Misreading the Scripture Through the Eyes of Faith

The doctrine of faith is centered upon the Bible, God, Jesus, and the promises that are involved in scripture.  Quite unfortunately that many Faith leaders begin to misread the scripture through the eyes of faith so as to deny the true faith (1 Tim. 4:1).  The true faith is that essential of the Christian faith by which it is non-negotiable (1 Jn. 4:1, 2-3).  When it comes to that of the periphery of spiritual gifts, pre-trib, post-trib, and end-time prophecy that we as evangelicals should not allow them to separate that of the Body of Christ.  Many Charismatics and Pentecostal major on minors; not what is essential Christian doctrine by which it is the "litmus" test by drawing the sand in the lines between what is the true genuine fellowship of believers as opposed to many of the cults and heresies of today (Acts 20:28-30; Rom. 16:17-18).  
  Throughout this short article by which it is entitled, "Misreading the Scripture Through the Eyes of Faith" I will begin to address the hermenuetical principle as to "how" many Faith leaders interpret the Bible by which they read by misreading the scripture.  It is very important to understand that many Faith leaders avoid that of the plain meaning of scripture for what it revelatory.  In so many words that God's Word must come alive within a person's spirit in order to understand the Bible.  People are discourage from utilizing their God-given minds enlightened by the Holy Spirit as to the reasonable of the Christian faith (1 Pet. 3:15).  Also when it comes to the nature and character of scripture is that God's Word is perfect, reliable, and unchangeable by which it reflect that of the character of God (2 Pet. 1:19-21; 2 Tim. 3:16).  Whenever evangelicals deny the absolute truth of God's Word in favor of what is postmodernism: that truth is relative by which there is no standard by which to judge what is truth (Jn. 18:37).  Pilate asked Jesus the question, "What is truth?" Jesus response to Pilate question is that, "Everyone that is on the side of truth listens to me." (v. 37).  The elect of God whom have been chosen by God's election of grace are going to be the recipients of hearing the truth of God's Word; not professing Christians who reject what is the absolute truth of the Bible.  We live in a day where people within the church today who are selective of false teachers who will tell them what they want to hear in rejecting what is sound doctrine in place of myths (2 Tim. 4:3-4).  Postmodernism, subjectivism, pragmatism, and relativism is the "norm" within that of many evangelical churches today and that of its own leadership.  Also therefore when it comes to the issue of faith is that within many Faith circles that "faith" is what is "inward" by which it "redirect" it focus on God (Mk. 11:22). Everything have to be seen through the cultural "lens" of many Faith leader's bias, prejudice, and preconceive notions; not from the vantage point of God's Word (2 Cor. 4:1-4).
  When it comes to "misreading" the scripture many Faith leaders look at God's Word from the vantage point of "how" it must be interpret through the cultural lens of Faith theology.  By doing so they ignore the plain meaning of scripture: that of comparing scripture with scripture to shed light upon the immediate passage as to its wider context (1 Cor. 2:13, 14).  The basic fundamental of reading properly scripture is not within the interest of those who seek to make the Bible say what they want it to say. Many professing Christian teachers refuse to allow the Bible to speak for itself but whether speak for it.  In so many words such "errant" teachers put words in God's own mouth by which they claim to speak for God in the form of such spiritual "revelation" as a "direct" pipeline from God (Deut. 13:1-2ff; 2 Pet. 1:20; Jude 8-10; Rev. 22:18-19).  The church have God's written Word as to what they ought to believe and "how" they are to live their lives.
   Many professing Christian teachers who "misread" the Bible do so at their own peril by which many who are followers of their churches and ministries are adversely affected their perverted misreading and misinterpretation of what scripture teach (2 Tim. 6:3-5). The apostle Peter call such men as "ignorant and unstable" as they distort the truth as they do also the other scripture unto their own destruction (2 Pet. 3:16).  Whenever there is such "misreading" of the scripture it carries over into such "misquoting" of scripture, gross misinterpretation of Bible, and biblical misapplication (Matt. 4:1-11).  It is possible for professing Christian teachers to "read" but "misread" that of the Bible by which it affects a person properly understanding of the Bible.  It also spills over into other areas of doctrine and theology (2 Tim. 2:17-18).
