The Psychology of Misreading Scripture: Misuse And Abuse of the Bible

Now that many of my readers have given a basic understanding of knowing "how" to read properly God's Word and that is to take into account the whole of scripture (2 Tim. 2:15).  The recent article that I wrote entitled, "How to Properly Read God's Word" is that the leadership of many churches today have in fact made an assumption based upon God's Word to say what it says without taking into account the whole of the biblical context of scripture.  In order to understand the whole of the context of scripture is to read previous and preceding verses or chapter so as to grasp that of its meaning. Scripture interprets scripture (1 Cor. 2:13, 14). The basics of Bible interpretation is being able to know "how" to interpret God's Word in light of the Bible itself.  The student of the Bible must allow God's Word to speak for itself; not to "infringe" upon the context of scripture. Whenever the leadership of the church "forge" that of scripture to say what they want it to say without allowing God's Word to speak for itself does in fact dishonor the God of the Bible.
   Even though the previous article that I recently wrote, "How to Properly Read God's Word" will be a series of articles that will proceed from it and that is, "The Psychology of Misreading Scripture." Why it is necessary to go into the depths of "how" people in the church today read by "misreading" the Bible. First, whenever people misread that of the scripture it in turn adversely affect them as to how they see God, self, and the world around them.  This is something that have to be taken into serious consideration because of the horizontal and vertical relationships that people have with each other.  In order to have a "horizontal" relationship with God is to know the Person of Jesus Christ so as to receive the gift of salvation (Jn. 3:36).  If in fact when people read by "misreading" the scripture as it relates to one's own salvation as a means of works; not personal faith in Jesus Christ is to miss the opportunity of spending eternity with God.  Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ; not based upon any human works nor human achievement. We do not work in order to get saved but based upon receiving the Person of Jesus Christ as to be saved we do that of good works (Eph. 2:10). So it is very important that people know "how" to read properly God's Word because of where we spend eternity depends on it.
   Throughout this article entitled, "The Psychology of Misreading Scripture" is very much evident within that of the church today.  Just the mere casual reading of the scripture is just only the tip of the iceberg by which there is known as the "psychology" of misreading the context of scripture (2 Cor. 11:3).  What are the components of the "psychology" of the misreading of scripture perpetuated by those who profess to be "Christian" teachers?  How does it impact the spiritual lives of others who are under their influence?  What are the legal ramification of those who persist in the "misreading" of scripture?  What are the proper ways by which the Church can read "properly" God's Word? These are crucial questions that must be answer by the leadership of many of our churches today.  There are people today whose lives are hanging in the balance by which it is important for them to know "how" to properly read that of God's Word.  The stakes are high by which the Church's has been spiritually damage by those who claim to be God's spokesperson by which they have ruin the moral lives of God's people (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).
  First, what does it mean by the "psychology" of misreading that of God's Word? The "psychology" of misreading that of the scripture is to read "beyond" the mere text of scripture to seek some esoteric meaning or "spiritual" insight into what God's Word says (2 Pet. 1:20).  The spiritual insight into what perceive to be truth based upon what is subjective but not what is objective as to the true biblical meaning of the context of scripture is that which many "Christian" mystics in hopes of coming up with their novelty of teaching (2 Tim. 4:3-4).  When it comes to the mystics understanding of the Bible is that scripture must be read through mystic's red roses of glasses. The "psychology" of the "Christian" mystics misreading of scripture is "allegorical" in nature:  that of "reading into" the text of scripture to seek what is revelatory.  It is revelatory in the sense that it is within a person's [human] spirit devoid of any rationality or reasonableness of faith.  In so many words truth comes from "within" or inner witness of the spirit absence of any sensory knowledge.  In everyday language the "Christian" mystic will say, "God by-pass your mind in order to get into your spirit." Revelation is within a person's spirit; not what is Sense Rule Knowledge.  Based upon the "Christian" mystics "misreading" of the Bible is to once again read "beyond" the mere words of scripture to seek some spiritual "insight" or revelation that is "within" a person's [human] spirit. The "avenue" by which many Gnostics attain salvation is by the amount of information or spiritual "revelation" that they receive "directly" from God (Col. 2:18, 19).  Salvation is through the Person of Jesus Christ; not the "fleshly" knowledge and wisdom of "Christian" mystics in the church today (Col. 2:4, 8, 18, 19).
   Secondly, the components of the psychology of misreading scripture is to play such a stage trick on what God's Word says in order to incite particular responses in how people respond to the interpreter of the message of the Bible (2 Cor. 4:1-4). Just recently I was in a conversation with a associate who begin to talk about how God spoke to him by testing his obedience to give to someone he knew was in need of help for $300.00.  This associate of mine continue to say that it have to be God "speaking" to me for give out of my need to help someone else who is in need of help. He resort to such biblical narrative as to Abraham giving his son Isaac as a sacrifice. But he goes on to say that when God told him to do so that immediately God stop Abraham from doing so. He goes on to say that God was testing Abraham is test that of his obedience. I begin to say by telling him that God would not have for His people to neglect there responsibility to their families by giving their paycheck of 1,600 knowingly that they had to provide for their own families.  As I listen to him give such biblical narrative is that had I not been able to recognize the way by which he wanted me to respond by what he said I would have been lost in the sauce.  There are false spiritual leaders in the professing church today depend upon how people to respond to what they say in order to get such a response.  It is of immediate response of those who are the respond to the responders of such spontaneity.
