How Faith Leaders Interpret the Bible

It is unfortunate that many Faith leaders are poor readers and interpreters of the Bible. For example they will take portions of a Bible verse or passage at the exclusion of the text as a whole so as to ignore both previous and preceding biblical context of scripture (2 Pet. 3:16). A good prime example in "how" that many Faith leaders interpret 3 John 2 where it says, "Beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in good health even as you prospers." Many Faith leaders will take this particular Bible passage to mean something else than what God's Word warranted. First, the student of the Bible must seek to understand the history of the text of scripture under study. The rich history of the Bible is very much important in understanding the books of the Bible, the text of scripture, paragraphs and sentence within each verse of the Bible. Also when it comes to important words or "key" words at it relates to the passage/s of scripture that is under study is to look to the Bible as to shed light upon the words of scripture.  As we look at 2 Peter 1:20 where it says, "Knowing this first...that no prophecy of scripture is given by the prophet's own interpretation of things." The comparison verse of 2 Peter 1:20 is that of 2 Peter 3:3 where it says, "Knowing this first...that there will be scoffers in the last days." The point is that the apostle Peter is reminding believers to be aware of individuals in the church who will give their own version of the truth of God's Word by which they make a mockery of what God's Word says. These are things that are going to take place in this day and time by which false teachers will distort the truth of scripture as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction (2 Pet. 3:16, 17). Therefore it is also important that the student of the Bible pay close attention to what God's Word says as read and study the scripture (Acts 17:11). Most Charismatic and Pentecostal groups and organizations especially those groups like that of The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International are "guilty" of over reading the text of scripture. Many times people will miss what is most important in regards to the context of scripture under study.
  Many Faith leaders have in fact violated the basics of biblical hermeneutics ("science of interpretation") in how they interpret the Bible (2 Pet. 3:16). The Church cannot afford to "substitute" the study of God's Word for such "inward" voice of the spirit to help them in their understanding of God's Word. The Holy Spirit give believers the understanding  of what God's Word says; not what is within a person's [human] spirit (Jud. 8-10). Early Gnostics taught that in order to get such an understanding  of what God's Word says is to gain such spiritual "insight" or "gnosis" that makes them superior to ordinary people (See, Col. 2:18, 19). The "avenue" by which Gnostics attain salvation is to recognize who they are in Christ and their position in Christ that they are the "Christs," the "anointed" ones to receive such "special" kind of knowledge. Salvation is there personal faith in Jesus Christ; not the "fleshly" wisdom and knowledge of mysticism (Col. 2:8, 18).
   Throughout this article I will begin to address the subject, "How Faith Leaders Interpret the Bible?" The Church must understand that many prosperity teachers are "mere" teachers of God's Word but are not "true" biblical scholars. They in fact make a mockery of those who are students of the Bible that further there academic training in biblical theology. Many of these would be law teachers will contend that the truth of God's Word are not understood by the "senses" or Self-Rule knowledge but it is within a person's spirit by which the spiritually enlighten receive such spiritual "revelation." Many Faith leaders to do believe in the written Word but the reveal spoken Word within a person's spirit by which it by-pass such Sense Rule Knowledge (2 Tim. 2:17-18).
   Within this particular article I will address that of the interpretative process of "how" many Faith leaders interpret the Bible based upon (1) the cultural context by which God's Word is to be interpreted. (2) The cultural framework by which the Bible must be interpret in light of Faith theology. And (3) the fallacy of many Faith leaders conclusion in "how" they understand the Bible. And therefore (4) The remedy by which students of the Bible aim and goal is to have such sound knowledge and understanding of God's Word.
    The cultural context by which the Bible are to be interpret is in light of the Bible itself. The Bible is not some "mere" textbook or "Success Book" by which the interpreter of the Bible can pick and choose what they want it to say without violating the "standard" of biblical hermeneutics (2 Tim. 2:15). There is so much rich history in the Bible that a true historian of the Bible will be faithful to the text of scripture will see it in light of scripture itself. There is also a historical "gap" between the "then" and "now" by which many Faith leaders are "guilty" of making generalized statements, interpretation, and application. Interpretation first then comes application. But to put application before interpretation adversely affect that of the message of the Bible by which it leads into all kinds of novelties and doctrinal errors. The problematic issue is that many Faith leaders are not concern about knowing and understanding the culture of the history of the Bible but "infringe" upon God's Word through such mystical interpretation. Even though most of the times many Faith leaders are "guilty" of reading "into" text of scripture by seeking some spiritual "revelation" to turn the Bible on its own head. They are very much argumentative of the text of scripture, challenge the authority of scripture, and through fabrication says what God did not say (2 Cor. 11:3). This is very much the process of interpretation in "how" many Faith leaders interprets that of the culture and history of the Bible (2 Tim. 2:17-18).