  When we talk about the nature and character of God's Word is that the prophecy of scripture is reliable, perfect, and unchangeable (Psa. 119:4, 6; 2 Pet. 1:19-21; 2 Tim. 3:16). God's Word makes a person wise unto salvation (2 Tim. 3:15).  Also that God's Word is profitable for doctrine ("teaching"), for reproof ("rebuke") for instruction in righteousness ("holy living").  There are many evangelical leaders in the church today deny that of the authority and inspiration of scripture as "incomplete" and insufficient.  The authority and inspiration of God's Word is sufficiently complete without any additional revelation nor revelation of the spirit (Heb. 1:1-2a).  If in fact God's Word not complete is to thereby questioned the character and integrity of the Author. The character of God reflect that of the truthfulness and reliability of scripture (Matt. 5:18). The character of God is that God is perfect, trustworthy, and unchangeable. The theistic God of the Bible is perfect in His moral character in everything that He says and do. As believers we can depend upon what he says in His Word. Also that God is unchanging and immutable.  God is not subject to time and space nor is He confine to a "cosmic" box.  The eternal preexistence of Jesus Christ existed before the world ever was created by which He is the eternal God alongside with the eternal God and the eternal Holy Spirit (Gen. 1:1; Col. 1:15-17).  God's Word reflect that of the character of God as to it being settled in heaven by which scripture is unchangeable.
  There are many self-professing believers in the church today who hypocritically professed that God's Word is God's Word but clearly deny that of the authority and inspiration of the Bible as "incomplete" and insufficient.  For many professing Christian teachers is that in order for God's Word to be "complete" is a need for further "revelations" to affirm that of the completeness of scripture (2 Pet. 1:20-21).
   Many Faith leaders within that of evangelicalism take for example that of Romans 10:17 where it says, "So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ."  What the apostle Paul was referring to here in this particular verse is that in order for a person to be saved they must adhere to the preaching of Christ's gospel (Rom. 1:16).  It is through the power of Christ's message that the elect are saved by Sovereign choice and will (Jn. 6:38, 44).  When I came to know the Person of Jesus Christ is was there the preaching of the gospel by which the Holy Spirit convicted me of my own personal sins by which I was chosen by God's election of grace.  That is what is called by the Reformation the irresistible grace of God.  The Father calls, the Son saves, the Holy Spirit convict.  It was not based upon such "foreseen" faith in me nor was I responsible for my salvation but it was based upon sovereign election of God's grace by which I came to know the Savior (Rom. 10:9-10).
   The biblical context of Romans 10:17 is one of numerous passages of scripture that many Faith leaders resort to distort the true biblical meaning of faith by which they seek to "bend" the text of scripture (e.g. "Romans 10:17") to fit within the cultural context of Faith theology (2 Pet. 3:16).  When it comes to the biblical concept of faith taught within many Faith circles is that it must be "read" through the "eyes" of faith according to 2 Corinthians 5:7 where it also says, "For we walk by faith, not by sight." Many Faith leaders cautions their followers to beware of they allow to get into their spirits.  Once again many of the doctrines that are taught within the "prism" of Faith theology must be seen squarely within the corridors of such "cultic" theology.  Any challenges from the outside world whether to question or  to challenge the "authority" of  its own Faith leadership are deemed as the "devil."  Many cult leaders seek to cut-off any meaningful dialogue or communication with those who they consider as a "enemy" by which many of their followers are kept from critically thinking for themselves as to critique that of the authoritarianism of its own leadership and cult's theology (2 Cor. 4:3-4).
   There is what is called, "the muddling of the waters" by which people are unable to know the difference between "how" many Faith leaders manipulate the minds and hearts of its members by which they lash out at those who are not apart of the "Family" as the enemy.  I can say that I lost my dear sister to a Hyper-faith church by which it was difficult to reason with her.  Tragically, as a young teenager she died from a brain tumor simply because she was taught that medicine and the doctor's advice was tools to rob her of her God-given faith without looking at the bigger picture.  Whenever people are "insulated" in a closed system of thought  or cultic environment is that many cult leaders limits people as to "how" much they going to know as to its observation and experience.
   Within the system of Faith theology is that everything has to be seen from the perspective of its own Faith cultic leadership as oppose to the vantage point of God's Word.  If I were to put "red" roses of glasses over your eyes and ask you the color of the tree even though it is green you will say, "it is red." What happen is that many Faith leaders have in fact change the perception of the tree by them putting "red" roses of glasses over their followers eyes in order to interpret cultural change and life experience from the perspective of Faith theology (Rom. 16:17, 18; 2 Cor. 4:3-4; 11:3; Eph. 4:14).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president & Chairman of "Darryl Miller International Ministries" in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is the best-selling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" He is also the Podcast Host of, "ASK DARRYL" which airs regularly 24/7 @ www.spreaker.com/user/bishopoflyons.com. As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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