What Is A True "Christian" Gnostic?

No one will ever suspect a Gnostic to be within the ranks of the church today? Unfortunately but true that there are "Christian" mystics within many evangelical churches and that of its own leadership today. A "Christian" mystic is a professing believer who claim to possess such superior "knowledge" that the ordinary Christians does not possess. The "knowledge" by which "Christian" mystics possess is what is "secret" knowledge or "gnosis" that is outside the boundaries of God's Word. Such spiritual "knowledge" or Revelation Knowledge is a "direct" fax from heaven by which many Gnostics claim to have received from God (Deut. 29:29).  Many "Christian" mystics has in fact accuse that of the "institutional" church or traditional religion of possessing the letter of the law; not the spirit and the Word. The typical statement of "Christian" mystics by saying, "The letter kills but the spirit gives life" by which many false spiritual leaders are ignorant when it comes to the text of scripture so as to rightly divide God's Word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15).  Gnostics understanding of the text of scripture is "reading" beyond "mere" words of the Bible to seek some "deeper" knowledge or revelation of the context of scripture without taking into account that of its historical context.  The "fingerprints" of Gnostics DNA when it comes to understanding the context of scripture is to turn God Who is the Author of scripture on its own head through such allegorical interpretation of the Genesis account, the narratives and poetry of the Bible, the sayings of Jesus, that of the canonization of scripture and biblical doctrine and theology. It is so important that the Church understanding of, "What Is A True Gnostic?"
  Within this article I will begin to address "The Character of A True "Christian" Gnostic Within the Church Today? One of the striking of characterization of A True "Christian" Gnostic is to appear that they are in the best interest of the church today but whose underlining motive is to destroy the faith and life of the Church today. They appear to be a "genuine" Christian but they are wolves in sheep's clothing (Matt. 7:15ff).  They also appear to have possess that of the light of the Gospel but reject Giver of divine life in Christ (Jn. 3:36; 15:1-2ff; Heb. 6:10ff).  Such "Gnostic" believers never had known the Lord in the first place. They perhaps believe that because of the "knowledge" they possess is indication of true humility but it is a false humility based upon what is revelatory (Col. 2:18, 19).
   There are three crucial points what I want to make during the presentation of my writing this article and that is the character of, "A True "Christian" Gnostic" is that of (1) The "Christian" Gnostic relationship with God (Tit. 3:5).  And (2) The extent of the "Christian" Gnostic "relationship" with God (Col. 2:18, 19).  Also therefore (3) How to avoid the influence of Gnostics within that of the church today (1 Jn. 4:1 with Acts 17:11).  It is very important to know what is at stake and how to avoid such a crisis within Christianity (Acts 5:35, 37).
   First, the "Christian" Gnostic relationship with God is that of recognizing who they are and their position with Christ.  In so many words in order for a "Christan" mystic and those who are under their influence is to realized "The God in You," "Christ in You," "You Are the Christ's" by which they claim to be saved by which is it quite the oppose of having a personal relationship with the Person of Jesus Christ (Jn. 3:36).  True biblical salvation is not that of Church's recognition that they are the "Christ" but that of a relationship with the Savior Christ Jesus (Jn. 3:16, 17; Rom. 10:9-10).  Most "Christian" Gnostics or mystics will say, "You got to have a relationship with God, you got to have a relationship with God" but based upon their meaning is to be in God's presence so as to experience Oneness with God as to its experiential worship. Worship not in the sense of biblical worship (Jn. 4:24) but an attitude of worshipping the monism of God as to be One with the Creator. Everything that God is you are says "Christian" mystics in the professing church today.
   The "position" with Christ by which many evangelical churches, pastors, and authors perpetuates within the Church today is that of the believer's position in heavenly place.  Such a crescendo doctrine promoted by Christian Gnosticism is that of the believer's affirmation of faith. It is a "spiritual" interplay with such biblical narratives of the Bible so as to make such daily application. Interpretation precedes with that of application; not the other way around.  Most "Christian" Gnostics in the professing church today  "spiritualize" that of their "position" with Christ without understanding that of its true biblical meaning. In the "Christian" Gnostic world is to stake one's claim based upon God's Word to free oneself from the "restraints" or "imprisonment" by which the "spirit" of humanity is incarcerated: that of sin, sickness, disease, and death.  Throughout many "Gnostic" systems especially that of evangelicalism fail to understand but to come to grips that because of The Fall of Man (Gen. 3:1-7 with Rom. 5:12) that humanity as a whole is under such divine curse because of Adam's sin and disobedience. Man is a sinner by nature by which people are prone to sin (Rom. 6:23).  We live in a fallen world by which the most of "sincere" believers are plagued by the very things that are in the world today. It is inevitable to escape that of trials and mishaps in life (Jas. 1:2-3). 
