The Prosperity Gospel: The Influence of "New Thought" Inside the Church Today!

Never in the history of the church has there been such an frontal attack by many fringe groups that seek to infiltrate evangelical Christianity.  For example when it comes to the Word of Faith movement is that it appears to be "Christian" but many of its beliefs and practice are diametrically oppose to that of the clear teaching of scripture (2 Tim. 6:3-5).  Many proponents of the Word-Faith movement utilize at will the language of the Bible (e.g. "Faith") according to Romans 10:17 where it says, "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." It is through the preach gospel the men come to know Christ in order to be saved (Rom. 1:16).  The gospel have the ability to change the most vilest of sinners into saints those who come to embrace Christ and the gospel. It is the life-changing message of Christ that believing sinners receive that of the grace of God through personal faith in Jesus Christ (Jn. 3:36).  Our salvation is based upon God sovereign election of grace those whom our Sovereign Lord have chosen to be saved (Eph. 1:3-11).  It is not a matter of "foreseen" faith in a person that choose Christ, but based upon such predestination and election. Salvation is God's free gift of salvation in the Person of Jesus Christ. It is not based upon such human works or accomplishment by which men are saved (Eph. 2:8-9).  As the elect of God we are saved in order to do good works; not the other way around (Eph. 2:10).  It is by God's mercy that the elect are saved but that the saved are by the regenerating power and work of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5).  
  The whole of the system of the Word-Faith movement that the fabric of faith in relations to knowing Christ in order to be saved is a matter of works; not grace. It is by grace alone, through faith alone, through Christ alone that we are saved.  Many proponents of the Word-Faith movement have perverted the biblical concept of faith as to "activate one's faith," "the believer's walk of faith," and "acting in faith" but such diatribe teaching does not square off with the clear teaching of scripture. Even as worst the whole idea of the concept of faith have also been interpreted that, "Faith is a force; words are the container of the force by which the Faith Christian can speak things into existence based upon Hebrews 11:3.  There is nothing warranted in scripture that gives indication according to Romans 10:17 and Hebrews 11:3 is that the biblical concept of faith is the Faith Christian "acting in faith" nor that "faith is a force."  The Word-Faith movement and that of its proponents have in fact radically "redefined" the meaning of faith that is not according to the standard definition of the Bible (2 Cor. 11:3).
  The history of the prosperity gospel have come of age by which it originated in the early 1800's through such "metaphysical" teachers like Trine, Quimby, Eddy, and others who believe in the principle of science backed by faith in "divine" healing without the intervention of a Sovereign Creator. "New Thought" teaching have in fact reached over into the annals of the many evangelical churches and "liberal" Protestant denominations that promote the science of the Mind to proliferate that of its "cultic" teaching.  When it comes to that of the history of the prosperity gospel many Faith leaders replace the science of the Mind in place of faith as to make such positive confession of faith so as to believe in such "formulas" of faith to experience "total" life prosperity.  The philosophical basis of the prosperity gospel is both hedonistic and utilitarian in origins (Col. 2:4, 8).  Such a worldview concept is other worldly; not a Christian biblical worldview.  In so many words the history of the prosperity gospel is a pleasure seeking religion coupled with that of psychological determinism.  In so many words the false teaching of the prosperity fuels that of man's carnal nature as to be preoccupied with Self but that the self-determinism of its victims "psychologically" induce themselves to say, "Money Cometh to Me Now. I will never ever be broke again." For people to make such vain repetition is to find themselves with empty bill fold and pocket books are still broke while many Faith peddlers goes out the back door with a garbage can full of people monies (2 Pet. 2:3).  People are made to believe that if they sow a seed into the televangelists ministry that they are going to receive a hundred-fold blessings (Mk. 10:30). 
  The history of the prosperity gospel appears to be "Christian" but is an antithesis to the whole of true biblical Christianity and the historic Christian church (1 Jn. 2:18).  It does not fit within the category of true biblical orthodoxy but that it is heretical but "unorthodox" in its beliefs, practice, and presentation (Gal. 1:8-9).  The basic premise of the prosperity gospel is that for people to experience "total" life prosperity is that they must envision themselves as being prosperous along with making such positive confession of faith. To speak positively is to expect positive outcome; to speak negatively is to allow unexpected circumstances that will be detrimental in people's lives today. In so many words, "What you conceive is what you achieve." In reality despite of how people are made to believe in Mind over matter theory is that we live in a fallen sinful world by which things will happen despite the contrary to which followers of the prosperity-faith movement persist in their millionaire prosperity mindset. The prosperity gospel is a "metaphysical" wolf in sheep's clothing in regards to what it believe and that of its morality (Matt. 7:15).
