth without being saved." Intellectual assent along without knowing the Person of Jesus Christ is based upon "mere" faith by which it is without true authentic faith. There are many Faith leaders who can verbally speak about faith but there is no heart change. They mimic but repetitiously say what others say what faith is but it is based upon "sheer" faith; not the faith of the Bible (Heb. 11:1, 3, 6). The biblical distortion of how many Faith leaders interpret James 2:17 is to say, "Unless you put faith into action then don't expect for things to happen that you want in life. You must work your faith." The whole of the prosperity-faith movement is a works movement; not a grace movement." (Eph. 2:8-9; Tit. 3:5).
Just to reiterate once again is that the Faith believer must "act" upon God's Word in order to experience "total" life prosperity and to walk in "perfect" divine health (3 Jn. 2). In so many words the "faith" of the Faith Christian serves as a "key" to unlock that of prosperity, healing, anointing, deliverance, and to experience the "abundant" life (Jn. 10:10). It is impossible to "mix" faith by "unlocking" the keys of prosperity and abundance by which many Faith leaders have the wrong keys to understanding what is biblical truth ( 2 Cor. 4:3-4; 2 Pet. 3:16). The problem with the whole of Faith theology is its perverted but dichotomous view and understanding of the nature and character of the doctrine of Faith: that of the deactivation of the God of the Bible by which the "metaphysical" concept of Faith is elevated above the norm of the true biblical concept of faith (Heb. 11:1, 3, 6). Faith is trusting in God by which many Faith leaders attempt is to differentiate the difference between the biblical concept of "faith and belief." Faith and belief goes hand in hand with each other by which it is directed towards God as its true Object (Mk. 11:22). There is nowhere within the system of Faith theology that acknowledge God as Sovereign Creator Who is the sustainer and provider of man's needs. According to the prosperity-faith message that Man is completely responsible in meeting his or her own needs; not God. In so many words many Faith leaders will say, "My faith got me this car, it is my faith that got me this house, it is faith that I am prosperous, it is faith that I have the anointing." The "faith" by which many Faith leaders are referring to a "metaphysical" concept of faith: that of the power of words through the "force" of faith to create a world of their own imagination (Rom. 1:18-32). Once again Faith becomes the object of the Faith believer's faith; not the theistic God of the Bible (Heb. 11:3).
Despite the contrary that many Faith leaders will have the Church to believe that God is the Object of their faith but at minute 15 of a "Faith" telecast that the "faith" of their message is, "Faith is a force; words are the container of the force by which you can speak your world into existence. As to speak words of faith by the force of your faith that the laws of the spirit works so that what is unseen can be "incubated" into what is reality." In so many words what the Faith Christian cannot see in the spirit realm is what is real (Heb. 11:1). According to Faith theology is that "God is a Faith Being" by which the Sovereign Lord needs faith in order to create the universe through "faith-filled" words. Even though "God is a Faith Being" according to Faith theology Who utilize that of His "force" of faith that the Faith believer have the same "faith" that God has in order to create their own world. Visualization, force of faith, and the power of words are characteristics of the New Age movement. It is that of monism: that God "resides" in the Faith Christian total being by which they possess that of the divine attributes of God: that of Omnipotent (All-Powerful) and Omniscient (All-Knowing). As little gods spell with a small "g" that the Faith believer according to many prosperity "theologians" are replica or reproduction or extension of Who God is.
The character of God, the doctrine of Faith, and that of Man have in fact been demoralize and castrated by system of the prosperity theology (2 Tim. 2:17-18; 2 Pet. 2:1). The biblical concept of faith as it relates to trusting in God's divine Sovereignty as to make provision by meeting the needs of His people is according to Matthew 6:24-33. Just like God through His providential care take care of the glass and birds of the field shall He not take care of His people. All God ask for His people to do is to trust Him so as to provide for their needs. O you of little faith! God is the Benefactor; God's people are the beneficiary as to that of His divine provision in supplying their needs. It is trust in God's divine providence as oppose to the Faith Christian trusting in who and what a person does in order to meet their own needs without the intervention of Sovereign Creator. For many Faith leaders to deny that of the character of God in regards to Who God Is and what God can do is to have a "faith" that is geared towards Self by which God is not the Object of the prosperity theology object of faith (Mk. 11:22). According to the prosperity theology that God and Man are both in the driver's seat in regards to possessing the divine character of God: that of Omnipotence and omniscience. In so many words God is Powerful; Man is Powerful. God is All-Knowing; Man is All-Knowing. Within that of the theology of the prosperity theology is that there is no "distinction" between God and Man (Rom. 1:18-32).