  The extent of the "Christian" Gnostic relationship with God is that of its own knowledge and experience.  In so many words in order that parishioners of many "Christian" Gnostic churches to have a "relationship" with God is their supposedly elevated knowledge ("gnosis") of God's Word by which ordinary people as well as the Church as a whole have been left out on some vital "secret" or divine mysteries that are Only for the "true" spirituals of "gnosis" (Col. 2:18, 19).  Such "knowledge" or "gnosis" is in the form of what is Revelation Knowledge by which it transcend that of such Sense Ruled Knowledge by which "traditional" churches possess.  According to many "Christian" Gnostics many traditional churches and institutional religions have the "letter" of the law; not the spirit and the Word. In order for the non-spirituals to get such a "revelation" in one's own spirit is to allow the spirit to teach them Spirit taught words that are beyond that of the text of scripture. In so many words the "Christian" Gnostic always expect something from the text to jump out at them so as to get some spiritual "revelation" by which the extent of their "relationship" with God is based upon. Relationship with God is the "Christian" Gnostic understanding of salvation through "knowledge" or "gnosis"; not having a personal relationship with the Person of Jesus Christ (Jn. 3:36).  The Church possess such "true" spiritual knowledge; "Christian" Gnostics possess such "fleshly" knowledge (Col. 1:9-10 contrast Col. 2:18, 19).
   The "knowledge" ("gnosis") of "Christian" Gnostics is based upon what is experiential. Experiential theology is the "Christian" Gnostics source of authority.  Most "Christian" mystics theological framework and philosophical views are experience-oriented values.  Experience based oriented experience is the foundation by which it is the basis of many Gnostics supposedly so-called revelatory knowledge (Col. 2:18).  It is very difficult to convince the "Christian" mystic that what they experience is far fetched and unbiblical simply because of the fact that they are "steep" in their own mystical experience. Spiritually most "Christian" mystics becomes "addicted" to the spiritual "revelation" in and of itself but "psychologically" they continue to reminiscent the experience by which they have had an experience with God. The double deadly duo of "Christian" Gnosticism is that of deception and hallucination.
   The way by which the Church today can avoid by recognizing "Christian" Gnostics and that of its influence is that of its peculiar teachings and practice. The particular beliefs of "Christian" Gnostics in the professing church today is their elevation of Spirit over flesh. When it comes to the area of knowledge is mysticism claim that what they possess is of a higher plane than the ordinary knowledge of such Self-Rule Knowledge. The knowledge of "Christian" mystics is what is secretive something that has been veil from the traditional Church by which institutional religions possess Only Head knowledge; not what within the Gnostics human spirit (Col. 2:18). The fact of the matter that the Church possess such "true" spiritual knowledge (Col. 1:9, 10) but "Christian" Gnostics possess such "fleshly" knowledge (Col. 2:18, 19).
   Also the most distinctive practice of Gnosticism is their entertaining of such "angelic" beings or divine personage (i.e. "angel worshipping") (Col. 2:18, 19).  Most "Christian" Gnostics claim to have had a conversation with God so as to be in God's presence. In order that the "Christian" mystic can be in God's presence is that of their "spirit"  being deploy from their body to have such a conversation within the Invisible God so as to claim such an experience. The experience of many "Christian" mystics is their source of authority and not the written revelation of God's Word (2 Tim. 3:15, 16). Such an experience has no basis of "divine" authority nor does it add up with the truth of God's Word (Rev. 22:18-19).  Experiential theology holds sway within the crescendo of the "Christian" Gnostics worldview (Col. 2:8).  As  the "Christian" Gnostics continue to be involved in such mystical experience as to their interaction and involvement they become so steep in deception and hallucination. It is very difficult to convinced the "Christian" mystics that their experience of mysticism (i.e. "God spoke to me") are untenable by which they are unable to break its mystical chains. The "Christian" mystics attempt to try to break the chains of its own mystical experience find themselves drowning in a "spiritual" quicksand. It is going to take the Spirit's power to release the "Christian" mystics from the indoctrination and incarceration of such mystical experience (2 Tim. 2:24-26).
   There are many "Christian" Gnostics in many of our churches and appear on Christian television today who claim to believe in the "truthfulness" of God's Word but also claim that God gives supernatural "revelation" directly to the church today. The most sinister of false spiritual leaders is to say one thing and say something else when it comes to believing in what God's Word says but on the other hand claim such "direct" spiritual "revelation" from God as if they are specially anointed to give such a "unique" message to the church today. The message of the Bible is not something that is revealed in the corner to those who claim such spiritual "revelation" as if the "Christian" mystic is God's mouthpiece from heaven (2 Pet. 1:20). The message of God's Word is made accessible to the Church by which the church possess such "true" spiritual knowledge as opposed to many "Christian" mystics in the professing church who possess such "fleshly" knowledge (Col. 1:9, 10 contrast Col. 2:18, 19).

Rev. Darryl L. Miller is the president & Chairman of Darryl Miller International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia and travels extensively throughout the United States and continents. Darryl is also the Podcast Host, "Ask Darryl" @ www.spreaker.com/user/bishopoflyons. Darryl is the bestselling author of his book, "The Prosperity Gospel: Where Did It Come From? Gnostic Source? Or Spiritual Revelation?" available @ Amazon.com. As a apologist, conference speaker, and lecturer he is in great demand both in the United States and around the world. Darryl lives with his wife Vivian outside metro Atlanta with their puppy "Little" Baby.


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