  These are a few examples of the psychology of misreading the scripture by those who expect such immediate response by those who are to respond to such spontaneity (2 Cor. 4:3-4).
  There are people in the church today whose "faith" hinges upon what others say especially those who are professed Christian leaders.  In so many words what people are taught to believe by their own leadership have so much of a greater influence in their lives. The problem that churches are faced with today is there unwillingness to accurately teach that of God's Word but whose underlining motives is to make spiritual "clones" of people today (Rom. 12:2).  Whenever there is a misuse and abuse of scripture whose sole purpose is to "mold" people's minds into the "world" of the cult leader itself. The powerful influence of cultic leadership in the church today is that of such wield influence that potentially cause people to do the bidding of their own abusive and authoritarian leadership (Rom. 16:17-18).  Just the "mere" casual reading of the scripture is only the tip of the iceberg but along with it comes the interpretative process by which it becomes even more evident.  The process of interpretation orchestrated by such authoritarian leadership in the church today is that of such isolated biblical interpretation of scripture that has no bearing on what it says in God's Word.  Not only there is such "psychological" misreading of the text of scripture but there is a worldview concept that "contextualize" that of the interpreter's ideological framework. In so many words everything has to been seen through the ideological worldview of such authoritarian leadership.  Such a "faith" that people in the church depends upon is what is seen through the eyes of faith dictated by many cult leaders ideological "molding."  Many cult leaders "psychological" misreading of the scripture is the foundation and breeding ground of such psychological indoctrination (Rom. 16:17-18). There is what is called, "psychological" change in both thought pattern as well as the behavioral change. Their are spiritual "zombies" that emulate that of the character of its own "cultic" leadership.
  The legal ramification of those who persist in "misreading" that of the scripture carries such enormous consequences.  What goes into "misreading" that of the scriptures or that of God's Word is to create a world of its own imagination by which it is a make believe world. It is something that has no basis of reality but to turn reality into such fantasy (2 Tim. 4:3-4). Myths, genealogies, and traditionalism holds the interpreters into such a spiritual "web" by which it is difficult to break that of its chain.  The mystics "misreading" of the scripture is seen through the eyes of such mystical experience devoid of such objective truth and reality.  It is difficult to convince the mystic that what he or she experience does not validate what is truth and reality.  Based upon their mystical interpretation of the scripture through such experiential theology are greatly convinced of what they experience. It is very much apart of their DNA by which it is difficult for the mystics to distinguish the difference between fact from fiction; reality from illusion. Such "Christian" mystics are spiritually blind when it comes to the truth of God's Word (2 Cor. 4:3-4). They appear to have the life of Christ but are sinners clothed in saint's clothing (Matt. 7:15).  They receive that of light but reject divine life in Christ (Heb. 6:10-12ff).  Also the legal ramification of the "Christian" mystics psychological "misreading" of the scripture precipitate is based not only on experience by the experience itself but that of "mere" knowledge something that resides in a person's human spirit. In so many words it is the Spirit that gives spiritual "revelation" outside the boundaries of God's Word.  It is the "inward" witness of the spirit by which "Christian" mystics attain knowledge; not the true knowledge of Christ according to Colossians 1:9-10. Salvation is in the Person of Jesus Christ; not the "fleshly" knowledge of theological mysticism (Jn. 3:36; Col. 2:18-19).
   There are a few things that the Church needs to know as to "how" to properly read God's Word. The proper way by which believers can read properly that of God's Word is to pay attention to every word of scripture (2 Pet. 1:19-21; 2 Tim. 3:15, 16).  There is no need for the student of the Bible to haphazardly read that of God's Word.  The student of the Bible must take into account everything that is written in God's Word. Sanctimoniousness, scripture quoting, and exuberant of such testimony does not give indication that a person is the student of the Bible. Misquoting of scripture, misinterpretation, and misapplication of what God's Word says is Satan's most powerful arsenal (Matt. 4:1-11).  The student of the Bible must take into account the historical-grammatical structure of the text of scripture so as to shed light upon its immediate context. The best interpretation of the Bible is the Bible itself (1 Cor. 2:13, 14).  As the student of the Bible begin to read the anthem of the scripture is to take into consideration every word, phrase, and sentence so as to understand the original intent of the author (2 Pet. 2:20-21).  To read by "misreading" that of God's Word is to dishonor the true Author of scripture (2 Tim. 3:16).  Also as students of the Bible we must model that of the Berean Christian and that is, "They searched the scripture daily to see if those things were so..." (Acts 17:11).  We must discern that of the truth of God's Word in spiritually deceptive times that we live in (1 Tim. 4:1).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is also the Podcast Host of, "ASK DARRYL" which airs 24/7 @ He is also the bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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