There are consequences of ideas when it comes to many Faith leaders teaching that Man is an "exact" duplicate or extension of Who God is. It gives people a sense of empowerment, superiority, and elitism. Whenever there are wrong beliefs it carries enormous consequences whereby the system of Faith theology have in fact causes people's faith to become spiritually shipwrecked (2 Tim. 2:17-18).
Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president & Chairman of "Darryl Miller International Ministries" in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. He is the best-selling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" Darryl is the Podcast Hose of, "ASK DARRYL" which airs 24/7 @ As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."
The issue of "trust" or faith in God to make provision in meeting the needs of God's people in many Faith circles is the distance between finite and infinitude. Nor does trusting in God's divine provision as the "Faith" of the Faith theology is not apart of many Faith leaders "faith" world. It is a matter of the Faith believer "force" of faith through "word" power that bring what is unseen into such tangible realities. As the Faith Christian "visualize" within their being through the "force" of his or her faith that the world of the spirit have to be in subjugation to what they say by decreeing what they decree by the power of words. It is all about "faith" in words; not trusting in God's divine provision in meeting the needs of the Faith Christian (Prov. 3:5-6). The whole of the "faith" of the Faith theology is what is "cosmetic"; not such truth genuine faith in God's divine Sovereignty. The sovereignty of God does not fit within the Christian worldview of Faith theology. The difference between having faith in faith as oppose to having faith in God are on two opposite side of the pole. The God of the Bible must be the Object of the believer's trust; not mere faith itself. The quality of faith is its Object (God), but the wholesale of the Faith Christian object of faith are what is subjective: that of faith in each other faith (Mk. 11:22). Jesus as Creator have power over nature, many Faith leaders claim to have power over nature in and of itself (Gloria Copeland).
Whenever "faith" become the Faith Christian object of faith it is a false faith by which it becomes passive and egocentric. Many Faith believers are taught to have faith in each other faith but the Object of each other faith becomes their Object; not the theistic God of the Bible (Mk. 11:22; Rom. 1:18-32). According to Faith theology is that many Faith believers are also taught to believe that in order for their "faith" to work is that they must work their faith in order to have their needs meet. It is independent of trusting in God's divine provision (Phil. 4:19). In so many words the Faith believer must "work" their faith in order for things to materialize in meeting one's needs. Many prosperity "theologians" will resort to James 2:17 where James says, "In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." This is a verse of scripture by which many Faith leaders pull the rabbit out of the hat to distort the true biblical meaning of faith/works theology. What the apostle James was saying by paraphrasing, "You can give intellectual assent to biblical truth without being saved." Intellectual assent along without knowing the Person of Jesus Christ is based upon "mere" faith by which it is without true authentic faith. There are many Faith leaders who can verbally speak about faith but there is no heart change. They mimic but repetitiously say what others say what faith is but it is based upon "sheer" faith; not the faith of the Bible (Heb. 11:1, 3, 6). The biblical distortion of how many Faith leaders interpret James 2:17 is to say, "Unless you put faith into action then don't expect for things to happen that you want in life. You must work your faith." The whole of the prosperity-faith movement is a works movement; not a grace movement." (Eph. 2:8-9; Tit. 3:5).
