What's the Big Fuss About Prosperity?

The average churchgoer who attend regularly on Sundays a "Word of Faith" service are "unaware" of the history, beliefs, and practice of the prosperity-faith message (2 Cor. 11:3).  When the prosperity-faith message came on the scene in the early 80's even though it started in 1892 through that of E.W. Kenyon who is the "Father" of what is known as, "The Word of Faith movement" or that of "The Hyper-Faith movement whose belief is in that of "faith" healing without any need for medicine or the doctor's recommendation that "blind" followers of this movement lost their lives as a result of their "misguided" faith (Matt. 4:1-11).  E. W. Kenyon who read extensively that of the material of Christian Science so as to compete with the cults of his day in regards to "divine" healing (1 Pet. 2:24).  Many of the cults of New Thought: that of Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity, Religious Science, Theosophicalism, and Swendonborgianism believe in the "principle" of science "backed" by the Bible to bring about "divine" healing of such sickness, and physical abnormalities (1 Pet. 2:24).  Many practitioners of "New Thought" are taught to believe in the divine Mind so as to "heal" one's own self without the intervention of a Sovereign Creator.  The beliefs of the "cult" of Christian Science is that to believe in the doctrine of sin is to be in error, physical reality is denied, that the human mind (man's reasoning) is also in error, and that the redemptive work of Jesus Christ cannot atone for the sins of the world (1 Jn. 4:1, 2-3).  
   The "influence" of New Thought have in fact greatly "influenced" that of the prosperity message because of its Success-N-Life philosophy (Col. 2:8).  Followers of "New Thought" must follow the "principle" of science so as to envision themselves as living a "prosperous" robust lifestyle.  They must also make such "positive" affirmation of faith in "decreeing" that they will become "prosperity" millionaires.  In the words of many Life coaches whose mentoring of their audience encourage them to have a "millionaire" Mindset (Rom. 12:2). Despite of the odds or what is contrary to real life that devotees of "New Thought" persist or to become hardened to having such "prosperity" mindset. These are "principles" of belief that are of such other worldly view; not a Christian worldview (Col. 1:9, 10; 2:8).  The Christian worldview is all things works together for the good to them that love God according to God's divine purpose (Rom. 8:28).  Everything that a Christian experience on this side of life are circumstances that are unavoidable nor does the scripture teach that for a person to have enough "faith" will they not experience "mishaps" or hardship in life.  It is all for the purpose and glory of God so as to mature the Church in relying totally upon the Sovereignty of God's divine will and purpose (Rom. 8).  The "worldview" of many "New Thought" practitioners are oppose of the Christian view of suffering by which it have been promoted by many evangelical churches today (Prov. 23:7).
   Along with the prosperity gospel and its proponents "influenced" by New Thought (i.e. "Mind over matter") is that there are distinctive beliefs and practice that are promoted by many prosperity "theologians" in the church today.  What is so troublesome in regards to "New Thought" ideological beliefs and practice is that of its Gnostic tendencies and orientation.  Many of the "doctrines" taught by "New Thought" teachers is their supposedly esoteric knowledge and insight into the realm of the spirit so as to "unfold" God's divine mysteries as if they are the bearers of Truth.  The intuitiveness of such divine Truth is perceived within a person's human spirit by which they receive such revelatory knowledge (Col. 2:18, 19).  The "avenue" by which many "New Thought" leaders and practitioners attain salvation is to recognize the "spark" from within as to the godhood of humanity. In so many words the Divine Mind resides within all of humanity, plant life, and that of creation in and of itself. God is All; All is God.  The doctrine of monism ("gods") have infiltrate many evangelical churches and its own leadership.  They too must recognize who they are in Christ and their position in Christ so as to say they preoccupy God's throne so as to evict the authority of Christ.  As "little" gods they are spirits by which they are elevated above this material world, transcendent in the knowledge of God, possessing the divine attributes of God, and that God, creation, and ordinary men are subject to their "decrees" and "command" (Rom. 4:17).   The early beginnings of "New Thought" metaphysics (1892) spearheaded by E.W. Kenyon introduced into the modern-day prosperity-faith movement through such men like Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr. who many of their peers consider the elder Hagin as the "Father" of the Faith movement but in reality plagiarized many of E.W. Kenyon's materials verbatim.  Many of Hagin's disciples like Kenneth Copeland, "Dr." Frederick K. C. Price by which Price spawned a host of imitators of the movement.  Many of this pseudo-teachers have in fact "copied" from each others message as to say it was via Revelation Knowledge (2 Tim. 3:13).  The message of prosperity did not originate with Hagin himself nor his spiritual "cronies" but that it was perpetuated by E.W. Kenyon (1892) through the vehicle of the "cult" of Christian Science founder's Mary Baker Eddy "heavily" influenced by Phineas P. Quimby a New Thought practitioner and hypnotist.
