The Components of Misreading the Bible: Contextualizing the Text of Scripture

How is it possible for "Christian" theologians  to "misread" the Bible by contextualizing the text of scripture? Well just recently I heard on a local Radio station where this particular minister begins his commentary by utilizing the Bible (e.g. Egyptian exile) in the book of Exodus to conceptualize the experience of Black people into the context of scripture. The experience of the Western culture and civilization view the Bible from a Euro-centric perspective that it is impossible to see the experience of Black people as to be oppress by the White slave owner.  If the experience of the Bible does not fit within the contours of the African American experience especially that of European theology than it would be problematic concerning that of their beliefs and culture.  Everything have be seen through that of the experience of Black liberation theology in regards to the experience of Black people by which the Bible is made to be a "suspect" as to the White slave master biblical interpretation of slavery.  In so many words the Bible is the White Man religion by which it promote racism, classism, slavery, bigotry, violence, and oppression.  In reality the Bible must fall under the scrutiny of both Black liberation theology especially White European beliefs and culture by which it ought to be the other way around.  Both Black liberation theology and White European culture and theology are two peas in a pot by which they are anti-Christian.  That is the experience of those who will "contextualize" their own "unique" experience based upon the context of the Bible to promote their hybrid theology (2 Pet. 3:16, 17).
   Throughout this article entitled, "The Components of Misreading the Bible: Contextualizing the Text of Scripture" is very much evident within that of the church today.  Once again just a "mere" casual of the reading of the Bible is only the tip of the theological iceberg by which there is a philosophical basis behind the interpreter's "misreading" or the mishandling of reading the scriptures. The leadership of many churches today are "guilty" of misreading that of the Bible by which they justify their claim to be true students of the Bible.  What is very much troubling about many non-traditional churches and pastors is that they too "misread" the Bible by assuming that the Bible can be understood in terms of what is esoteric revelatory insight (2 Pet. 1:20).  In so many words that in order for people to understand the Bible it is based upon the "revelation" of their own leadership or that of its predecessors of religion.  Cult leaders take pride in the superiority of knowledge that "transcend" that are inaccessible to ordinary people especially many traditional churches and denominations (Col. 2:18, 19).  The "knowledge" that these pseudo-teachers possess is through such "inward" witness of the spirit by which they claim such salvation.  It is based upon such "secret" knowledge or "gnosis" that are inaccessible to the Church as a whole.  Salvation is in the Person of Jesus Christ; not the "fleshly" knowledge and wisdom of Gnostics in the professing church today.  Many of "Christian" mystics "misread" the Bible by contextualizing the experience based upon "how" they contextualize the text of scripture.  The Bible must be seen through the red roses of glasses through the grind of the mystic's experience and knowledge.  The hermeneutics of many "Christian" mystics as to "how" they interpret the Bible is to summon their followers to read "beyond" the mere words of scripture to seek some spiritual "revelation" or insight within a person's [human] spirit.  If in fact the Bible does not pass the litmus test of the mystic's revelatory "playbook" then the God's Word is insufficient.  There is what the "Christian" mystic call, "progressive" revelation by which the Bible is an open end Book for more spiritual "revelation" to enlighten many of the lost Books of the Bible (e.g. "Gospel According to Thomas"). 
   It is very important within this article to point out many of the "components" by which many within the church today "misread" the Bible (2 Pet. 3:16, 17).  There are two crucial areas by which many professing Christian teachers "misread" the Bible. And that is (1) The experience of the "Christian" mystics experience as to "how" they "misread" the Bible. (2) The "knowledge" of the "Christian" mystics experience as to their understanding of the text of scripture. (3) The hermeneutics principle of the "Christian" mystics interpretation of the Bible. And therefore (4) the necessity of the Church today in knowing "how to" read the scripture accurately to live godly lives pleasing to God. These are issues that the Church must address in order to deal with many of the crisis that the Church is faced with today.  These are real-life situation by which we cannot throw the baby ("theology") out of the bath water ("morality").
   The experience by which many "Christian" mystics "misread" the Bible is based upon such sheer experience. What goes into the "Christian" mystics psychological misreading of the scripture? First,  the "Christian" mystic "read into" the text of scripture as to their "allegorical" interpretation of the Bible. They are convinced that based upon the "revelation" that they receive into their "spirit" that they can unfold God's divine mysteries as if they have a handle on the truth of scripture. Psychologically, they are so fully convinced as to their understanding of the biblical text (e.g. Gen. 3:1-7)  so as to create their own "metaphysical" framework of interpretation by which it will be difficult to convince them otherwise. The romanticism of the mystic's spiritual interpretation has in fact preoccupied their spiritual world by which they are out of sink with reality.  The mystic's interpretation from which he or she attain knowledge stems from their experience is that of such weirdness by which they become deaf to the reality of what truth is. There is what is called, "double deadly duo": that of the "Christian" mystics steep in deception and hallucination.  It is also difficult for the "Christian" mystic to break the chains of his or her own experience as they continue to "misread" that of the Bible.  There is a long chains of aeons of beings that bridge the gap between the "Christian" mystic understanding of "truth" and experience so as to not be contaminated by the corruption that is in the world.  The "Christian" mystic are so dependent of the experience in and of itself and the knowledge "gnosis" that comes along with it by which they chase for the next spiritual "high" to replace what was the previous religious experience of such spiritual "revelation." (Jude 8-10).  "Christian" mystics in the professing church today are like spiritual "junkies" that desperately need such spiritual "fix" to keep their relationship with God intact so as to not feel detached from the "god" from within.
