How the Prosperity Gospel Deceive (Part 2)

There are people today who follow that of the prosperity-faith movement who feels there is nothing wrong about believing in prosperity nor being prosperous. They are told by the leadership of their church to do not listen to those who are criticizing churches who believe in prosperity and faith. As The Late Paul Crouch once says, "They are damned and on their way to hell and I do not believe there any redemption for them."  Crouch also says, "Let God sort all these doctrinal do do and get out of the way and stop bucking God's breaches." As Benny Hinns once says of his critics, "I wish I had a Holy Ghost machine gun I'll blow your head off." These are very harsh words coming from men who claimed to be Christians but are saying things that hurts that of the Body of Christ especially those who are critics of their ministries and organizations as the "enemy." I find it quite appalling but sad when I see people on social media viciously attack ministries that are whistle blowers and vanguards to the Church by exposing Faith televangelism false doctrines, tactics, and religious scams (2 Pet. 2:1-2, 3).
  Many people who are followers of the prosperity-faith movement and those who promote the prosperity gospel perhaps may be asking the question, "What All the Fuss About the Prosperity Gospel?" They will say I do not see anything wrong with my church or my pastor teach on prosperity. They will say, "It is God's Will for me to prosperity," "The Bible does teach prosperity," and that "God does not want me to be in lack, but that God wants me to experience the abundant life." What seem to amaze me the most and sadden is that these poor people make reference to Bible verses to support prosperity but have no clear understanding of what God's Word teaches (2 Pet. 3:16).  The apostle Peter call such people as "ignorant and unstable" by distorting the truth of scripture as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction." (v. 16).  Whenever Faith leadership teach perverted doctrine it will adversely affect many of God's people by them being deceived as they deceive others (2 Tim. 3:13).  Not only has the truth of God's Word been perverted by the leadership of those who promotes such "errant" prosperity teaching but also those who follow such ministries and organizations. The most tragedy of all tragedies is to defend that of their own charismatic leadership popularity without defending the truth of God's Word. In so many words they will consider their own charismatic leadership to speak "directly" from God as if they have some corner on the truth at the exclusion of the truth of God's Word (2 Pet. 1:20).  The "cultic" leadership of many Faith leaders will say and do anything to silence the mouths of their critics just in order to maintain control of the people so as to "blindly" follow them (2 Pet. 2:2).  If when they are expose by those who are  "critics" of their ministries by which they stand to lose million of millions of dollars they will do desperate things by going to desperate measure to protect their financial empire.  
   Throughout this article I will begin to address the "cultic" teachings of the prosperity gospel in light of God's Word by which it is outside the boundaries of the Church's teaching and fellowship (1 Jn. 2:18; 4:1-2).  The prosperity-faith movement does not fit within the category of a bona-fide Christian church simply because the root of its "cultic" teachings are based upon such New Thought metaphysics. Many of the cults of "New Thought" is that of Religious Science, Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity, Theosophicalism, and Swedenborgianism (1 Tim. 6:20).  The basic premise of "New Thought" is Mind over matter.  In so many words many of these cults believe in the principle of Faith "backed" by the Bible to believe in "spiritual" healing (1 Pet. 2:24).  
  What are the "cultic" teachings of the prosperity gospel or the prosperity-faith movement? Before I begin to answer this particular question it is very important to remember is that (1) the way by which the prosperity gospel deceive millions of people is to detract many of them from the main issue in how it utilize the abundance of scriptures to support the idea of prosperity with a biblical "twist" in perverting that of the truth of God's Word (Matt. 4:1-11; 2 Pet. 3:16). (2) The proponents of the prosperity gospel will deny that of its association with Christian Science thus in reality they promote the idea of "Faith" backed by the Bible to support the prosperity gospel (Gal. 1:8-9).
  In answering this most important question, "What are the "cultic" teachings of the prosperity gospel?" Or "What are the most controversial teachings of the prosperity gospel?"  Even though the term "cult," and "cultic" may seem to be derogatory but there are "cults" within that of the prosperity-faith movement that promote such "cultic" doctrines (Rom. 16:17-18). The controversial teachings of the prosperity gospel is (1) Revelation Knowledge (the Bible). (2) Faith. (3) Covenant. (4) Atonement.