   The cultural framework by which the Bible must be interpret in congruent with Faith theology is that the Bible must fall under its scrutiny. In so many words the Bible must be interpret in light of many Faith leaders interpretation of the Bible; not the other way around (Rom. 16:17-18). When it comes to the issue of the Abrahamic covenant and prosperity, the Atonement and prosperity, revelation and prosperity,  giving and prosperity, and Faith and prosperity is that the Bible has to be "molded" into the confines of the Faith movement's doctrinal consensus (See, Rom. 12:2). It is quite difficult for people to see the prosperity gospel for what it truly is because of its deep-seated insulated indoctrination process by which its victims undergo such radical transformation (2 Tim. 2:24-26). The cultural consensus of the Faith movement's theology is a world all by itself by which many of its followers are ensnared and insulated. There is a built-in ideological belief that runs contrary to what is true reality (e.g. "1 Peter 2:24"). It is also being able to understand that God, self, and the world must be seen through the prism of how many Faith leaders view that of God's Word (2 Cor. 4:3-4).
   The fallacy of many Faith leaders interpretation of the stories of the Bible is that of such isolated passage of the Bible at the exclusion of the whole (2 Pet. 3:16). Many Faith leaders whenever they attempt to cite a Bible verse or passage of scripture is that it is always based upon such biblical "principle" or "formula's" of faith  (Mk. 11:23-24). The legality of such "principle" of faith  are associated with such spiritual laws by which the "Faith" believer can utilize his or her "force" of faith through the power of words to create their own world (See, Heb. 11:3; Rom. 4:17). It is through a person's vivid imagination so as to see himself or herself experiencing the abundance of material blessings and prosperity. The laws of the spirit has to work based upon what a person "decrees" and "command" through the power of words by one's "force" of faith. The whole idea of "decreeing" and "commanding" is a form of shamanism, witchcraft, and voodooism. The Faith Christian is King; God is Servant as to their beck and call as if God is some kind of  "cosmic" bellhop. Based upon many of the stories of the Bible, and biblical narratives has been systematically perverted into bad mythology (2 Tim. 4:3-4).  The biblical character of the Bible (e.g. "Jesus") have been made to fit into the cultural context of many Faith leaders worldview (Rom. 1:18-32).
  The interpretative process and grind of many Faith leaders interpretation of the Bible is based completely upon what is subjectivity and postmodernism. The motif of many Faith leaders interpretation of scripture when it comes to biblical "stewardship"or giving is that many of the passages of the Bible are referred to as making it into a venture of monies. In order to discern "how" many prosperity teachers interpret that of God's Word is to have such spiritual sensitivity to know that something is terribly wrong in regards in "how" they can read "into" what God's Word says without letting the Bible speak for itself.
   The goal of properly interpreting God's Word is to have such "sound" knowledge and understanding of the Bible. In order to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ is to be taught properly concerning God's Word. The Church cannot possibly live a life pleasing to the Lord is when they are improperly taught God's Word of truth.  We live in a time when people will not put up with sound doctrine and biblical theology (2 Tim. 4:3-4). Many professing Christians would prefer to accumulate (false) teachers to tell them what their itching ears want to hear by paying attention to myths. The "myth" taught by many Faith leaders today is that of the "force" of faith through the power of words to create your, "Best Life Now." There is such a built-in narcissism inherited by many cult leaders and their followers who are very much preoccupied with being like someone else who are in the position of power,  and celebrity status by in reality is based upon such "wishful" thinking. People today do not like what they see in the mirror especially based upon God's view of sinful man (Rom. 1:18-32). Positive thinking, self-esteem theology, "rehabilitative" counseling, and motivational preaching is at the helm of many of our evangelical pulpits today by which it has damage the credibility of the Church's witness. It has also ruin that of the moral teaching and life of the Church today (2 Tim. 2:17, 18).
   In conclusion the culture and history of the Bible is that of the Bible itself (1 Cor. 2:13, 14). Never should the Church "sacrifice" that of the culture and history of the Bible through such mystical means in regards to the OT and NT narratives. Also it is very important that any particular doctrine, interpretation, or "personal" revelation must fall under the scrutiny of God's Word; not the Bible under the "scrutiny" of pseudo-teachers who claim that their interpretation of the Bible are supernaturally revealed by such spiritual "revelation" or "inward" voice of the spirit (2 Pet. 1:19-21). Therefore it is very much important to know that in order to break the "code" of the Faith movement's language and doctrinal prism is to recognize that it is based upon a closed logic of beliefs by which many of its followers are insulated (Rom. 16:17-18).
   Lastly, the aim and goal of the student of the Bible is to possess such sound biblical interpretation of scripture coupled with such sound biblical theology. Sound biblical theology protects the student of the Bible from such false doctrine  and heresies by which it produce such godly living (2 Pet. 3:18).
   We live in a church culture that demonstrates such carelessness, spiritual "indifference," and spiritual "laziness" when it come to the study of God's Word by which many ill-advised believers are prime targets of cult recruitment and proselytizing (Matt. 23).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. He is the best-selling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" Darryl is the Podcast Host of, "ASK DARRYL" which airs 24/7 @ As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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