Just to reiterate once again is that the Faith believer must "act" upon God's Word in order to experience "total" life prosperity and to walk in "perfect" divine health (3 Jn. 2). In so many words the "faith" of the Faith Christian serves as a "key" to unlock that of prosperity, healing, anointing, deliverance, and to experience the "abundant" life (Jn. 10:10). It is impossible to "mix" faith by "unlocking" the keys of prosperity and abundance by which many Faith leaders have the wrong keys to understanding what is biblical truth ( 2 Cor. 4:3-4; 2 Pet. 3:16). The problem with the whole of Faith theology is its perverted but dichotomous view and understanding of the nature and character of the doctrine of Faith: that of the deactivation of the God of the Bible by which the "metaphysical" concept of Faith is elevated above the norm of the true biblical concept of faith (Heb. 11:1, 3, 6). Faith is trusting in God by which many Faith leaders attempt is to differentiate the difference between the biblical concept of "faith and belief." Faith and belief goes hand in hand with each other by which it is directed towards God as its true Object (Mk. 11:22). There is nowhere within the system of Faith theology that acknowledge God as Sovereign Creator Who is the sustainer and provider of man's needs. According to the prosperity-faith message that Man is completely responsible in meeting his or her own needs; not God. In so many words many Faith leaders will say, "My faith got me this car, it is my faith that got me this house, it is faith that I am prosperous, it is faith that I have the anointing." The "faith" by which many Faith leaders are referring to a "metaphysical" concept of faith: that of the power of words through the "force" of faith to create a world of their own imagination (Rom. 1:18-32). Once again Faith becomes the object of the Faith believer's faith; not the theistic God of the Bible (Heb. 11:3).
Despite the contrary that many Faith leaders will have the Church to believe that God is the Object of their faith but at minute 15 of a "Faith" telecast that the "faith" of their message is, "Faith is a force; words are the container of the force by which you can speak your world into existence. As to speak words of faith by the force of your faith that the laws of the spirit works so that what is unseen can be "incubated" into what is reality." In so many words what the Faith Christian cannot see in the spirit realm is what is real (Heb. 11:1). According to Faith theology is that "God is a Faith Being" by which the Sovereign Lord needs faith in order to create the universe through "faith-filled" words. Even though "God is a Faith Being" according to Faith theology Who utilize that of His "force" of faith that the Faith believer have the same "faith" that God has in order to create their own world. Visualization, force of faith, and the power of words are characteristics of the New Age movement. It is that of monism: that God "resides" in the Faith Christian total being by which they possess that of the divine attributes of God: that of Omnipotent (All-Powerful) and Omniscient (All-Knowing). As little gods spell with a small "g" that the Faith believer according to many prosperity "theologians" are replica or reproduction or extension of Who God is.
The character of God, the doctrine of Faith, and that of Man have in fact been demoralize and castrated by system of the prosperity theology (2 Tim. 2:17-18; 2 Pet. 2:1). The biblical concept of faith as it relates to trusting in God's divine Sovereignty as to make provision by meeting the needs of His people is according to Matthew 6:24-33. Just like God through His providential care take care of the glass and birds of the field shall He not take care of His people. All God ask for His people to do is to trust Him so as to provide for their needs. O you of little faith! God is the Benefactor; God's people are the beneficiary as to that of His divine provision in supplying their needs. It is trust in God's divine providence as oppose to the Faith Christian trusting in who and what a person does in order to meet their own needs without the intervention of Sovereign Creator. For many Faith leaders to deny that of the character of God in regards to Who God Is and what God can do is to have a "faith" that is geared towards Self by which God is not the Object of the prosperity theology object of faith (Mk. 11:22). According to the prosperity theology that God and Man are both in the driver's seat in regards to possessing the divine character of God: that of Omnipotence and omniscience. In so many words God is Powerful; Man is Powerful. God is All-Knowing; Man is All-Knowing. Within that of the theology of the prosperity theology is that there is no "distinction" between God and Man (Rom. 1:18-32).
There are consequences of ideas when it comes to many Faith leaders teaching that Man is an "exact" duplicate or extension of Who God is. It gives people a sense of empowerment, superiority, and elitism. Whenever there are wrong beliefs it carries enormous consequences whereby the system of Faith theology have in fact causes people's faith to become spiritually shipwrecked (2 Tim. 2:17-18).
Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president & Chairman of "Darryl Miller International Ministries" in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. He is the best-selling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" Darryl is the Podcast Hose of, "ASK DARRYL" which airs 24/7 @ As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."
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