 Throughout this article I will begin to address the historical origins of the prosperity gospel associated with that of New Thought "metaphysics" (1 Tim. 6:20).  It is important to understand that the "mere" reading of scripture according to 3 John 2 does not give credibility to the truthfulness of the teaching of prosperity but is a biblical distortion of its true biblical meaning (2 Pet. 3:16).  For many prosperity "theologians" to distort the truth of scripture is to adversely affect that of their followers to distort the truth by which they mislead others (2 Tim. 3:13).  Also many of the cited text that many prosperity teachers "utilize" to support biblical prosperity are taken out of its original historical context, misquoting of scripture, biblical misinterpretation, and egregious misapplication of the biblical narratives and stories of the Bible (Matt. 4:1-11).
   The historical pilgrimage of the prosperity gospel is (1) The Divine Mind by which practitioners of "New Thought" can envision themselves by experiencing such total life prosperity through such positive confession of faith. (2) The distinctive teachings taught by "New Thought" leaders are Gnostic in its origins and orientation as a movement. (3) The influence of New Thought metaphysics infiltration of many evangelical churches and "liberal" mainline Protestant denominations. And (4) how to avoid the influence of the teachings of New Thought and its leaders within that of evangelicalism (Acts 5:35, 37).
   The Divine Mind by which practitioners of "New Thought" can envision themselves by experiencing total life prosperity is through such positive affirmation of faith.  Even though New Thought leaders taught such positive affirmation of faith "backed" by the Bible but that many prosperity "theologians" teach positive confession (e.g. Rom. 10:9).  African American prosperity teacher "Dr." Frederick K.C. Price of Crenshaw Christian Center "utilize" Romans 10:9 where it says by the apostle Paul: "That if thou shall confess with thy mouth and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead that you will be saved." In verse 10 it goes on to say, "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Price teach what is called, "positive confession." In so many words when a person speak positively they can expect positive results. But to speak negatively is to bring about unwelcoming results (Prov. 6:2; 12:13). There is no where in scripture that speaks that warranted such "positive" confession of faith but that in Romans 10:9-10 it refers to "acknowledging" all that Christ is and that of Him being raised from the dead by eternal Father in order to receive the gift of salvation (Jn. 3:36).  For a person to have the righteousness of God is through faith in Jesus Christ. Having the righteousness of God does not imply "positive" confession by which New Thought practitioners of the prosperity gospel does not possess that of the righteousness of God through faith in Christ (Tit. 3:5).  The operating work of the Holy Spirit works within the sinfulness of people's hearts by God's Sovereign election of grace to acknowledge that Jesus Is Lord (Jn. 3:5-6; Tit. 3:5; [Jn. 6:37, 44]).
  Also many practitioners of "New Thought" especially among many Charismatics and Pentecostal circles are also taught that to experience "total" life prosperity is to envision themselves as being prosperous by believing and thinking positive.  Mere believing and thinking good positive thoughts to change a person's circumstances will not guarantee that people are going to experience "total" life prosperity. The "therapeutic" deism of such positive confession of faith harness the Mind so as to deny what is reality. Such "psychological" rehearsing of the Mind causes people's faith to become spiritually shipwrecked (2 Tim. 2:17-18).  The obnoxious "Faith" self-talk and rambling of the Mind causes more spiritual confusion by which it is "toxic" in faith.  Therefore many "Faith" practitioners of the prosperity gospel refuses to come to grip with their own circumstances ("financial" hardship) by denying what reality is through such "positive" confession of faith. It is a type of spiritual narcissism that refuse to take responsibility for the things that many "Faith" practitioners go through in life. It is always "decreeing" and "commanding" some kind of spiritual genie that will burst out of the sky.