   First, when it comes to the particular controversial teaching of the prosperity gospel is that of Revelation Knowledge (1 Tim. 6:20).  What does it mean by Revelation Knowledge? There are two crucial areas when it comes to the doctrine of Revelation Knowledge and that is (1) The way by which "knowledge" is attain. And (2) The "experience" of such knowledge that becomes the source of the mystic's authority.  The way by which is the system of the prosperity gospel and that of its proponents of this movement attain such spiritual "revelation" is through receiving such knowledge or information "directly" from God so as to by-pass that of the Bible.  In so many words many prosperity teachers claim to receive such Revelation Knowledge in their own "human" spirit by which the intellect are discarded. The question is, "If in fact God gives people "direct" revelation or information as a means within one's own spirit than what becomes the source of many prosperity teacher "authority?" If in fact it is based upon what is within one's own spirit than what is the basis by which they judge to be standard of their truth claim? If what these men or women who claim that what they receive "directly" from God is based upon the truth of God's Word than scripture is incomplete. Scripture is complete without any additional revelation or revelation of the spirit. Those who would add or to take away from God's Word will incur that of God's divine judgment (Rev. 22:18-19).
   The "faith" of the prosperity gospel is that, "Faith is a force; words are the container of the force by which the Faith Christian can speak things into existence." In our study of Hebrews 11:3 where it says, "By faith we understand that the universe was [formed] at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what is visible."  Many prosperity teachers will contend that God had to have faith in order to create the universe through His force of His faith based through "word" power.  If in fact God had to have faith than who is God trusting? Also if in fact God had to have faith in order to create the universe than God cease to be God by which God is Man.  The truth of the fact is that through God's eternal power and nature created the universe out of nothing by saying, "Let there be light and there was light." (Gen. 1:3; 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 29). It was through that of the eternal power and nature of God that spoke the universe into being. It was not based upon "mere" words but that of His eternal power and divine nature as God (Rom. 1:20). For the system of the prosperity gospel to reduce God to the level of Man is to dishonor the theistic God of the Bible by which in reality the Creator created the universe out of nothing based upon His eternal power and divine nature (v. 20).
  Faith simply means trusting in God; not faith as a force nor words as the container of the force by which believers can speak their world into existence.
  Also the covenant that God made with Abraham according to Genesis 12:1-3 was that the descendant of Abraham was faith in the Person of Jesus Christ; not what is material and financial.  The system of the prosperity gospel and those who promote that of the prosperity theology has in fact distort that of the Abrahamic covenant as to refer to material possession as part of the "Faith" Christian salvation experience (Gal. 3:14).  Even though the truth of the Abrahamic covenant who are "spiritual" descendants are of faith in the Person of Jesus Christ for their salvation that the prosperity gospel has also in fact stretch the truth as to refer to material financial blessings. There is no where in the particular passage of Genesis 12:1-3 that refers to material prosperity by which it is foreign to the clear teaching of scripture based upon Galatians 3:14 where it says, "He (Christ) redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit." The covenant made to Abraham that many of the spiritual descendants were to come through faith in Jesus Christ so as to be saved. Nothing more; nor nothing less.  Many prosperity teachers will read certain portion of the biblical passage of scripture like Genesis 12:1-3 to make it say what they want it to say at the exclusion of other passages of scripture that will shed light upon the passage of scripture under study. The system of the prosperity gospel not only read "into" the text of scripture but they ignore that of the plain meaning of the biblical context of the Bible in regards to its historic-grammatical analysis (2 Pet. 3:16).
  Lastly, when it comes to the prosperity gospel understanding of the atonement is that it is understood in terms of Jesus dying on the cross so that the "Faith" Christian can experience prosperity. There is no where in scripture that teaches that Christ death on the cross provides prosperity to those who claim it by faith.  Prosperity and faith are not bedfellows. If anything they are on two opposite side of the pole by which there is no relationship with each other.  In so many words it is not, "Faith in prosperity," "Faith in healing," and "Faith in the anointing." The system of the prosperity gospel and that of its victims have in fact fallen into the trap of a faulty but "confusing" theology by which is it a "fraudulent" gospel through which it has no basis of truth and reality. A "faulty" theology produces a perverted understanding of God, self, and the world around them. It adversely affect the lives of God's people both spiritually, morally, psychologically, and physically in being about to come to grips with reality (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).  People who attend many "Faith" service regularly on Sundays faith have in fact become "spiritually" shipwrecked. The tragedy of it all that many who are deceive by the prosperity gospel are unaware of what is being taught, and how they have been greatly influenced by those who appear on the social media and Christian television in embracing a "new" gospel (Gal. 1:8-9; 3:1, 2-4).
    In order that people can see the prosperity gospel for what it truly is; is to examine that of its historical roots, particular doctrines, and that of its practice in light of God's Word (Acts 17:11 with 1 John 4:1).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries of Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and the continents. Darryl is the best-selling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside of metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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