The Hidden Agenda Behind the Prosperity Gospel

Many of people who attend regularly Word of Faith service on Sundays are unaware of the agenda behind the prosperity-faith message.  Many of mega church leaders have in fact taken 3 John 2 to appear that it is "God's Will to Prosper" but the underlining motive and scheme of things is to give people a wrap sense of the Bible, God, self and others as to its "interpersonal" relationship.  Whenever there is a perverted understanding of God's Word adversely affects that of the ethical teaching and moral life of the Church today.  It very much seem innocuous that what many prosperity teachers when they teach about prosperity is based upon God's Word.  Looking closely as to "how" they interpret scripture and the "way" by which they come to their conclusion is based upon what is inconclusive.  They arbitrary but ignore that of the plain meaning of the context of scripture to fit within the cultural framework of the prosperity theology. Most prosperity teachers are poor readers and interpreters of God's Word by which they claim to be "anointed" as to give such spiritual "revelation" in their understanding of the Bible.  The Holy Spirit gives believers the understanding of God's Word (Jn. 14:26).  The Holy Spirit is not going to contradict Himself based upon the fact that the Spirit of God is Divine Truth.  That is the character of the Spirit by which the nature of the Holy Spirit is to give the church understanding of the written revelation of the Bible. The foundation of the prosperity theology understanding of the Bible is through such esoteric knowledge that goes beyond a person's Sense Rule Knowledge (1 Tim. 6:20).  In so many words it is within a person's spirit that they get such spiritual "revelation" in order to understand the Bible.  Instead of studying God's Word in comparing scripture with scripture such "errant" teachers seek such spiritual meditation as to such "inward" voice to give them Revelation Knowledge or understanding of God's Word.  The system of the prosperity theology and that of its proponents avoid any meaningful dialogue of discussion and debate as to their faith being challenged.  As believers we are admonish to give a "defense" to everyone who have us to give a reason of the hope that we have (1 Pet. 3:15).  Defending the faith of the gospel is not optional; it is mandatory.  The Great Commission by which Christ has commission the church is to "make disciples of all men." (Matt. 28:19-20).
    Throughout this article as I address the subject, "The Hidden Agenda of the Prosperity Gospel" is to clearly understand that their is a motive behind which the prosperity theology appeal to that of the church today (2 Cor. 11:3).  It seem quite innocuous that what it teach is biblical but beneath that of its theological roots is very much rotten at its core beliefs and values (2 Tim. 2:16, 17). The prosperity gospel is beautifully dress into such satire that even the "inexperience" of believers and the naive are unable to detect its theological aberrations and heresies (2 Pet. 2:1).  The ground level of the prosperity gospel is that it promotes that of New Thought in the form of faith backed by the Bible so as to appear it is "genuinely" biblical.  The idea of New Thought "metaphysics has been replaced by the "Faith" of the prosperity gospel. In so many words utilizing "Faith" as a spiritual "front" to hide that of New Thought (1 Tim. 6:20).  As Faith televangelist Kenneth Copeland says by paraphrasing, "It is not Christian Science that we teach but the Bible."  The basic premise of "New Thought" is, "Mind over matter."  Most New Thought practitioners believe that to think positive thoughts "New Thought" believers can overcome sin, sickness, disease, death, and poverty." They become the "new" Conquerors to conquer any physical abnormalities (1 Pet. 2:24). The infiltration of "New Thought" has in fact infiltrate that of the church today by which it has weaken by fracturing that of its theological and moral wings (2 Tim. 2:18).  The "disease" of New Thought has also created other viruses that causes many of our churches to even become more "sicker" by which it needs such spiritual cure to eradicate such harmful bacteria. Harmful disease and bacteria can do much damage to immune system by which it can terminate the life of a person. Also whenever there are harmful  spiritual disease and bacteria it automatically infect that of the Church's immune system. The beliefs, language, and that of its interpretation becomes both perverted by which it further enhances such biblical perversion. The fact of the matter is when there is such perversion about the what and how the church view that of God's Word there is both "twisted" logic and feelings by which it affects that of the physical well being of the church today. There are many believers who have fallen asleep by which many of them will experience such "premature" death (1 Cor. 3:11-15). For both professing believers and false spiritual leaders will experience that of God's divine judgment by which they will be eternally separated from God's divine presence and glory (John 15:1-6).
    The slippery slope of the prosperity gospel understanding of the Christian faith has in fact led from one doctrinal error into other errors of theology. It is evident that the proponents of the prosperity gospel explicitly deny that of the authority and inspiration of scripture (2 Tim. 3:15, 16) by which it affects other areas of doctrine and theology. Also there is what is called, a "progression" of wrong beliefs or doctrinal errors that eventually leads to a shipwrecked faith.  Whenever the believer faith becomes "spiritually" shipwrecked it damage that of a person rational understanding of scripture, that of the Christian faith by which it causes such spiritual confusion. As I witness to the perverse misunderstanding of God's Word perpetuated by Faith televangelists on Christian television and whose attempt to gloss over important theological issues only makes matters worse (2 Tim. 3:13).  Ill-advised theology, spiritual "retardation", and experience are the tailgate signs of spiritual deterioration. Unfortunately there is both leadership and followers of these Charismatic celebrities, gurus, and Life coach motivational speakers are spiritually blinded by Satan by which they are blind towards biblical truth (2 Cor. 4:1-4).
    The propensity of such doctrinal errors taught by that of the prosperity gospel is to give people a false sense of hope that they are master of their own destiny; the Captain of their own fate. Instead of inviting God as Sovereign as to God's divine will and purpose in their lives they in turn shun that of the theistic God of the Bible. In so many words the system of the prosperity gospel tells God what to do by which God dare not interrupt my party and those who are apart of the party. God is Servant; Man is King. The God of the Bible is some cosmic bellhop at the beck and call of the "Faith" believer.
   The State of Emergency of contemporary evangelicalism and the evangelical church is that of its all time low by which many of the fundamentals of the Christian faith has in fact been distorted and replaced by postmodernism, relativism, pop-psychology, pragmatism, and mysticism.  The whole of the prosperity gospel is that of syncretism: that of a "admixture" of faith and works in order that people can experience prosperity by apply the "formulas" of faith. The prosperity gospel is a works movement; not a grace movement (Gal. 1:8-9; 3:1, 2-4).
   What we are witnessing to within the Church today is that of the Great Apostasy by which many church leaders and churches whom embrace that of the "cultic" teachings of the prosperity gospel have abandon that of the true faith (1 Tim. 4:1).
   In order to avert such a crisis within the Church today is to return from cultural captivity to biblical faith in a theology that are grounded in scripture (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Rev. Darryl Miller is president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents.  He is the best-selling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?"  Darryl is the Podcast Host of, "ASK DARRYL" which airs 24/7 @ As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."



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