  The "distinctive" teachings taught by "New Thought" leaders are Gnostic in its origins and its orientation as a movement (1 Tim. 6:20).  Paul in his letter to Timothy according to 1 Timothy 6:20 by which it says, "...avoiding  profane and vain babbling, and oppositions of science falsely so called." When the apostle Paul refers to that of "oppositions" of science falsely so called is according to Colossians 2:8 where it says, "Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ." The A, B, C's of Gnosticism is a world-view philosophy that is not according to the what is the Person and work of Christ but in reality it is a antithesis of the whole of the doctrine of Christ. When it comes to the Person of Jesus Christ that the system of Gnosticism have in fact made a sharp distinction between Jesus/Christ. In so many words according to the belief of Gnosticism is that Jesus represent Flesh; Christ represent spirit.  According to the teaching of Gnosticism is that it is impossible for the Spirit Christ to reside in the Man Jesus.  The crescendo of many Gnostics sects and cults is that, "Jesus is not the Christ." (1 Jn. 4:1-2)  The Christian view of Jesus Christ is that Christ is God revealed in human flesh (Jn. 1:14).  Jesus is the embodiment of Who God is thus He is God in human flesh. God revealed Himself through the Person of Jesus Christ by which also reveal that of His will for Man through that of scripture (Jn. 1:14; 2 Tim. 3:15, 16).  Any particular system of belief or doctrine that denies the full deity and humanity of Jesus Christ the apostle John is call, "the spirit of antichrist" and that many false teachers are also called "the Antichrist" by which there are many "antichrist" that are in the world (1 Jn. 4:1, 2-4). Jesus sacrificial death on the cross provided salvation for the sins of the whole world (Jn. 3:16, 17). It was Christ's atoning work by which man can receive such divine forgiveness and cleansing of sin. What are some of the "distinctive" teachings of New Thought that are related to the history and origins of the prosperity gospel?
1. The teaching of New Thought as it relates to the prosperity gospel is Mind over matter. Many New Thought believers are taught to believe that to overcome any physical abnormalities is to believe in the principle of "science" backed by such positive affirmation of faith.  To make such positive affirmation of faith is to repeatedly recite that of the core affirmations of New Thought in order to experience such "divine" healing (1 Pet. 2:24).  New Thought believers must deny the reality of their own circumstances to persevere in believing in the "principle" of science taught by the crescendo of New Thought positive affirmation of faith. In so many words according to New Thought is that, "If and when you speak positive then your circumstances will change but to speak negatively is to expect undesirable circumstances in your own life." There are two opposite poles: is that Faith and fear. Faith represent the positive side of the pole; fear represent the negative side of the pole.  The teaching of New Thought as it relates to the prosperity gospel represent the positive side of the pole which is Faith. The negative side of the pole which is Fear by which many adherents of the prosperity gospel totally reject because it is not apart of the Faith theology world of Faith. 
2. The distinctive teaching taught by "New Thought" leaders are Gnostic in its origins and orientation as a movement (1 Tim. 6:20; Col. 2:8, 18-19). The "gnostic" origins of New Thought teaching that of its understanding of Man and the world at large.  Humanity is consist of "spirit" by which they are out of touch with the real world. Both asceticism and libertinism fit within the category of the system of New Thought ideology: that of its separateness from the ordinary world and vision of perfectionism.  Since humanity is consist of spirit by which it is impossible for mankind to to contaminated by the pollution that is in the world.  The moral vision of libertinism is its unwillingness to come to grips with that of its own immorality.  Man is a sinner by nature from which the system of New Thought refuse to accept the biblical Fall of Man according to Genesis 3:1-7.  The historical basis of The Fall of Man is that of Adam's disobedience by which it brought about the ruin of the human race. When Adam sinned that sinful humanity have fallen into such a spiritual deplorable state by which Man is not able to lift himself from the booth strap of his immoral condition (Jer. 17:9; Rom. 6:23).  In order that sinful Man can be restored unto the God is repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ (Jn. 3:16, 17, 36).  The idea that sinful humanity is consist of spirit goes contrary to the clear teaching of scripture (Rom. 5:12-24).  The "gnostic" orientation of New Thought theology is that of New thought believer mindset and spirit of attitude. The "mindset" of many New Thought believers who attend "New Thought" congregation that of their positive outlook on life as if they are shielded from any "mishaps" or circumstances in life. They fail to take into account that long as we live in this fallen world we are going to face trials and difficulties (Jas. 1:3-5).  The purpose of such trials and difficulties is to mature the believer's walk with the Lord so as to totally dependent upon God and not ourselves.  That is what is called, "progressive" sanctification; not "instantaneous" sanctification (Rom. 8).  As to the believer being saved by God's divine grace through faith in Jesus Christ that positionally we are "sanctified" by God.  The process of "sanctification" is a life-long experience; not what is "instantaneous" as if our Christian lives are based upon a microwave Christianity.  The "mindset" of many New Thought believers carries over into the spirit of attitude as to be superior over ordinary people that are in the world simply because of spiritual transcendence. The theological consensus of New Thought ideology is that there prideful but conceited attitude derived from their "elevated" knowledge that transcend that of the "limited" knowledge of those who are spiritually immature (Col. 2:18, 19).  The historical origins of the prosperity gospel associated with New Thought ideology as to its "positive" mindset and the spirit of attitude as if they are above "ordinary" people in the church today (Rom. 16:17-18).
