What Does It Mean To Prosper? (Part 1)

Words have meaning! In order to define biblical words is based upon the standard definition of the Bible (1 Cor. 2:13).  That is the basis of biblical interpretation by which many within the church today failed to come to grips with.  Instead of getting a clear understanding of the words of the Bible is that such biblical terminology have been given a "new" set of biblical meanings by which the average believer are slaves to such distortion (2 Pet. 3:16).  There are many "Christian" leaders who call themselves students of the Bible are spiritually "retards" when it comes to understanding the meaning of the words of scripture.  We cannot utilize "worldly" ways to define biblical words according to the Bible.  It is not spirit taught but the spirit that is of this world.  As I observe the social media many who called themselves God's spokespersons have in fact grossly "redefine" biblical words (e.g. "Faith") as some tangible electrical force by which the Faith Christian can utilize with the power of words to create their own world.  Just because "Faith" cultist talk about "faith" does not mean that we are in agreement with what they say in how they define such biblical words but they have such radically different meaning. In order to strip the "Faith" cultist of its most powerful arsenal is to insist that they define biblical terms according to the standard defintion of the Bible (2 Cor. 11:3). Once again words have meanings. In order to define biblical words is that it must be based upon the standard defintion of the Bible. That is the basis of such biblical standards (2 Tim. 2:15)
   Throughout this article entitled, "What Does It Mean to Prosper?" is to look at 3 John 2 where it says, "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."  Their are key words within this particular passage that requires our attention in order to clearly understand what those words means.  It is very important to start with the Bible as its basis of biblical interpretation in order to define such biblical words. In order to understand the context of 3 John 2 is to look and preceding passages of scripture so as to shed light upon its immediate context (2 Cor. 2:13). In so many words the best interpretation of the Bible is the Bible itself. As students of the Bible we must allow God's Word to speak for itself; not to read into nor put words in God's own mouth.
  There are three points within this article that I believe will in fact shed light upon this particular subject, "What Does It Mean to Prosper?" and that is (1) John's letter his recipient (Gaius). (2) John's prayer for Gaius physical well being. (3) The soul prosperity of Gaius. Once again it is very important that we as God's people get a proper knowledge and understanding of this particular passage of scripture due to the way and "how" it has been distorted by many Faith televangelists throughout many "evangelical" churches and the Christian media.
   First, the apostle John was writing a letter to Gaius. It was a letter of salutation or greeting (3 John 2). Just imagine you writing a letter to a dear friend wanting to know how they are doing, what you want them to know, and that things are going well with them. There is nothing wrong with you asking a person how they are doing simply because you are concern about them. It is good to know when someone that you are closed to us are in your best interest. Whenever I come home to my wife each and everyday I ask her by saying, "Babe how was your day to day at work? Did you have a pleasant day today? This in and of itself demonstrates how much I love my wife simply because I am very much concern about her. Just imagine me writing her a letter to express my concern for her as to how did her day turn out. Whenever you write someone a letter who is the recipient of the letter is to understand fully what you are saying to them in the letter. To ignore or to overtly overlook the reading of the letter can miss something that is very much important in the letter. We must go with our minds; not our spirits in order to comprehend what is stated in the letter.
   Also as you begin to write someone a letter the goal of the writer is to communicate to that person what you want them to know. It is something very important that the sender of the letter to the recipient begin to understand clearly what is expected of them whether it sending them some pictures of family members or friends. It is something that the writer wants the recipient of the letter to know. They must understand the intent and spirit of the letter.
   The apostle John's letter to Gaius was that of his prayer concerning Gaius physical well being. John's prayer for Gaius physical well being was not what is financial nor monetary but what was physical. John's prayer for Gaius was that of his health. John's perhaps wanted to know concerning Gaius was that he was in good health. My wife always lets me know how important it is to eat healthy foods, exercise, and get good rest. It is important to note that when people who are not in good health it is due to imbalance diet, not eating properly, and just to take in whatever they think is good for them. My wife prayers for me that I be in good health. It does not refer to what is financial nor monetary by which many professing Christian teachers make it as being. Due to that of the Fall of Man there is no such think as "perfect" divine health (Rom. 5:12-24).  Those who are proponents of the "perfect" divine health theory either to not understand what happened concerning the Fall of Man or just deny it altogether. When Adam sinned we all will experience both spiritual and physical death. As we grow older our eyesight grows dim, aching in our bodies, and eventually go back to the dust of the ground from which God created us.
   In the earlier part of 3 John 2 the apostle John's letter to Gaius by paraphrasing, "Beloved I pray that things are getting alone well with you even as your soul is getting alone well." (3 John 6) That is the proper rendering of the text of 3 John 2. So it has been stated before it does not refer to what is financial nor monetary but that John's letter to Gaius was his concern for his physical well being. There are many prosperity teachers in the church today who have arbitrarily misinterpret 3 John 2 as to refer to what is financial by which it is foreign to the Bible. Now that there hands been caught in the theological cookie jar they place what they teach about material prosperity on disclaimer or in the back of the file cabinet. Many Faith televangelist will say, "It does not refer to money but that God wants to bless you in all areas of your life: your finances, your health, business, family, marriage. Thus 3 John 2 does not in fact support that of the interpretation of these "errant" teachers who have perverted that of its true biblical meaning (2 Pet. 3:16).
   In 3 John 2b the apostle John says to Gaius referring to his soul being prospereth. There is two things that many prosperity teachers ignore the biblical context of scripture in 3 John 2 and that is soul prosperity by which they have grossly misinterpret. That of "soul prosperity" refers to that of 2 Peter 3:18 where it says, "But grow in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." In order that God's people can grow spiritually is to have a proper understanding of what grace is and the knowledge of God (Eph. 2:8-9; Col. 1:9-10). There are many believers whose spiritual grow in the Lord has been hindered because of their misunderstanding of God's Word. The outcome of such spiritual "malnutrition" is that grace have been interpreted as a means of works; not grace and that the knowledge of God in terms of what is mystical; not the content of biblical truth. The whole idea of the prosperity gospel is a works movement; not a grace movement. And the prosperity gospel understanding of the knowledge of God is personal, esoteric revelation that is outside the boundaries of scripture.

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and the continents. Darryl is the bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" He is also the Podcast Host of, "Ask Darryl" @ www.spreaker.com/user/bishopoflyons that airs 24/7. As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand throughout the United States and around the world.  Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little Baby."


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