   The "knowledge" of the Christian mystics experience based upon their understanding of the biblical text of scripture is that of their postmodern view of the Bible.  Truth becomes relative to those who perceive their own "personal" truths or experiences. According to many "Christian" mystics there is no such thing as absolute truth. Truth is what you perceive within your spirit.  It is the spirit that gives such spiritual "revelation" by which the Mind cannot comprehend.  In so many words, "God by-pass the mind to get into a person's spirit."  The "knowledge" by which mysticism based upon their "misreading" of the text of scripture is that of such extraordinary knowledge or "gnosis" that is veiled from ordinary people in the "institutional" churches today.  Such "knowledge" according to many "Christian" mystics in the professing church today is transcendent from the realm of the spirit.  It is within the "Christian" mystics "inner" spirit that is of such "true" spiritual knowledge but in the reality the Church possess such "true" knowledge; not the "fleshly" wisdom and knowledge of theological mysticism (Col. 1:9-10; 2:18-19).
   Many of "Christian" mystics in the professing church today contend that they see what the Church does not see. It has to be given to the "select" few who have an unction from the God from above; not the "unspiritual" minds of ordinary Christians in the church today. The knowledge of theological mysticism precipitated from the experience of the mystics "allegorical" interpretation of the text of scripture that are "beyond" the mere words of the Bible to receive such spiritual "revelation." The Bible is objective as to the plain meaning of the context of scripture by which mystics arbitrary "read into" what is not really there. They have made up something of their own interpretation by which the Holy Spirit does not bear witness to (Jn. 14:26).  The Person of the Holy Spirit does not contradict Himself because the Holy Spirit is Divine Truth. Everything that the Holy Spirit bears witness to the truth of God's Word that Christian mysticism contradict what God's Word says. The aim and goal  of the church is to properly read that of the scripture as to the intent of the author's original meaning; not that of such novelty of teaching (2 Tim. 4:3-4).
   The hermeneutics principle of the "Christian" mystics interpretation of the Bible is that of its "allegorical" interpretation of the text of scripture.  First and foremost there are many professing Christian teachers who ignore that of the plain meaning of scripture so as to seek some spiritual "revelation" that is outside the boundaries of God's Word.  They have in fact violated the basic of Bible interpretation: that of comparing scripture with scripture that shed light upon its immediate context of scripture (1 Cor. 2:13, 14).  They arbitrary "read into" the context of the Bible without taken into account that of its wider context.  Once again that is the most basic of Bible interpretation. They say what the Bible does not say but to "forge" that of the text of scripture so as to "spiritualize" ranging from that of the creation of Man, the Creator, and The Fall of Man according to Genesis 3:1-7.  In each instances whenever "Christian" mystics interpret that of the OT as it relates to the patriarchal God of the Bible is to consider the Creator as a "lesser" god; not the eternal Father who created the universe.  Also when it comes to the life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus, and parables of the Bible it is interpret in such "allegorical" interpretation (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).  It is always reading "beyond" the mere context of scripture to get some esoteric insight or "revelation" within the mystics own spirit. The "avenue" by which many Gnostics attain salvation is that of such "spirited" knowledge that ordinary Christians do not possess (Col. 2:18, 19). In reality the Church possess such "true" spiritual knowledge as oppose to mystics in the professing church who possess such "fleshly" knowledge (Col. 2:18).  In order to curtail the intrusion of Gnosticism and that of its influence within the church today is to expose that of its hermeneutics principle of interpretation by which it goes against the "norm" of proper biblical exegesis and interpretation of the Bible (1 Cor. 2:13, 14).
   The necessity of the Church in knowing "how" to properly interpret God's Word so as to live a life pleasing to the Lord is to think biblically in order to live a life of godliness.  Whenever people in the church have such "faulty" interpretation of the Bible it carries over into a person's spiritual walk and relationship with Jesus Christ.  It not only impacts people's spiritual walk but there practical day to day life as they relate to others as well as themselves.  Sound biblical theology and a "proper" understanding of God's Word can protect people from the encroachment of sin as well as fall into entrapment of false doctrine (2 Pet. 3:18).  It is not to say that even those who preach sound doctrine will not fall into sin nor experience such drought within a person's spiritual walk with the Lord but by the convicting power and work of the Holy Spirit that they will confess daily their sins before the Lord (1 Jn. 1:9).  It is very important that the Church have a proper knowledge and understanding of God's Word so as to live a life pleasing unto the Lord.  Whenever their is such "improper" knowledge and understanding of scripture is to adversely affect one's own spiritual walk and personal relationship with God.  The consensus among many Charismatics and Pentecostal leadership today is its overemphasis of the "power" of the Holy Spirit devoid of having such  a "proper" knowledge and understanding of scripture. The weakness of the theology of many Charismatic and Pentecostal churches and leadership is its "literal" interpretation of the Bible, ill-advised Christian doctrine, confusing soteriology, and pneumatology which is evident of such biblical illiteracy. 
   The components of the "Christian" mystics misreading of the Bible is to "mold" that of the text of scripture to fit within the contours of the mystics "metaphysical" worldview by which it devoid of the objectivity of biblical truth.  The knowledge or "gnosis" of many mystics today proceeds that of the experience of the mystic's own experience. Experience takes precedence over what is the objective truth of God's Word (Jn. 18:37). Unless the church comes to grips with what is objective truth as oppose to subjectivism (i.e. "feelings of urges") it will continue to go down the slippery road of theological mysticism (Col. 2:18). People's faith hinges upon their proper knowledge and understanding of God's Word and without such proper knowledge and understanding the believer's growth in Christ will experience such haphazardness (2 Pet. 3:18).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is also the Podcast of, "ASK DARRYL" which airs 24/7 @ He is the bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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