3. The influence of "New Thought" infiltration within the ranks of both evangelicalism and "liberal" mainline Protestant denominations (2 Tim. 2:17, 18). The apostle Paul gives the names of false teachers as to say, "There teaching will spread like gangrene. Among whom are Hymenaeus and Philetus, who have wandered away from the truth. They say that the resurrection has already taken place, and they destroyed the faith of some." The influence of "New Thought" has in fact greatly influenced that of the church today especially among evangelicals. The teaching of New Thought caricature of theology believe in that of monism, the Cosmic Christ, and the transcendence of knowledge that surpass that of Sense Rule knowledge (Col. 2:8, 18, 19).  When it comes to the doctrine of monism (i.e. "oneness") that Mind indwells in all of creation, plant life, and the universe. In so many words, "God is All; All is God" by which New Thought ideology of the universal godhood of Man goes contrary to the clear teaching of scripture (1 Cor. 8:9).  In Christian theology God is revealed in both God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19). When it comes to the Triunty or the Godhead that God is One (1 Jn. 5:7). All three members within that of the Triunity of God are distinct within their own personalities but are in agreement with the work of creation and the salvation of humanity (Gen. 1:28; Jn. 6:37, 44; Tit. 3:5).  The Cosmic Christ of New Thought is also associated with that of the New Age movement by which Christ of scripture is a spiritual Avatar that dispense secret knowledge or "gnosis" to the spiritually enlightened. The spiritually immature are those who have the letter of the law; not the word and the spirit. Whenever neo-Gnosticism causes division in the Church as to the haves and haven't in the kind of knowledge they possess, the experience by which they possess such knowledge or "gnosis" are in fact paying attention to doctrines taught by demons (1 Tim. 4:1). Also New Thought leaders and believers are taught the transcendence of the knowledge of God as to be "unlimited" as oppose to the Sense Rule knowledge possess by both institutional churches and traditional denominations (Col. 2:8, 18, 19).  The Church possess such "true" spiritual knowledge as oppose to Gnostics within that of the professing church today who possess such "fleshly" wisdom and knowledge (Col. 1:9, 10; 2:18, 19). The infiltration of New Thought teaching has in fact strangled the life-blood of the Church today by which it has weakened that of its theological and moral wings (2 Tim. 2:17). New Thought also comes in the form of the prosperity gospel as to its positive affirmation of faith "backed" by the Bible so as to be "Conquerors" of sin, sickness, disease, death, and poverty (1 Pet. 2:24).
4. For the Church to avoid the influence of New Thought leaders within that of evangelicalism is to know the history, beliefs, and practice of the movement in and of itself (Acts 5:35, 37). The history of New Thought is that of syncretism: that of the "admixture" of Mind Cure, Harmonalism, and Theosophicalism (1 Tim. 6:20; Col. 2:18).  The Mind Cure movement of New Thought believe that for many of its practitioners to be healed of any spiritual and physical abnormalities is to believe "strongly" in the principle of science "backed" by the Bible (1 Pet. 2:24).  When it comes to the doctrine of Harmonalism are associated with that of monism is that, "God is All; All is God." The Universal Mind resides in that of creation, plant life, and the universe.  As the Universal Mind flows into humanity that many New Thought practitioners can heal themselves without the intervention of a Sovereign Creator. In so many words as "little" gods they are the Master of their own destiny and Captain of their own souls. Within the worldview concept of New Thought is that there is no "God" out there in the sky that can thwarts nor interfere with the direction and destiny of the New Thought believer.  Visualization, force of faith, and the power of words are characteristics of the New Age movement by which the prosperity gospel faith hinges upon its particular beliefs and practice (1 Tim. 4:1).  Also therefore the Theosophical movement by which it is apart of the "cult" of New Thought: that of Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity, Religious Science, and Swedonborgianism is that of its syncretistic belief in neo-Gnosticism, quasi-spirituality, and Oriental religions (1 Tim. 6:20).  The history of the prosperity gospel is also associated with that of both Harmonialism and Theosophicalism by which it is a drop in the ocean by which it have in fact "infected" the spiritual immune system of the foundation and superstructure of the Church's ethical moral teaching (2 Tim. 2:17-18). In order for the Church to survive within this "new" millennium is to return from cultural captivity to biblical faith that is grounded in scripture, that is Christ-centered, and that of its "regulative" principle of worship by which to glorify the God of the Bible.

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president & Chairman of "Darryl Miller International Ministries" in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is the bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation? @ www.Amazon.com. He is the Podcast Host of "ASK DARRYL" which airs 24/7 @ www.spreaker.com/user/bishopoflyons.com. As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."




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