  The distinctive beliefs of the prosperity gospel is that of visualization, force of faith, and word power by which many of its victims are to envision themselves as living a life of "total" prosperity.  The art of visualization is the art of visualizing a world of one's own imagination by living in a world  of fantasy. The fantasy of living in a mansion, driving a expensive automobile, that of "perfect" health and wealth without any need of work ethics. People with such wishful thinking expect to insert a coin into a slot machine but expecting a $1,000 back in return.  It is wishful thinking in congruent with what is non-reality.  The extent by which visualization take full orbit of its own is that of meditation, dreams, visions, and transcendental techniques.  Visualization is akin to New Age thinking and techniques.  As the visionary constantly apply such transcendental meditation by way of thought-stopping techniques then the idea of a person possibility of attracting what is in the "spirit" world begin to attract what people desires are.  In so many words it is what a person visualize by attraction of the realm of the spirit world to find themselves sitting in the front seat of their favorite expensive automobile or Roll Royce.  Whenever New Agers seek to visualize a world of their own through such transcendental meditation leave themselves open to such demonic possession (Eph. 6:12).  For the New Ager of the prosperity gospel dabble into the spirit world is to exhibit such spiritual injury by which they are destroyed both spiritually and morally. 
  The "force" of faith associated with the prosperity gospel is that, "Faith is a force; words are the container of the force" by which the Faith Christian can speak their world into existence (Heb. 11:3). The system of the prosperity gospel have in fact shredded the text of Hebrews 11:3 where the Hebrew writers says, "Through faith the world was framed by the word of God by which those things which are seen are not made out of that which do appear." Faith is not a force nor does God needed "faith" in order to create the universe. It was through God's divine nature and power that the theistic God of the Bible created the world out of nothing (Gen. 1:1). When God spoke the universe came into being but it was through that of His divine nature and power that the universe was created. In Genesis 1:3 it says, "Then God said, Let there be light; and there was light." God's divine nature and power spoke the universe into being; it was not based upon the necessity of God needed "faith" to create the universe. It was not through God's mind eye that He created a Redeemer through the force of His faith by the power of words as many Faith leaders will have the church to believe.
   Also the distinctive doctrines of the prosperity gospel is that of faith-filled words. In so many words in order for the Faith Christian to have their Best Life Now is that (1) It must be conceived in the "mind" of the Faith believer. (2) As a result of visualizing the "image" that is on the inside of the Faith believer is to speak words of faith in order for the spirit world to bring into reality that which is unseen (Heb. 11:1). The system of the prosperity gospel have in fact arbitrary but subjectively misinterpret Hebrews 11:1 as to say, "That the universe that is of such raw material is a direct result of God utilizing His force of His faith to create the universe." The universe that we live in as human beings is not a result of God utilizing His force of His faith in order to create the universe but that it was based upon the divine nature and power of God that creation came into being (Gen. 1:3,6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26, 29).  The prosperity gospel has in fact a "built-in" narcissistic theology that seeks to be in the position of power concerning God's divine attributes: that of omnipotence, ("all powerful') and omniscience ("all-Knowing") as to teach a "little" gods doctrine (Jn. 10:34, 35).  It is impossible for the Faith Christian to "create" the image on the inside of their them to envision being God-like.  When God spoke the universe came into being but for the Faith Christian to speak is of such wishful thinking because they do not possess God's divine attributes as to be on the same platform with God. God is eternal; Man is finite.  How is it possible to tell the Creator to do our bidding when in fact we are created by a Sovereign God who created the world and humanity? It is presumptuous and foolish for many Faith leaders to put themselves in the position as if they are "god" when in fact they are puny men whom God with the breathed of his mouth can wipe away mankind.  As "little" gods many proponents of the prosperity gospel will die like "mere" men; not "gods" spell with a small "g."
  The appeal of the prosperity gospel and many Faith leaders whom support that of the prosperity gospel have in fact "mix" that of New Thought with prosperity but in reality it is a "metaphysical" wolf in sheep's clothing (Matt. 7:15). A tree is known by the fruit it bears. Apple cannot bear oranges nor oranges apples. A tree is known by the fruit it bears. The resemblance of the prosperity gospel bears the marks of what is anti-Christian because of its "admixture" of New Thought, Mind-cure, Harmonialism, and Theosophicalism (1 Tim. 6:20).  The most "deadly" of the prosperity gospel comes in the form of the Word-faith movement which incorporates such Word-faith doctrine, Revelation Knowledge, covenant, faith, anointing, the "little" gods doctrine, and other enticing doctrines along with such Charismatic and Pentecostal leans (2 Tim. 2:17-18).
  The prosperity gospel must be seen for what it truly is: that of a "metaphysical" wolf in sheep's clothing that claim to be "Christian" but are oppose to the essential doctrines of the Christian faith and that of the historic Christian church (Acts 5:35, 57; 20:29-30; 1 Jn. 2:18). We must model that of the Berean in that they "searched the scripture daily to see if those things were so" (Acts 17:11).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president & Chairman of "Darryl Miller International Ministries" in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is the Podcast Host of, "ASK DARRYL" which airs 24/7 @ He is the bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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